Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Yet, although getting to know other cultures is a good thing, it is doubtful that it will initiate a more peaceful world. In many cases, citizens of rival nations get to know each other better only after their countries have settled their political differences, not before. How many international conflicts really stem from the sorts of misunderstandings that can be overcome if only people knew each other better? We sincerely hope that events in the next century will show our informed skepticism to have been mere baseless cynicism. For now, we remain skeptical...

It is not likely that increased international contacts and exchanges will so intertwine nations as to significantly reduce the possibility of war. History simply affords too many counterexamples. In the past, nations that traded with each other also went to war with each other. There is no reason to expect the future will be different (Grieco, 1988)"

--- Politics As Usual, The Cyberspace "Revolution", Michael Margolis and David Resnick