Wednesday, August 06, 2008

"In real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose depends upon the name it bears. Things are not only what they are. They are, in very important respects, what they seem to be." - Hubert H. Humphrey


HWMNBN on the Dawn Yang fracas: if a fraction of the effort people spent on shit of this ilk was diverted towards renewable energy

or an orderly workout of the subprime mess
or space travel
or a cure for cancer

we'd be living in paradise


like i said.. .the sad thing about human nature is that we cold be expending allt his energy into fixing anti-aging , cryonics, world hunger, etc etc... but we spend it all on spam generatio nand circumvention

oh well. i guess a world that didn't allocate any energy on porn and entertainment wouldn't be much fo a world worth being productive for

*** on porn: "if the bitches would give it up more we wouldn't need it"

HWMNBN: i was suggesting to *** that we all go to iraq together
he said, "i don't want to get blown up by an IUD."

me. "..."
:"you mean IED right"

"getting blown up by an IUD would be pretty fucked up"

me to ***: "so what's your position on birth control"

"that means i have to buy the condom! .. why do they always have a right to my wallet!"
"why doesn't anyone talk about the right to pussy! i don't hear any UN bureaucrats saying that the right to pussy is a human right"

me: "what about the right to cock"

"i wouldn't mind being a human rights worker then!" *autistic pause* "bu t it depends on who's exercising the right. i mean.. what it's .. it's"
*incoherent pause/stammer/autistic glare*
"like.. like..."

me: "like [an ugly girl]".

***: "like [a fat girl]!"
"who the fuck would wnat to tap that right!"

me: "she's exercising her right to white cock what"

HWMNBN: i'm trying to decide which is mor edisgusting, your prolapsed uterus or the scrotal infusion pics

and i'm dreading the day will come when your get the search term: "prolapsed uterus scrotal infusion porno sex scene"

Someone on a picture of a prolapsed uterus: EWWWW
you are disgusting

and it's pornographic

Me: if you get turned on by a prolapsed uterus you need help

Someone: not that anyone should be turned on by that

MFTTW: i think a lot of sg girls dun know how to come lah

they think their job is not to come
it is to pleasure the guy

so, moo

*** went to hack my fb
and she come all my friends who are overseas married white guys
i said.....isn't it guys cannot make it

Someone else on avoiding horrible July weather in Japan: go library lor
may meet some cute gals there haha

i wonder whether they have adult mags in public libraries

Someone: I'm not sure I even qualify as a minion as opposed to say...a lackey at this stage

Me: what's the difference between a minion and a lackey :P

Someone: Lackey has less power and autonomy?

Me: minion
1. An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant.
2. A subordinate official.
3. One who is highly esteemed or favored; a darling.

1. A liveried male servant; a footman.
2. A servile follower; a toady.

Someone: Ah rght....the difference lies between definition 3 in minion and 2 in lackey

Me: ><

Someone else: damn JLPT asks so many qns this time on the registration form? They give u a list of reasons why you(the examinee) is taking japanese

they should have an find a japanese lover ....=P

Me: haha
what else is there

"I want to understand Jap porn"

Someone else: everybody understands jap porn
u dun need to noe e language well to understand it lol

Me: hurr hurr
someone in a forum said he wanted to learn the jap the guy says to get the girls to take off their clothes

Someone else: one word will do

its nuge
in english its prnounced as noo-gay

Me: orh
I'm sure people will be glad to know that

Someone else: yup it means strip
in a very coarse manly manner

Me: hahahahah
good luck to whoever tries it out

Me: do you think men and women get paid differently for the same amount of work?

Someone: i cannot say

my view is that, in sg at least
that is generally and overwhelmingly not the case

there is no ceiling whatsoever that i have ever observed
any pay differential is really based on accomplishment and results

and as for the un-meritorious pay differences, it is not predicated on gender
but on nepotism and such, which are fairly gender blind
i.e. men can kena from nepotist practices just as much as women

Me: that's because you're a misogynist HAHA

how do you observe this ah

Someone: ya, ya, that i am, that i am

and hanging out with working ppl

nobody really complains at all abt gender glass ceiling, you know, in workign world

Me: that's cos they have internalised the dominant paradigm hurr hurr

Someone: yep
smth like that

those feminists ought to do some internalising themselves
then they won't feel so empty all the time

they need.... filling up

"oh yeah, that's it, baby, internalise my DOMINANT paradigm yeahhhhhh"


Someone: nowadays
white ang mohs are such an inferior breed
they are acculturated to be weak liao

Me: white men are evil

Someone: yeah and self-condemning

they used to be the masters of the world lor!

not that it was good for us asians, but now i'd rather asians have some worthy opponent to fight
rather than the weak specimens we see today

Me: fight feminists lor

Someone: it's like, the men of Numenor
the high men

their bloodlines degenerated
until today's white men are like, the men of gondor
diluted bloodline

where are the men of the west?!?!
gone, gone forever, faded with the passing of the wind
Ai! *something incoherent but beautiful because it's Sindarin*

ok scrap the passing of the wind phrase
that's too silly

damn, didn't catch myself saying that

Me: Last Vestige Of Manhood Gently Exhaled During Yoga Class | The Onion

Someone: anyways feminism is seriously irrelevant
at least to sg
so that's good

it's only in US that they're wreaking a lot of harm

but down here, as long as PAP maintains its iron grip, one of the subsidiary effects of this iron grip is that feminism will be neutered into stuff like AWARE
and will never, ever take the spotlight

Someone else: girls are crazy i told you already

remember i sent you the flowerpod post about a girl being jealous that her boyfriend sucked on the same stick of cigarette
and then a lot of women came in to analyze the situation for her

Someone on Kim Jong Il: who is that
i google

is the north korean leader

fuck man i tot is some korean actor

Me: ...
quality of USP really going down ah

Someone: haha yar
i actually know v little about politics
im v v ignorant!
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