Thursday, July 19, 2007

Liquid Nitrogen: cutting my hair v short is a form of violence to me haha
like removing femininity

i couldn't stand ny hahahaha
nyps was worse than nygh i think

Tim The Great: i call my chemist friend

mmmm i have a thing for lab suits

actually i don't
i always wanted to say that


Me: gah

Someone on sodomy: muahahahahhaa go back to RI under the 'alumni' tag then

well who else would you sodomise? i know girls are the obvious answer but that's like taking the bus when you can drive

i can't come up with an analogy that sufficiently expresses my amazement at the fact that girls come purpose-equipped with an orifice, yet you choose not to use that one

Someone else: damn

someone's trying to change the password of my email account

i wonder who's interested in that

MFM: I think I've given up going out in sg on weekends. the internet is a more pleasant and interesting place.


I wanted to forget my JC classroom experiences as quickly as possible

what a waste of two years
I learnt nothing in JC, and my intellectual abilities prob deteriorated in that environment

oh i did learn something --- that life outside GEP in the sg education system is hell

I hated rgs
but nothing compared to hc


[On cycling] the road designs are presenting a greater difficulty than anticiipated
[they're] explcitly designed for speed
unlike chicago's grid design
cars have to stop at every intersection on most streets

here the design philosophy is to make ordinary roads as much like highways as possible

so wider streets with fewer traffic lights, which makes it dangerous for bikes to filter into the appropriate channels

we have less traffic lights per length of road
we also have a (surprisingly) much less flexible road system
we're heavily dependent on a few arterial roads

thus I found out that it was impossible to plot a route using mainly minor roads
yay traffic jams

Someone: i block my pw groupmates (yes even pw groupmates) for short periods of time, like when they're emotionally unstable.

Me: ahahahahahaha
girls ah

Someone: wah you're quite accurate.

Me: :PP
what do they do ah

Someone: uh. vent their frustration on me when someone else pissed them off?
type in caps etc

curiously, more often than once a month.

Someone else: btw mcd's west coast charges 60 cents for an ice cream that costs 50 cents at engin.

tsk.just as i was about to embark on a diet of their ice cream daily.

milk content. also, cheap. and satisfying.
satisfies my sugar craving without being too heavy on the calories

150 cal
hot fudge sundae is 340
regular fries is 210

9 grams of sat fat in the fudge sundae. i think it's the fudge that does it

SUG: don't sucuumb to adult peer pressure

Me: if I did I'd be christian