"It's the good girls who keep diaries; the bad girls never have the time." - Tallulah Bankhead
MFM: add to your list of 'mac sucks': the plastic on the handrest area on my macbook just split. luckily I'm only 11 months into my 1 year warranty
Me: my reading: *** wants me to go jump off a cliff
Someone: Nah, he does not. Otherwise, there will be one less person on YR for him to feel morally 'superior' to.
MFTTW: you're being too subtle lor
you just have to come out and say
"you guys are narrow minded and retarded"
at least you and *** managed to have a civil discussion
and i did understand 1/2 of her points which is a significant improvement
i think they just want to to share in their outrage
at whatever, i don't even know why they are outraged.
it's an issue near and dear to their testicles, i mean, hearts.
of course when you come out and say "there are more important things in the world than an entitled fag being silly" it hurts their feelings!
can't you see their feelings are hurt?!?!?!
you monster!
Me: hehe now someone else claims I deserve it
MFTTW: hahaha
you can't win lah
***'s vitriol is so muhc easier to appreciate than your subtlety.
Me: haha
i very subtle meh
MFTTW: well the fact that you post in half-mocking/cynical tones is too subtle liao
there are only a few emotions that come across well on emails -- crass humor, anger, and melodrama
Frigid Girl: i still don't understand why/how PG3 likes cock
MFTTW: well i automatically distrust anyone with a phd from ***
that is how i form my opinions
they are always like "oh yes we can do this i have so many ideas we can try that xxx method and this yyy way"
and in the end they just sit there and *** and have ***. buggers.
Me: hehe
if you say: "the XXX are lazy, non-contributing, talk-big-act-small" some people will agree with you
if you say: "the YYY are lazy, non-contributing, talk-big-act-small" most people will flame you
hurr hurr
MFTTW: because you can choose to be XXX but not YYY!!!!!!!
hurr hurr
no moral equivalence!
Me: excellent
you can become a PhD in cultural anthropology or gender studies
MFTTW: i think personally it's the dark skin. woe betide you if you insult anyone with dark skin.
oh heavens no. gender studies??? WTF is that? you boy, i girl. end of story.
Me: no
it's historical injustice
historical injustice is some form of original sin
MFTTW: it's hard for me to believe there are people in teh world who actually think that we should be made to carry the burdens of historical injustice until the end of time
woo so my grandfather oppressed your grandfather. how the fuck is that my problem?
being white is so vilified these days
all white people should just lay down their riches and go live in the jungles of fiji
Me: nah they need to pump lots of aid into the developing world and disadvantaged communities through feel-good schemes that are ultimately either useless or do more harm because of corruption, affirmative action, etc
MFTTW: most aid does more harm than good
look at nigeria
i think people tend to mistake monetary assistance for real assistance. money is easier to throw away.
Me: it also makes you feel better about throwing it away
Cunning Linguist: Like i was seriously re-considering taking Politics of Heritage because of the blardy long term paper even though i'm extremely interested in the module. And now that i've decided to take it, because AGOOGOGA Gabriel the Asian Prince is going to take it too, i feel like i'm going to get myself into more shit!!
Shafy: you take 1 sem with gabriel not enough ah ;) hahaha.
Cunning Linguist: actually one sem with gabriel's good enough for me but i cannot resist the thought of pissing him off for one more sem!
Me: I think I give better than I get haha
Cunning Linguist: true, but thats nt something to be proud of. HAHA i'll still try my humblest best.