Wednesday, March 07, 2007

"Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address." - Lane Olinghouse


I wish I could go back to Year 1. Life was so simple back then.
What would I give to go back and solve simultaneous equations again!

I wish I could go back to Year 1. Back then you know what's going on.
You sit in the Deck, and think, "Oh my God! I have 4 long hours to kill!"

How do I go back to Year 1! I don't know all this shit anymore!

Every academic year, I see a groaning animatronic bear somewhere along the walkway from the Library to AS1. This year, I decided to check it out. It turned out to be a campaign to raise awareness about bile bears. ('A bile bear or battery bear is the term used for Asiatic black bears kept in captivity in Vietnam and China so that bile may be extracted from them for sale as a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).')

In the past, people used to hunt bears in the wild, kill them and extract their bile. Then they realised they could do better by keeping them in cages and tapping them for their bile in open-stomach surgery from time to time. The campaign urged us to help end this practice.

But then, as I observed to someone, if they cracked down on bear farms, they'd go back to hunting them in the wild, which would be even worse for the bears.

Most of the people on the bus to the Bukit Timah Campus I was on got off at the bottom of the hill and walked to the bus stop. We're all cheapskate bastards.

"Internet riches : the simple money-making secrets of online millionaires" - Wth. Why is this in the library?!

I find that the harder I study, the worse I do. Gah.

Instead of anal attendance policies, a better idea would be what one of my instructors did in a previous semester: he wrote an email asking the student if he was alright since he'd missed a few lessons.

I was at an exam where the instructor told some people who handed in 2 exam booklets: 'You wrote too much'. Writing too much for an exam can be seen as a negative externality: fellow students get stressed (and pulled down the bell curve, ceteris paribus) and the person marking the paper gets pissed off because he has to read so much. One suggestion I had was to draw boxes to put answers in and proclaim that nothing outside them would be read. Unfortunately this only works for short-answer questions.