Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"Exit, pursued by a bear." - William Shakespeare, Stage direction in "The Winter's Tale"


Someone: i have this theory that people will keep falling in love with the same types of people
which is why some girls keep geting dumped
cos of the type of guys they fall for

like ***
she had 4 bfs, 3 cheated on her

and she was like WTHH you've been with your bf for ALMOST 2 YEARS?!!!?!
she was so shocked that i was shocked

Someone else: anyway i finally got down to reading marcuse and adorno

marcuse is an idealist
adorno is dam irritating
i think marcuse's slightly more tolerable

they both sounded better in lesson when i hadn't read them

Someone on my keeping feminists honest: let them feminist have their day in peace la, after all, they talk but who listens?

Me: hahahahhaa
other women

Someone: yeah, exactly, and we all know what's that worth.

Frigid Girl: i'm struggling with trying to find french for "i'm fucked"
which is un-findable somehow

Law friend: ok post is done.
pls check if i have written anything libelous

Me: dear, you're the lawyer

Law friend: i need perspective


masters students are shtupid
shtupid shtupid

they're the reason why we're having an MCQ exam for IP law (d )

Someone: have you read boudrillard?

he's got these ideas about how evolution sexed humans and if we went back to being asexual we'd become immortal

Someone else: ... he would be VERY SCARY if he were female. just like, can you imagine yourself, only female?

which girl analyses things to the Nth degree like you do, and things like econs and philo at that?

Me: yah
girls may be intelligent but they're not intellectual

Someone else: exactly.

Me: sad
oh well

Someone else: ya. i'd love to listen to long diatribes on Neo-Keynesian economic models, but *zzzz* too much for my girl brain

Someone: aiya.. she cdnt confirm whether she got bf or not..

Me: heh
your original target how

Someone: eh, not as if i'm changing target..

Me: then?
getting multiple targets?

Someone: multiple targets?
u think multiple orgasms arh?


of course i do [read a lot into simple conversations]..
that's what we do..

when u gossips with girls enough
u learn
u learn their methods
their modus operandi
u begins to know how resourceful they are

all those unconsciously of course

Someone else: i have an interesting observation

when it comes close to deadline less and less people in my "project group" group come online haha

Me: haha
all busy working on the project!

you forgot the quotation marks in "come online"

Someone else: then sometimes some of them will put me on invis or something and forget
and then message me
and then i can send messages to offline people

i wonder why ah
feeling guilty ah? w

is there still a limit on how many people you can have on your friends list in msn?
maybe i should make an account for nus project use only

Someone: eh anyway i am off facebook man
nothing else to search for

mayeb when i think of something i shall go back
or mayeb i should set my own group

'i hate girls who show off their ac boyfriends by wearing ac sweaters'
i'm sure got a lot of them

Me: would you get a boob job and plastic surgery for *** (or some guy you like?)

Someone else: if i have a steady relationship with the guy
and he likes huge boobs and be willing to pay for the operation, why not

Someone: its an ego stroking thing... its just the whole ah beng phenomenon. boys just like sweet innocent girls.

anyway its probably evolutionarily advantageous. since innocent lolita types;

have less likely chance to have STDs
are more fertile since women become less fertile with age
are more likely to stay on with you since cohabitation in animals is said to be advantageous for the future guarantee of a mate
are "clean slates" which you can indoctrinate with your own sexual preferences.

its true.

Me: indoctrinate with sexual preference is evolutionarily advantageous meh

Someone: makes you a happier man, thus healthier sperm, thus higher paternity?
more ejaculation = more sperm for fertilisation?

bonding over your favourite positions may increase chances of fertilisation. since its known that in artificial insemination, having an orgasm for the girl increases the chance of fertilisation.

anyway, if you indoctrinate with you own preferences, then there might be less conflict

Someone else: i only want to see boobs

all the blogs i visit has boobs

i visit your blog
and u got boobs

so the R^2 very high

Someone: ur just trying to bait the girls aren't you. lol

why.. gabriel. you're just inviting trouble and unnecessary labels like Mysoginist

sometimes I think you enjoy it.

Me: it's misogynist, woman!