2 responses to my paen to the execution of the South Korean hostages and the impending massacre of the remaining 21:
heaven knows
"The msn nick of Singapore’s mostfamousatheist Mr.Agagooga [Ed: w00t!] reads, “Praise God! Second Hostage Killed!”, the air of sarcasm makes me very sad...
In questioning missionary martyrdom, ‘Why did God allow X missionary to die?’, well, the answer is the same as with, ‘Why God allowed Paul to die’. Its funny how not many believers actually questioned that, yet grow disillusioned with God through modern day martyrdoms.
If you are praying and believing or expecting God to “come through” and see the remaining 21 hostages walk out of Afghanistan in one piece and alive, then you have missed the point."
Someone: that's pretty much how it is.
Me: people accuse me of being evil/heartless/cruel
hah. if only they knew.
Someone: *shrug* those people don't really understand religion, then
Me: hah
Someone: "Thy will be done" isn't "Thy will which happens to be convenient and/or beneficial to me be done"
Me: yep
PC apologetics cannot obscure that point
genocide is good
Someone: Of course, you can use that as an angle to attack pointless veneration of an inscrutable deity if you want to, but that's not really the issue here
Me: yeah
if you believe in that version of god, if your god says to sacrifice your children to him, you must do it
if your god says to kill your neighbor, you must do it
no questions, no ifs or buts
Someone: That's hitting the nail on the sore spot of the head, no doubt
A part I just added:
"Also, we must remember that God, in his Wisdom and Grace, has allowed - nay, dictated that this happen. Even if all of them are crucified upside down and then gruesomely beheaded, this is all just part of his Divine Plan and is for the Greater Good. Therefore we should pray that His will be done and that if need be, all 21 of the remaining hostages will die in any manner necessary, no matter how horrific it might be.