Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets." - Unknown, Brigader Lethbridge-Stewart in "Dr. Who"


Someone: hmm i know a philo major who specialized in philo of religion. he's still the most illogical and un-understandable person i know.

Me: is he a theist?

Someone: christian

Me: yeah
that explains it

Someone: mm i think so too
but clearly the education did not much improve things

Me: it made it worse
because it confronted him with realities that he needed to concoct elaborate and convoluted loops of logic to explain away or justify

Someone else on someone saying something really stupid: erm...
which bimbo issit


Someone else: only girls are capable of saying such things
i am sorry

Me: girls are more dumb than guys :P

Someone else: ya

LDPVTP: oh i know why Arts girls are so attractive

because they crave world peace

Me: is that a bad joke?!

LDPVTP: think about it

the science girls don't crave any such thing. they just study their molecules and stuff and crave the creation of new knowledge.

for eventual useful use.

Me: how is craving world peace supposed to make you attractive?

LDPVTP: it is a fluffy goal with no small achievable steps. but it sounds good. therefore indicating that Arts girls have easily comprehensible hearts and motivations.

then, also because it has no clear timeline for achievement, it can be easily "pursued" or put on hold as necessary to humour the career requirements of the other partner

of the boyfriend or girlfriend

Someone: i quote someone on u
"gabriel has reacheda new level of weirdness this sem"