Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Nostalgia is memory with the pain removed" - Herb Caen


Someone: *** treats guys and girls the same

*** and i were discussing this last weekend
and she said u dont differentiate
*** does apparently

Me: see
this is what not being sexist gets you

Bisexual female friend: *Nickname: "Dating Tip No. 2: Don't answer if she asks you whether you think she is fat"*

Me: eh even I know that lor
what's dating tip 1?

Bisexual female friend: always apologise, even if you are right

Me: hahahahaha
that's "dating tip when dealing with women"

actually "tip in general when dealing with women"


Dating Tip No. 3: Don't be too nice, even if you love her

Bisexual female friend: that is cold. lol

Someone: anw u know there's such a character little miss ditzy

Me: aiyah I bet fake one
half of those little miss shirts are fake

Someone: i think the fake little miss shirts are nicer than the real ones

Me: yah the power of piracy
unleashing creativity

Someone else: the old philo syllabi]us really sucked
too much matrix clips...too little philo

and a lot of assessment based on pseudosocratic dialogue

so we had to sit in small groups and ask nonsense and try to trick one another into sounding stupid so that each of us can point out that we really don't know anyhting

Someone: and yeah that *** girl is a bit dumb

Me: *** guy
why you say girl?... SEXIST

Someone: anyways i thought must be girl cos
wishy washy

you die lah

Someone: heh serious what
it's observable trend
quite few exceptions

i'm sure you agree lah :P

Me: hurr hurr
say that in lit class
I want to see what happens to you

actually say in any arts and social sciences class
except econs

Someone: yah lah i know i will die cham cham

heh i say in econs will be ok meh?

anyways i kinda lost the chance, i've finished with the feminism module

Me: econs we're not blinded by ideology

Me: I wanted to go to D&D in sackcloth
but no time to source material

Someone else: do you mean dinner and dance
or dungeons and dragons roleplay?

Me: ..........................


Someone else: no, seriously

MFM: [On NDP] I'm not wasting my time watching the dman thing

Me: isn't deconstructing fun

MFM: shoot, fish, barrel
it describes most of the s'pore blogosphere, probably

most s'poreans don't even bother shooting

Me: so which is worse

MFM: not shooting

on second thoughts, it's worse than not shooting; they don't even think the fish deserve to be shot

Someone on not going for D&D: didn't want to spoil my record of not going for any DnDs in my time as NUS student

Someone else: RAG is like the best SDU invention lor, if they ever invented anything

Liquid Nitrogen: news from you is pervasive, it seeps through multiple channels