Tuesday, May 15, 2007

We're free tomorrow afternoon, so I'll probably crash one or two of the following Applied Maths classes since our free time is vaguely intended for being 'Free to attend seminars in various departments at Stanford':

ECON 52 Economic Analysis III
Growth and fluctuations in the economic system as a whole. National income accounts and aggregate relationships among stocks and flows in markets for goods, labor, and financial assets. Economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. The role of macroeconomic policies in the short and long run.

ECON 142 Political Economics
Formal theories of collective choice and political institutions. Topics include social choice, the interaction between public institutions and the economy, the effects of lobbying and interest groups on politics, the role of information in determining legislative structure, and elections as a mechanism for controlling versus selecting politicians. Topics that may be covered include the role of political institutions in developing nations and campaign finance reform in the U.S.

ECON 290 Multiperson Decision Theory
Students and faculty review and present recent research papers on basic theories and economic applications of decision theory, game theory and mechanism design. Applications include market design and analyses of incentives and strategic behavior in markets, and selected topics such as auctions, bargaining, contracting, and computation.