Saturday, July 19, 2008

"War is not nice." - Barbara Bush


"Run for the Fallen is a collective of runners whose mission is clear and simple: To run one mile for every American service member killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

As Soldiers' Angels mission is to support all of our Heroes and with your help, we are asking for your help to spread our wings around this event. With the thousands of dedicated Angels nationwide, we have the ability to stand wingtip to wingtip, coast to coast, literally, and join these runners in honor of our fallen. You can run with them, you can take water or snacks or simply cheer them along the route. We want the love and support of Soldiers' Angels to be felt nationwide.

Every mile in this memorial run, Run for the Fallen, will be dedicated to a fallen soldier and marked with an American flag and personalized sign card. These dedication markers will create a memorial trail across the United States, which will allow the memorial to connect with towns and citizens and propagate the memories and lives of those who fought in Iraq. We run in honor of the soldier.

The run is a symbolic memorial. While each flag will represent a soldier who has fallen, the run will stand as one large stitch spanning the width of the nation, coast to coast. The run is an active healing process, and the miles manifest themselves as healing stitches. One mile of sweat and pain to pay homage to one soldier's life. It is through the embodiment of each mile that we reflect upon and activate the memory of those who gave their lives.

We ask that you, as a integral part of Soldiers' Angels assist in honoring a fallen service member by meeting the runners along the path in your area to show your support. We encourage you to help the healing process, and bring the lives of those lost to the forefront.

Please look over the route below for the date they will be coming through you area.

Patti Patton-Bader"

My comment:

"Why don't we run one mile for every Iraqi civilian killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom?"
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