Wednesday, June 13, 2007

USP pimped the Karen Armstrong talk to us via email this morning:

"Darul Arqam Singapore, in collaboration with Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), is organizing a Public Lecture tilted “What is Religion?” by visiting scholar, Ms. Karen Armstrong from the United Kingdom. The speaker's knowledge and experience in the study of contemporary issues and the religious field promises to make the session an interesting a learning venture.

The speaker will address and examine the roots of the world's major spiritual traditions, especially the Abrahamic Faiths and what role will religion play in the new millennium. She would further deliberate on the need to have common understanding as to acknowledge the differences these religions have. The ultimate goal would be for these groups of followers to live cohesively side-by-side in unison.

Attached is the speaker's profile for you your reference & perusal.

Please fill in the attached response form by 12.00 noon on Thursday, 14 June 2007 and fax it to 62534789 or email to"