Saturday, April 28, 2007

"A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion but doesn't." - Unknown


"If you will be good boys and girls, I shall give you as much pork barrel money as you want" - Quirino in Bohol, Philippines during the 1949 election (reported)

"The modern conception of suffrage is that voting is a function of government. The right to vote is not a natural right but it is a right created by law. It is a privilege granted by the State to such persons or classes as are most likely to exercise it for the public good. For reasons of public policy, certain classes of persons are excluded from the franchise. Among the generally excluded classes are minors, idiots, paupers, and convicts...

The authorities may compel entrance to dwelling houses against the will of the owners for sanitary purposes" - Fernando, Chances for survival of democracy in the Philippines (1950)


"At this time while Origen was conducting catechetical instruction at Alexandria, a deed was done by him which evidenced an immature and youthful mind, but at the same time gave the highest proof of faith and continence. For he took the words, “There are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake,” in too literal and extreme a sense. And in order to fulfill the Saviour’s word, and at the same time to take away from the unbelievers all opportunity for scandal,—for, although young, he met for the study of divine things with women as well as men,—he carried out in action the word of the Saviour." - Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine, Chapter VIII.—Origen’s Daring Deed.