Tuesday, July 01, 2008

"Medicine, to produce health, has to examine disease; and music, to create harmony, must investigate discord." - Plutarch
He didn't have dissonance in his time


Stupid SlimSpa commercial:

In case it gets removed, here's a description:

A couple is sitting on a bench, and the guy ogles a passer-by with a slim figure. The girl is not happy, and the scene cuts to a slimming simulation showing great results.

After her slimming, the girl looks hideous (and her hair looks much dryer) but not noticeably slimmer. As she ogles a guy with a four pack walking past, the guy doesn't look happy.

Besides being a horrible ad, it's a great critique of the shallowness of inter-gender relations in Singapore.

And I just discovered there's a sequel:

Flashback to the end of the previous commercial. The guy goes into SlimSpa announcing his desire for the product. And after the simulated treatment we see him sans pullover and looking worse.

Funny, I'd have thought that wearing a pullover in the sweltering heat of Singapore would negate your need for a slimming service.

And at least we know SlimSpa makes both men and women look worse (though the effect is much more pronounced for women).
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