Tuesday, August 05, 2008

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." - H. L. Mencken


Javascript Calculator on Marriage Odds (for fun) / Marriage Statistics Calculator

"Results from Gerald the Pooh's Singlehood Calculator

Based on a Chinese who is 25 years old, and who has a University degree.
You are one of 130900 Males (chasing 136800 Females) in the age group 25-29yrs.
Chance you are single: 77.89%

If single: (77.89%)
Chances you will be married in 1 year: 6.98%
Chances you will be married in 5 years: 40.49%

Mean age of first marriage for a Chinese Male with a University degree : 29.5yrs
(IE. Less than half of your contemporaries are married)

If you just got married:
For a Chinese :
3.69% chance you had an interracial marriage
Chances she is a Malay: 0.492 %
Chances she is an Indian: 0.218 %
Chances she is an Eurasian/'Others': 2.985 %

For someone with a University degree:
37.20% chance your spouse has a University degree too.

In the age group 25-29 years :
54.89% chance your spouse will be 25-29 years old.
Odds your spouse is younger than 25 years:38.82%
(37.72% that she will be 20-24 years old.)
Odds your spouse is older than 29 years:6.04%

Duration of courtship:
Average: 3.2 years
36% chance that it lasted >4 years"

(The site also has some statistics on "Singapore's Population, Marriage, and Fertility")
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