I was asking where the moderate feminists were, and where they hung out, since the bulk of what I find comes from radical feminists. It is a fallacy to assume that those who speak loudest are most representative (a problem you find in religion as well), but then those who do not speak are presumably non-existent.
Someone suggested that they wouldn't label themselves that way. Maybe because they're moderate they don't see a point kicking up a fuss and screaming about "oppression", or see it as such an integral part of their identity. Thus, paradoxically, they might be those who think/behave in a feminist way but do not associate with the term.
I was also asked to define a moderate feminist. An easy definition would be that they aren't blinded by ideology and (disguised) misandry, but that's hard to operationalise.
I'm tempted to suggest that moderate feminists aren't so blinded by alleged victim blinding that they are willing to at least consider the role of victims in rape, but I've a feeling this is not the case.
So maybe we can look at other things, like their accepting that women can be paid less than men because they don't work as hard, or that men and women are fundamentally different and that this results in the statistical inequalities we see in the world, or aiming for equal opportunity rather than equal results.
Or perhaps even someone who doesn't consider advertising a form of "oppression", just as normal people do not consider the Laws of Gravity to be a form of "oppression".
Non-Sequitur strip:
"I find Geography to be VERY offensive... While learning the stupid State capitals, I noticed there's a BOISE, IDAHO, but there's not a GIRLSIE anywhere in the country!!"