Sunday, June 17, 2007

"Contrary to general belief, I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first." - Peter Ustinov


"essentially, the best path for an individual in SG to succeed in SG is to be not-Singaporean- to carry a different passport, study from mid-teens onwards, go through disounted tertiary, work, and finally stop at PRship in SG (to own property etc), then retire back home to a cheaper spot"

"This reminds me of a conference I sat through many years ago in Central Asia in which a Chinese scholar was meticulously establishing a claim to the territory of one of the Central Asian states on the basis of archaeological digs which turned up Chinese coins. "I love that analysis," I responded, "because on the basis of it most of the known world would be American due to the global dispersion of American dollar bills.""


NUS Alumni Web - The Alumnus: Donors' Wall Project

"We know we can count on your help and support! Join other alumni who have already come forward to build Alumni House for themselves, and for you too. You’ve passed through the hallowed halls of Singapore’s oldest and most popular educational institution, and your days as a student may be a fond memory. But don’t let your ties with your alma mater become ancient history – now is the best opportunity to honour the past, by embracing the future."

Funny, I thought Singapore's oldest educational institution was RI (founded 1823), not NUS (founded as the Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School, in 1905). And saying NUS is Singapore's most popular educational institution is a bit like saying that Ong Teng Cheong was our most popular Elected President.


My No 1 Fan:

My brother is graduating in July. Yesterday, he found a piece of mail in that familiar and hated yucky brown NUS envelope, complete with NUS Logo.

Me: "Woohoo! Results out already right!"

Him: "Don't be an idiot."
*Opens envelope*
"Oh maaaaaan..."

Appeal to Parents to give their graduating child the BEST! graduating present ever. Donate to *that shitty thing as mentioned in the post* and get your CHILD's name on the wall. For JUST! 100! DOLLARS!

Him: "Can't get money out of the alumnus? Target the parents."

Me: *Glad to no longer be in the institution*