Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"My parents only had one argument in forty-five years. It lasted forty-three years." - Cathy Ladman


Someone pointed me to Student & Graduate Statistics - Registrar's Office - National University of Singapore, which gives statistics of undergraduate and graduate enrolment for each course, divided by year and gender (finally answering for once and for all the question of gender ratios in the different faculties). Interestingly enough, the gender ratio in Computing 3 in 2006/2007 was 2.64, but a massive jump was seen in Computing 4 in 2007/2008 with 6.41. Clearly, patriarchy is rearing its ugly head! Meanwhile, the gender ratio in Arts and Social Sciences 3 in 2006/2007 was 1.80, but turned to 2.12 for Arts 4 and Social Sciences 4 in 2007/2008. This is clearly evidence that guys are being unacceptably discriminated against and deserve affirmative action are useless. [Someone: if those year 4s were smarter, they would not be doing their honours at all cos it has no value for computing]

Everyone else in Arts started out with Theses due earlier than us, but many ended up with Theses due later than us. Gah.

This semester, NUS SAVE (Students Against the Violation of the Earth) has got a few initiatives implemented. The thermostat of centralised air-conditioning was raised to 25 degrees from 24, the co-op charges 10 cents per plastic bag, the drinks and fruit canteen stalls charge 10 cents per plastic bag and printing in school is set to double-sided by default. These are of varying utility (some places can be really hot and you should get a free plastic bag if buy a lot) but what they all have in common is that they cost the people who implement them nothing - in fact, they benefit (from lower power bills and lower expenditure on plastic bags and paper) and thus are more than enthusiastic in implementing them. Now that SAVE has exhausted (or almost exhausted) the easy options, I wonder what they'll go for next.

When I came into NUS more people coloured their hair than not. Now it's the other way around.

Another reason to ideologically object to Flag: people collect fewer T-shirts to raise their per capita takings.

I saw a vending machine where 7-up was $0.90 and Coke was $0.80. This is the first time I've seen differential pricing for similar drinks.

Apparently the CCTV in the Arts canteen catches couples at the walkway doing worse stuff than kissing. Hurr hurr.

The NUS doctor sells the Pill. Hah.

I ordered Subway online. I didn't get the student discount, but the looks on people's faces when I waltzed past a 30 minute queue was worth it.

The Forum coop places sanitary pads under food. Uhh.

I've heard alarms ring in the exam hall more than twice - maybe even 3-4 times. I'm quite sure it's a ploy to pull the curve down by distracting other people. I have half a mind to set my phone to keep playing the 2girls1cup theme during an exam - that'll be sure to get people distracted.

Before one exam there was a queue in the guys' toilet which extended out the door. This must be a first.

After one exam, there was a group of guys at the urinals, and one said 'Length is not important'. I did a double take, then he said 'It's the relevance' and all was made clear.
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