Thursday, April 05, 2007

"A superstition is a premature explanation that overstays its time." - George Iles


jb: *** makes me want to punch his face in
and then a kick for good measure I suppose
in the ideal location

Me: so where do you kick girls?

jb: you don't kick girls
you slap them


I typed the wrong thing twice in a row

I need a drink

[later] I was going to get the sherry
but it's too alcoholic even for me
I went to get peanut butter bread instead

Someone: there is a girl in my school who passed away from cancer
and the Dean of Students sent out an email to the entire school
saying she attended classes till the day she couldn't walk

i'm thinking that's weird if you know you are terminal

Me: no wonder she died

MFM: I just sat through an hour of heavy-duty stats: one of the grad students I work with was defending his thesis. I think no one asked him difficult questions because they didn't understand his work

Someone: i'm trying out this new jap sweet from watson's
helps you lose weight

it's just 14 calories but it's full of basil seeds

so what you do is you eat the sweet and then you drink a glass of water, and the basil seeds expand in your stomach so you're not hungry at all

i just tried it out and now i'm omg full
12.90 for 10 pieces

damn effective tho, i dont even want to drink water after this i'm just too full

Someone: i assure u that smu accounting isn't bullshit
but then against most of hte profs were fm ntu

Someone else: i dont club or drink
so whatever
waste of money

i read chomsky though

Frigid Girl on Literature being about sex: most of us have no freaking idea what we're talking about
(aka no experience)
but we still act like we know anyway
we have to

Me: can you read this
putain de bordel de merde, tu me casses les couilles connard, va te faire enculer

Frigid Girl: wah lau
so many vulgarities
this sentence ah... it's like some person took the french dict and tried to squeeze every possible vulgarity into the most concise sentence

Me: what if I put this on my nick ;)

Frigid Girl: try lar. doubt she'll understand it
i only understood it cos i expressly went to learn all the vulgarities first

Me: wth

Frigid Girl: i make it a point when learning any language
it makes the language more practical
instead of theory

Me: uhh


Frigid Girl: girls are silly
they hug each other in front of guys for some exhibitionist purpose
used to happen all the time in RJ

i remember there was this guy who was chasing our Evil Cult prez
then she would meet up in the canteen with the various sectional leaders (girls) and then "heyyyyyy!!!!!! <3 <3" *hugs* *hugs*

and the guy would be next to her watching helplessly

MFTTW on 'racism' and making 'irrational' generalizations: my friend's learning theory professor said even apes generalize
and you can model it mathematically
so it's scientifically sound to generalize

and she also said
these people should come to baltimore and walk around east b'more
and see if they can avoid getting racist
esp after getting mugged a few times :P

Me: "For that matter, it is difficult to understand how any kind of action is possible on the epistemological assumptions that postmodernists profess. Not only are their views on knowledge politically disabling, one cannot help wondering how they can conduct the normal business of everyday life without suspending their postmodernist disbelief. Either that, or postmod ernist theories are guilty of more than a little bad faith."

MFTTW: hiyah just cos your espouse a theory doesn't mena you have to live it out mah :P

people are hypocritical beings
we do it all the time and don't blink an eye

*** told me that she had a choice of project groups between joining 3 asians and 3 white girls
and she chose to join 3 asians.

and even though i have taught lazy asians
if i were white i would also join asians
instead of other white people

best, join the singaporeans. they work the hardest.


MFTTW: yes i am. i don't even bother to deny it.

if all the crimes in *** city are committed by black people
it isn't racist to assume that if you see a black guy on the street walking towards you at 3am in the morning, he is going to rob you.
people who say "oh it's all contextual" clearly haven't been robbed in their lives.