Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"My loathings are simple: stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." - Vladimir Nabokov


TMM: it appears to me
that that the most fucked up of SAF
all end up hiden away from the HQs

I was reading threads on EDMW
and it appears
that most of the non compliance

like all MCs need to endorse
weird rules
and stuff

never happen in HQs
but in isolated god forsaken places

Me: that's cos HQs are slack

TMM: hmm

its not about slackness or strictness, but non compliance generally
I think its due to lack or perceived lack of awareness

Me: you know SAF has this loophole right
individual units have discretion

ie they can screw you more than they're allowed to

TMM: lol

strictly speaking, they don't have the discretion if its at odds with directives
its just few people want to challenge them

although I've seen individual units having to 'suck thumb' as ruled in the Military Court of Appeals

its lack of awareness

Me: nah it's called screwing your guys because you think you can

TMM: ahahahaha

because they don't know better

Me: anyway it depends how at odds with directives it is

like no granting of compassionate leave... that probably cannot do
5.5 day week... for "Training purposes" can lah

TMM: urm

5.5 for training purposes
is only for certain places

if they need to call you back
they can

5.5 is only for OCS, SISpec and BMT

but I guess if they want to call you back every Saturday
its within their right

I'm more concerned about calling sick servicemen to return to camp to endorse MC

if the superior insists
he has to arrange transport if the guy is too sick
but most people rather not challenge

Me: oh
so this is one of the rules that's "discovered" in the wake of another death?

but his mc was for hamstring strain
so you can't blame that for killing him

TMM: no no
this is the rule which people aren't aware of

everytime they bitch about having to return to camp on a rainy day with 40deg fever
to endorse MC

Me: well from reading GOM [Ed: General Orders of MINDEATH], I notice there's always a section giving individual units discretion

TMM: I don't blame the SAF for this

the discretion part qualified in the directive
not to exercise this power capricously
and remind the superior that he may be subject to inquiry...

Me: yeah
who defines "capricious"
pls lah

it's just like abu ghraib
torture wasn't ordered by dick cheney

but the whole culture he bred led to it

similarly in the SAF, there's a slave mentality
and an anti-"chao keng" culture

TMM: but the transport part is kind of free of wriggle room

there is

but one has to be informed to protect himself

and most tragically
the people who need to be informed the most

Me: and how are ordinary people going to know?
only clerks will know lor

TMM: aren't

its a tragedy

Me: if ordinary slaves ask to read GOM they'll be looked upon with suspicion
and screwed by the system for trying to play punk

TMM: sadly

knowledge in the SAF is a strange, strange thing
even the people on the hotlines don't know much

Me: when I told my counsellor I was banned from the canteen she was shocked
she didn't know about cookhouses

TMM: by the way
the single most important thing they never tell you
is that if you fall sick on leave
you can get MC
and get your leave back

such morsels of information
are rarely publicized

in fact
when you tell the chief clerk you want to claim back leave
they look at you with a strange stare


but they have to do it

the people who would benefit the most from knowing what is right and what is wrong to do are the least likely to

they just sign charges at the drop of a hat
afraid of even more punishment

HWMNBN: the older i get, the more i realise women are just life support systems for vaginas

i had lunch with *** and *** at this singaporean restaurant

couple of chio singaporean chicks with atas accents were sitting next to us - i think they're the rich father/rich boyfriend travel around types


listening to the poseur women next to us spaek about their trips to milan, purchasing art, and who's who investment banking bfs worrying about lay offs and misssing on bonus inspied that little bit of misogyny

Me: it's a quid pro quo


well men are life support systems for credit cards

Someone: i was instructed to give away vagasil samples away
to only the ladies

lesbian couples which fitted into the butch and femme thingy came in and i keep debating to myself whether i should hand any to the butch?

Me: boo
so sexist

Someone: well.

Me: why not
if they're female

Someone: ha
i tried. some were very turned off

Me: give femmes lor

then other butches might complain right

Someone: YES
and then sometimes you wonder to yourself if they are male or female

Me: you're damned if you do
damned if you don't

either way they can call you a bigot :P

Someone: yeah huh

MFTTW: tch! what positive traits do men have?

Me: credit card

MFTTW: .....

Me: ability to put up with women's bullshit

MFTTW: i also got credit card.

Me: men earn more
and spend less

MFTTW: that's them assimilating the dominant paradigm

the only good thing is that they are stronger so they can open your jars and water bottles for you

anyway men don't spend less. they only spend less to save money to spend on girls. all the other gf-less guys i know spend money on big ticket items that they don't really need.

they just buy fewer things, but the total cost is the same

Me: hurr hurr
attached men spend less, then

the only folly of Man is woman

MFTTW: haha yeah having the Y chromosome shortchanges them in terms of genes

Me: yah
very sad

MFTTW: so maybe the natural burden of childbearing falls to women cos men are too stupid to know what to do with it hurhurhuhrur
thus ensuring propagation of the species

Me: haha

MFTTW: anyway this kind of argument is facile
guys are too horny to live without women

so you can go holiday w/o women
but your life will ultimately be meaningless

Me: this is why we have the TENGA CUP

MFTTW: hahahah is that like a fleshlight

Me: better, supposedly

MFTTW: at least when i google tenga cup i don't get a shitload of pron

bloody hell i almost exploded my computer googling "fleshlight" last time

Me: are you sure you weren't looking at genki genki?

"The dog is actually my family pet. I felt terrible watching it vomit from the heat of the studio lights. I vowed never to shoot another film using a dog."

MFTTW: ...........

no genki genki lah.......
damn japs.....
***'s boss, who had a jap ex-gf, told her ***, "japanese women are sexually deviant"

Someone: nvm gabriel

just make sure that when u date a girl
see her at least ONCE sans makeup

dont fall in love with Clinique

HWMNBN: "The government has realised that GDP growth for Singapore doesn't necessarily mean GDP growth for Singaporeans."

If you apply the Singaporean nation state to be a profit-maximising entity
It stands to reason that it should invest in projects that will give a greater rate of return on investment. Like Indians and PRCs who are likely to pay higher taxes if they take on more value-add jobs in Singaopre
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