Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." - Marilyn Monroe



[On over-emphasising equality] In France, you give rights to everybody, then you have zero economic growth... That is not good... They have this green car... They get everything free... 100 guys with one car [each]... This is not very good. (card)

You should think about this, because if you can understand this then you can go on to Graduate Studies.

[On contacting him during Reading Week] This is the office phone, in case of [an] emergency.

I don't like girls from engin because they look like robots.

[On a deranged person] Are you sure he's Singaporean living in the US? Or is he from Mars, living on the Moon?

I get very excited when I see the heart on Facebook, whether it's the whole one or the broken one. I'm just damn gossipy.

You should've done Geography... You learn more Economics in Geography. Look at me, I know more Economics than you.

[Sign] This product is manufacture under a quality system certified as comply with ISO 9002 (manufactured, complying) (Unfortunately there're no English standards)

Have you read Antichrist?... Knee Chee. [Me and Student: Nietzsche] Knee Chee. [Me and Student: Nietzsche]

[On the Yen Carry Trade] It's been featured in the newspapers a lot in the past few weeks and if you don't read then it's your funeral.

[On no one knowing how the economy works] All these things you better know, before you go for your job interview, otherwise you'll be in trouble.

Assume the government has a target ratio of foreign workers to domestic workers. They will not flood Singapore with foreign workers.

Here I go against 1983, my own paper. Nevermind, times change.

[On IS shifting down being okay in Singapore regarding employment] The argument is that it's not that bad, because some foreign workers can be told to go home.

[On sticky prices] I have not observed the prices in the hawker centre go down very much, right, in response to the CPF cut.

[Me: Should I go for my friend's presentation?] You should do what you want. [Me: I don't know what I want.] You're such a girl.

They did a project on how left handed people are marginalised. [Me: Har?] It's social theory - everyone is marginalised.

[A foreigner interfering in our domestic politics:] I went to Parliament. There's no debate until the WP guy says something, then Lee Kuan Yew gets pissed... Parliament is like masturbation. Everyone keeps complimenting each other.

I talked to her for 2 hours. It's considered to be a fling... [Student 2: Then I must be a harlot or something... Did you at least talk dirty?]

[Me: Your hair is showing] Aiyah. [Me: The point of wearing that {the tudung} is to hide your hair, so I feel obliged to tell you when it's showing.] Yah, my sister says 'haram'. [Student 2: My best friend keeps going 'haram, haram'. I'm not Muslim... I wear a short skirt - 'haram']

[On the take-home exam] It's actually a lot of fun... for me... You'll be cursing me. The next day you'll be thanking me. Well, you won't be thanking me. It's a good experience to go through.

[On pay hikes] You see in the press a whole lot of ideological work at this time.

[On the guns not being used] You can be a Professor here and say the most horrifying things, and you'll never go to jail.

We went on to look at the Frankfurt School, and we gave up on Jurgen Habermas.

Post-modernism takes critique to its extreme... Post-modernists react in a variety of ways. One way is to celebrate - hooray. Critique is nonsense... Richard Rorty and contingency... One way - it works, we don't need philosophy... Another way is more nihilistic, solipsistic. Oh no. There is no truth. What are we to do.

I used to have hair like you when I was an undergraduate. That's why I'm like this now. I used to tie it behind really tight.

unique trijectory (trajectory)

[On child labour laws] They're withdrawn from the factory. Most of them become street sex workers.

In Nepal 5 workers can form a union. [Instructor: The Singaporean response to this {problem} is classic.]

The GINI coefficient in Singapore is one of the highest in the world... This is unique to Singapore because the government is so wary of having a minimum wage... The result: a competitive economy with low wages for the bottom. We have a structural problem.

The British have been trying to reform their property rights [laws] since the 12th century.

[Me: 'He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.']... You just insulted like 1/3 the population of USP.

[On the 'writing' module] It's about the prof's own ego lor. It's what he agrees with.

Do you know why finance lecturers are all gay? Because finance is a very anal topic.

[Students singing: There's something sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined] Why are you on a Beauty and the Beast roll today? [To someone] Let's beat them up... then we'll be beasts. [Student: There's no logic behind certain actions.] Especially female actions.

I won't say 'screw the professor' because he's gay, and I don't want to do that.

[On feedback about leading the class] Mine has no strange or nasty comments, so I can't guess which one is Gabriel's.

Are you going anywhere overseas? Oh fuck, Stanford. Why did I ask? Now I hate myself for asking.