Sunday, September 14, 2008

Japan trip
Day 8 - 13th June - Nara
(Part 3)

On my way to Todaiji temple, I came across a corporate pavilion:

There was a funky machine simulating earthquakes: "The machine reproduces the shakes of The great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and The Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake based on data analysis. You can experience those types of quakes and the effectieness of our Seismic Isolation system."

Unfortunately I was too heavy to qualify to test it. I love how: "Persons listed below are kindly requested NOT to try experience... Person considered not suitable"

The man said I could lose weight and the next time I came to Japan, I would be able to try it. Hurr hurr.

Fortunately, I was allowed to use the tea dispenser. Notice how Oolong is offered alongside Green Tea.

"Deer biscuits. Y150. Not for people!!"

Culinary wares. I love how the Deer Biscuits are sold together with them.

Small stream

Kids and deer

Monk. I gave him Y100 because I felt sorry for him: no meat, no garlic, no onions etc. He jiggled his Shakujo, struck me on the shoulders and jingled it around my belly while chanting. I guess that meant my reincarnation status got upgraded from cockroach to woman (notice this is more powerful than turning a prayer wheel)

Todai-ji World Heritage stone

Nandaimon Gate. Rebuilt 1199. As you can see, it's huge.

Roof of gate

You Shall Not Pass

Fashionable pose

Statue behind netting

Other side of gate

Avenue leading in

Plaque and stone pillar


Todaiji Welfare Fund blurb


Path to Nigatsu-dō (Hall of the Second Month)

I don't know what these girls found so interesting about the empty pond

Ticketed entrance to Todaiji

Deer jostling for scraps


Down on antlers of young deer. It wouldn't stay still and kept knocking my camera.
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