Thursday, April 10, 2008

"You wake me up early in the morning to tell me I am right? Please wait until I am wrong." - Johann von Neumann, on being phoned at 10:00 AM


Female friend: i got frustrated that i was annoyed
which got me even more frustrated

Someone else on my exciting life: we are all risk takers when we fren u man


Sociologist: tell her im in soci then she complains econs is tough
i say soci ppl are happier then she has the gall to say "because soci is easy what!"

Me: it is what :P

Sociologist: come to soci n ace it then u can talk

simply put
if soci was easy
the smart ppl wld come to it to score
and if the smart ppl came it wldnt be easy

your dogma crumbles before superior logic

Me: uhh
and this shows me how stupid soci is haha

Sociologist: soci is probably more intuitive than econs
but just as academically rigorous
so i dont see a basis for differentiating

Me: [go to] CNM lah haha

Sociologist: fluff!

Me: haha that's rich

Someone on someone else wanting to get a girlfriend to talk to to relieve stress: women like to yak yak yak
not listen to your problems

you got problems
be a man and solve it yourself

that's the attitude of my gf

so please smash his illusion or disillusion k

Someone else: women are indeed a source of stress relief; as long as u do everything else but talk with them.haha. ur fren wld have to tear his hair out much more talking to a girl.

Someone on "is it tough being a girl in engin? im asking this cos NUS seemed to take PAINS to tell girls that it was not": in my entire cpe cohort, i only knew 2 gals who enjoyed e course

the rest literally clinged to the guys for survival
for projects, labs assigments

Me: haha
and the guys let them leech?

Someone: yah

but well they do all the documentation

Me: it's okay
feminarchy says that they were discriminated against anyway
so they're justified in clutching coattails

cpe stands for what ah

Someone: computer engineering

Me: why not CE

Someone: why not COME

CE can mean chem engineering

Me: gah

Someone: tt's why chem engin is CHE
and we r CPE

Someone else: i learn this when i was interning

even if uare a small fry
u need to learn this

u need to know how to manage ur boss

Someone: i heard a hilarious analogy the other day
i think it was attributed to noelle

noelle loh, from ac who now writes for urban?

time is like cleavage, if you squeeze it it'll appear.
or as it was more precisely related to me "squeeze abit then got"

Someone else: i don't fill out dresses.
unless they're very tight, which is then unforgiving on bulges.

Me: the joys of being female haha

Someone else: thanks...

Me: there're other joyslah

Someone else: yes, like being able to spout illogical nonsense, wear stupid cliched t-shirts and still have the opposite sex desire us

Someone (Female friend): pity i dont have any feminist friends to play mind games with

Me: haha
all too busy doing real work? ;)

Someone: no idea

maybe feminist are the product of all-girls schools
i always attended mixed schools, and dont have any close friends from girls schools

... hard [to accuse Singapore education of encouraging women to be ornamental] also if you knew lpm from vjc
empress dowager she was

supposedly nearly brought down HCJC when she took about half the teaching staff to vjc
could break the balls of the male PE teachers just by frowning

actually we have quite a few awesome role models for feminists. just have to look for the legendary principals in singapore. the amazing thing is, some of them started reign in the 80s

Me: they'll still claim there's patriarchy blah blah
if you assume patriarchy you'll never find it doesn't exist

Someone: yah and that education is slightly different, not so in other industries etc

i dunno
it's a waste of time :p

Me: yeah well
women aren't as prominent as men in most industries

women dont occupy the top posts because they’re less competitive, more risk averse etc
women earn less because they work less, and because they may get pregnant and drop out of the workforce (and even when they return they will earn less)

Someone: it's sad. but true

i think we take for granted the sacrifices men make to reach the top

i bet most of my bosses neglect their families
just that it has never been an issue to talk about, for men
cos they arent really supposed to be the ones dealing with the family on a daily basis. the wives traditionally do that

a woman can do it too if she wants. the thing is, can she sacrifice the same things?

maybe more, because nature has gifted her with things which become a hindrance whenshe wants to follow the path a man traditionally takes

Me: alternately
women do better at housework and raising kids then men
so better to let them do it so the men dont screw up

Someone: there are some men who do housework and raise kids better than women
those are skills i think anyone can give up

pick up

Me: haha
give it up

Someone: yeah haha

and i think some woman suck at housework and raising kids

on the other hand, woman apparently have biological clocks

Me: that's like saying some men are weaker than women
some women are stronger than men
therefore women aren't weaker than men

Someone else: i thought feminism was about treating women equally
not effacing the distinction between male and female sexes

like racism
i can treat all races equally but it's stupid to pretend race doesn't exist

Me: social scientists claim it doesn't

Someone else: they can go and lay eggs la

Me: haha
you go and argue with them lah

Someone else: don't want
no use banging my head against the wall

Me: haha
I do it less than I used to

they like to pull out mumbo jumbo in response

Someone else: and i don't have the same knack of picking people's brains like you do

Me: oh I piss people off better than you ah

Someone else: yes haha

haha eh it's a compliment ok

i can almost imagine a panel
made up of me, [Cunning Linguist] and you

i will give kind comments
[Cunning Linguist] will then give happy fluffy comments
then you...

Me: you think american idol ah

Me: one day a whore will give you AIDS

Someone: i'll be sure to come at you with a bloody syring when that happens

Me: it's okay
the only known case of such didn't work

do you tell all the women you sleep with your sexual history if they ask

Someone: yes


actually no
it depends

some girls can handle candour, some can't

Me: ie if you tell them and they'll still sleep with you, you will
if you tell them and they won't still sleep with you, you won't

Someone: i see you understand the algorithm

Me: bah
moral of the story: it pays to be a bastard

Someone: only becuas they are bitches
*shrugs* fight fire with fire
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