Thursday, March 15, 2007

"It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this." - Bertrand Russell


Noodles: i'm not taken, how to have bf stolen?

bryan yes
the other one.. doesn't love me

Me: your voice too squeaky?

Noodles: i dunno

maybe hair and boobs not as nice as yours

Me: I no boyfriend also leh

Noodles: it's okiee
neither do i :)

Me: so what happened to the current one
popped your cherry and ran away ah

Noodles: no lah. if he did that he'd be dead by now

Me: oh you got STD ah

Noodles: hahaahahha
rubbish lah

i mean i'd kill him with my own two STD-less hands

Me: no one has STDs on hands lah

Noodles: isn't it in the blood or sthg?

Me: you have much to learn, young grasshopper

Someone: you know gabriel.... the biggest problem I have talkng to you is that I never know when you are serious and when you are not :P

Me: a little bit of both ;)

Someone else: you're really phenomenal you know, you pour so much energy into these mad theoretical frameworks that have nothing to do with.... real, vital life

it's freaking astounding

Someone: hah...seems like your conversations with *** are always stillborn.

it's like solving a simple algebraic quadratic equation by analyzing the 4th order differential equations
or, maybe solving a 1st order differential equation by analzying a 5th order DE

MFTTW: [a life] full of specificity and void of generalizations ah
like that v tiring leh
you must compartmentalize every single interaction?

Me: men tend to be more abstract
women more specific

MFTTW: yah ok, but, when you say that i'm thinking that men will say "i want a thing to put my books" and women will say "i want a beige teak bookshelf for the corner of my living room"

not like "i don't know what 'should not' and 'should not complain' means"

MFTTW (commenting on an earlier conversation): eh
at 13 she felt that her roles in the world are very limited and women are ornamental? are you sure she's a Raffles Guy she sounds like a None-Young girl

this is RGS we are tlaking about leh
they are king of telling women we aren't limited to being ornamental

i think..... if she's like that liao think about how big a chip on her shoulder she would have if she went to another school

that's bullcrap loh

and if she's my age we had Carmee Lim
and NO ONE could accuse her of being ornamental

yah Carmee still there

i don't spend my time getting insulted by ornamental owmen in G movies loh
but maybe it's just me
but even in my circle of friends, i doubt anyone was that badly affected by the bouncing boobies on disney characters.

come on. think Mulan! Pocahontas!

Me: you were subconsciously affected and socialized =D

MFTTW: hah

it says alot about hte depravity of the human condition if we cant be trusted to make up our own minds of how we want to live our lives
but instead are subject willy nilly to the whims of external forces