Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"There is always more misery among the lower classes than there is humanity in the higher." - Victor Hugo


next time if i'm in danger i just twitter from my handphone to Twitter la

since you always look at my updates
i'm relying on you to call for help

Me: hahahahaha
I'm more likely to get arrested than you :P

Someone: haha oh ok lor
works both ways

Me: if I twitter "Arrested" how ah

Someone: gssq: "Air-con treatment".

then i call Queen's Counsel

Frigid Girl: haha sex complicates everything hee hee hee

Me: yeah
so does education

well actually
what complicates things is love
not sex :P

love is a lot more messy hurr hurr

and also emotions like jealousy, guilt etc

which is why actually paying for sex is the cleanest way of having it

Someone else: who's nice and sweet girl
first time i've seen you call a girl something that isn't derogatory haha

Me: your lab got new girl or what

Someone: no

she didn't even last the day

my boss was interviewing a new postdoc candidate. but she is really so lousy that he's not giving her an offer.

it's not really that she's lousy

she doesn't have a v diverse background, despite having worked with 2 quite famous people in the past... and she doesn't really sound that dedicated.. and we're scared after the last female postdoc quit after 3 weeks cos she got pregnant (!!!!!!!!!!)

Me: err

Someone: indeeed.

well, she was already pregnant i think. then the project she was working on involves viral vaccines (despite her knowing it involves viral vaccines). and i think she got scared off. even though it's a VACCINE. but she can't get over the viral part. so anyway, she was a complete useless twat.

Me: so what can we conclude

Someone: the conclusion is, women have no place in the lab.

they should return to the kitchen.

Me: eh so what are you doing in the lab

Someone: of course i can be in the lab lah. clearly i'm an exception.

there are always exceptions to the rule.
like [male] doing mass comms.

Me: any more horror stories of girls in lab?

Someone: no, cos i'm the only one

we had a female undergrad... she was good... graduated liao

we have 7 grad students, 1 postdoc, and 1 UG for each of the grad student/postdoc
and only 1 female

last time my lab had predominantly females... alot of needless drama
my friend's lab now... female boss, mostly women in the lab... also forever got drama

with the long as you can put up with penis jokes and mom jokes and gay jokes... they don't hold grudges

it's true lah. even *** is the only girl in her lab. but she does computer modeling stuff, which is more male-dominated anyway. but you should hear her go off on the general uselessness of female engineers.

there are always good female grad stduents.. but rare.


1) many feminists are social scientists (i.e. "fake" scientists) and not real scientists/engineers

and therefore have never met real scientists
or worked with them

it's really two different things to say that women scientists get a raw deal, and to also say that many women scientists are not very good at all (they could be causative though)

2) they have not worked in science/engineering fields

the hard core bio labs have a lot of females though. and about parity in terms of % female faculty.
i think 56% women faculty

quick, cry discrimination against men!

Me: nah it just shows they're being limited by patriarchy

Someone: actually here the biggest headache is not women, it's minorities

eh it's retarded lor. how to hire black professors when there are no black grad students.

there are no black grad students because there are no black students in the top programs

they are all failing their courses

Me: because white professors are discriminating against them

Someone: NO MAN
quite the opposite

Me: yeah well that's the standard answer

Someone: so ok.

I TA-ed this thermodynamics course
* years ago

it was mixed population of materials science and BME undergrads
and here the BME UG are definitely better than the mat sci UGs

but anyway

1) all the black students were in Mat sci
2) they were all failing
3) the professor even specially sent them emails to set up one on one tutoring times with them
4) they were STILL failing
5) white students/asians did not get personalised tutoring from the professor

Me: was the prof white?

Someone: yes
white, [Ivy League]-educated professor

Me: aha
obviously he was unconsciously discriminating against them

Someone: er

the hw were graded by us

we even gave them a free pass on turning in identical HWs

Me: dunno
it's too late to think up modern liberal mumbo jumbo

Someone: anyway

i have to go teach myself how to do dot blots now
due to institutionalized sexism that prevents anyone from teaching me.


i dunno about philo lah.
see unlike socios i don't comment on things i don't know about.

HWMNBN on SIA stewardesses: apparently:

a) the hot - ie. younger - stewardesses earn really really little. just that all their expenses tend to be taken care of

b) apparently most white men - at least in the last 2 days of extensively quizzing my stewardess contacts - don't really go beyond flirting because , in her words: "chances are the guy is going somewhere to do something is he can afford to sugar daddy you
and if he's going somewhere to do something you probabl won't fit in the schedule"

and apparently a LOT of them are fighting fo rth elimited pool of sugar daddies

so it's a supply/demand mismatch

plus most of them concede that sia stewardesses standard has fallen significantly in the last 5 years

actuall a disturbing number of si astewardesses (or maybe i'm self-selecting based on the type of ppl i tend to interact with) appear to be highly intelligent but dysfunctional types

who end up stewardessing beacuse they either have no options or are emotionally and morally depraved enough to be flying whores
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