Sunday, June 17, 2007

"I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic, tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience." - Shelley Winters


MFM on the League: when did you form this idea? it sounds like something a bunch of teenage boys would come up with

Me: Why is Miss Norway from the Philippines?!

Someone: Miss Norway is from the Philippines because the Norwegian girls are built like vikings

Me: viking not chio meh

Someone: no. they are big, chubby with very.... unevolved looking features.

Me: uhh
people say scandinavians are all good looking

well. everybody loves an asian girl

Someone: yeap. Scandinavians are good looking only because of stereotype, i mean they are nice looking in that they are tall, blonde, with boobs and curves but they'd look like giants in Singapore. I was the shortest and smallest there which was ... weird to say the least.

and not just giants, their features are not very nice. But the ones mixed with Korean blood and other races are gorgeous coz they have the height, the asian build, the nice features, shiny hair and curves.

it's like perfect.

Me: height + asian build?!

Someone: the narrow shoulders, small waist, don't put on weight so easily as opposed to broad shoulders and thick waists and big thighs.

Someone else on the Unemployment Theory of Relationships: HAHAHAHA

i like the part where you describe the different types of unemployment

and it's sthg only an econs student can think of

Me: what do you think of the lion of st mark here

HWMNBN: it's a picture of the venetian
in vegas right?

what IS your question? i missed the subtext

Me: "what do you think of the lion of st mark here"
there's no subtext
it's explictly stated

HWMNBN: what, as in naming a hotel in vegas "venetian"?