Sunday, February 22, 2009

Places That We Have Come To Leave The Most

"Last weekend I found myself on the rooftop of a van watching a traditional khushti/pehlwan Indian/Pakistani/Afghani/Persian wrestling match, atop a circle of 500 or so South Asian workers. I then had dinner in a little back alley, eating Afghani kebabs so large and so delicious they looked like they roasted a goat alive. This weekend I'm thinking of going to Bombay to celebrate the birthday of one of my best friends, recently returned from months in Rwanda, Mozambique and Uganda documenting HIV and other important things like that. In Singapore I'm quite likely to rave about my weekend in some deserted island in Satun, Thailand, that took two days to reach by train, or about how I found some amazing secret restaurant in the red light district."

Most Singaporean girls would run away screaming, yelping "But I'm a girl" at the vaguest suggestion that they do 10% of any of these things.

Okay, probably more the Chinese, but still.
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