Thursday, June 05, 2008

"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on." - Samuel Goldwyn, Goldwyn's Law of Contracts


"Today I took a cab to school because I had a test at 4.15 and I was freaking still at home at 3.30 so fine. I hailed some comfort cab, and this malay cabbie with a nice smiley face greeted me. I was kinda happy, cause he seemed nice -maybe he'll give me a discount? Total opposite of what was to come!

He was so fucking rude from the start, it's like once I shut the door this whole other person who resented his life as a poor taxi driver took over his smile. He asked;
"do you know the way!?"...

he had the guts to tell me:
"Next time no change don't take cab!"
HELLO ITS NOT LIKE THE CAB FARE COSTS LIKE $2 OR SOMETHING ITS $20 OK and I just shut up cause I had the perfect comeback, which I dished after I collected my change, before slamming his door;
"You're such a stupid useless malay, GOD!""


A: your racist thread is being marked
sending to ISD and Singapore Police Force with a complain for your racist overtone.

Good luck............. :)

B: you fat piece of shit, can't even spell 'underprivileged' properly.

no wonder.. youre from RP.. the shit school.. why so elitist? you don't deserve that right when youre from a shit school like RP.

STOMPed and reported to the ISD and Police Force racist pig

C: If we were to report every single possible cause of "potential racial riots" due to such posts, I believe most cabbies woulda been thrown to jail about now.

I'm sick of the lynch mobs.

You're such a stupid useless malay, GOD!

One small line, and people are rushing to give our security services even more work. Please, they've better things to do.

There're huge differences between "You're such a stupid useless XXX, GOD!", "All XXX are stupid", "All XXX must die" and "All XXX must die, let's kill them now!".

I don't read Malay, but I bet my hat you see similar or worse complaints about Chinese by Malay bloggers; as they say in Malaysia, "tak tipu, bukan cina" ("if you're not a conman, you're not Chinese"). There're similar descriptions of the other two races, but mentioning them would surely be seditious. Presumably, we don't have spiteful idiots who speak Malay.

With the police bogged down taking care of all the police reports lodged by spiteful idiots, it's no wonder we haven't found Mas Selamat yet. And the fact is that people respond to incentives, so the more people you prosecute for making offhand "racist" remarks, the more spiteful idiots you'll have making police reports about alleged "racism" that grows steadily more trivial.

Malaysia is a much more racist, racially charged and racially stratified country than Singapore, but you don't hear the police catching people for offhand racist remarks or the country descending into racial riots. Maybe that's why they're progressing faster than us.

Everyone's a little bit racist
Doesn't mean we go
Around committing hate crimes...

If we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
Maybe we could live in -
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