Friday, July 25, 2008

Japan trip, Day 5 - 10th June - Philosopher's Walk, Honen-In, Kyoto (Part 1)

Japan trip
Day 5 - 10th June - Philosopher's Walk, Honen-In, Kyoto
(Part 1)

I started off the morning with a stroll along the Philosopher's Walk.

On the bus there, at one stop everyone had gotten off the bus (by the exit beside the driver), when a woman at the bus stop asked him to open the entrance door (at the back of the bus). Gah. Like it'd be so hard to just enter by the exit. Stupid rules.

Stones with bibs

Drain above a drain (clean and unclean water?)

Large, beautiful carp (?) - in the canal (!)

Not very philosophical. It is very different, however, when lined with blooming Sakuras:

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Entrance to Honen-In








The early morning light was quite subdued, resulting in a calm mood


Shrine in alcove

Holy footprint

Screen in building

Pagoda and detail

Fruit Kebab (?!)

Contemplating the garden

Roof carving

The darker photo is more faithful, but I like the look of the brighter one as well.

I then left the temple and headed for Ginkakuji.

The road down

Still not very philosophical


I found a little shrine:

And left an ema:

Can you spot what's wrong with it? Hint: there's more than one thing wrong

Addendum: Keywords - 精忠报国, 尽忠报国

Ema were 200Y each (cheaper than the large ones) but payment was via the Honour System.

Bears fishing

At one point, strange, ghostly music suddenly started filling the air. It got louder and louder as its source got closer and closer to me. Filled with dread, I turned on my movie mode:

Damn Japs. Even their Karang Guni is weird.

Tornado potato I had outside Ginkakuji
"This is display. Please, don't eat!" - wth
I had soy sauce and mayonnaise, which strangely enough was just powder (ie no real mayo)
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