Sunday, March 18, 2007

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Albert Einstein


It’s Time To Stop Feeding The Monkeys « THE INTELLIGENT SINGAPOREAN - "Darwinian theory is NOT a rational theory to flesh out historical, cultural and political development. It may provide an account of how chopsticks manage to find their way to Japan. Or why Korean housewives still continue to make Kimchi... You do not understand that is the crux of the whole debate. If a species expires after 10 million years that proves conclusively the darwinian theory that is predicated on the survival of the fittest i.e progress vs regression is all hog wash. Pls get off the line and do evolve some more brain cells Agagooga. After a few million years we will cont the conversation again."
This post, and its comments, are simply amazing. They make Creationists look good. Non-sequiturs and ad hominem arguments are rolled into one in this thread. Matilah Singapura.

The Perry Bible Fellowship - Some of these comics are quite funny.

Clubbing and Singaporeans: Some Observations - "We are a nation of poseurs. We are all about the posturing, the appearance, the surface. We don't go clubbing to enjoy ourselves, to let our hair down; we go there to see who's out, to see what's worn, to hear what's being played, to gauge all the relevant trends, to network, to be seen, to feel all sophisticated holding a Shirley Vagina blah blah blah... I remember the blog of my friend's ex: she writes, in a particularly angsty entry, that she is going to go crazy shopping and that she damn well deserves it, she's been slaving away like a dog for more than a month. I didn't feel happy for her when I read it; to me, that sort of lifestyle cycle is meaningless. The answer is THEN DON'T WORK SO HARD. None of us deserves to own these deified pieces of Louis Vuitton. They are for Mr Vuitton to stuff up his golden arse. Why would you want to own something that only brings back memories of the ridiculous toil you had to get through to own it? "Oh, here are my Manolos, I wasted 96 days of my life to get them!" "Wow, good for you! I levelled my Blood Elf Paladin to 70 in half the time!" (See, I can do irony too. But eh. Blood Elf Paladin is fun OK.)"

Japanese - Pocky and other popular Japanese Snacks - Created by Elaine Barlow - "TONS of people ask us about Konnyaku by Mannan Life. When we sold it back in the day we couldn't keep it on the shelves. Due to numerous choking incidences it has been banned by the FDA. It is no longer available in the United States and is illegal to import."

Ridzwan.Com: The Bankrupt Mat - "Malay Money Habits are characterised with the following 4 ‘I’s. They are namely income impairment, imperative to impress, inclination to credit and imprudence in financial matters."
OMG! Hatred-mongering! He's trying to stir up racial tensions and cause a race riot! Someone should report him to the police and get him arrested under the Sedition Act! Such atrocities cannot continue unpunished! Does anyone knows whether KY jelly is allowed in jail?

Facebook | Hey, guess what? Post-modernism is bullshit. - "If you've ever read Lyotard and wanted to retch... If you realized by junior year that deconstruction is infinitely easier than construction... If you understand Foucault and still believe in truth... If you know that Foucault wouldn't touch physical science with a 10 ft. pole... If you laugh in the face of complete relativists... If you feel embarassed when someone brings up Derrida in regular conversation... If you think post-post-modernism is both inevitable and the most retarded word ever created, because post-moderns foisted it upon us... This is the group for you. Let the games begin you dumb deconstructionist, secretly reductive, Platonic cave-dwelling morons who don't realize your only self-consistent way of even debating us will involve inarticulate grunts. Yeah, that's gonna get you far."

Facebook | Beginnings of the Pre-Post-Post-Modernist Movement in the Arts, Biatch! - "A re-imagining of the dialectic between pre-Socratic logic and the invention of pyridoxine hydrochloride. We are the Nietzchean bridge going under the overman to finally get over the underman, the great crescendo of artistic progress finally culminating in the great climax of post-post-modernism, the avant-garde that's soooo avant we become the vanguard of the warriors of the post-post-modernists. In short, we are the most important artistic achievement since "Ren and Stimpy". Remember, there are only two kinds of people: those who are of the pre-post-post-modernist movement, and chimpanzees. To plagiarize from the Lion King, the Great Plagiarizers of the Boy Scouts, "BE PREPARED, FOR THE TIME OF THE PRE-POST-POST-MODERNISTS HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""

Is Democracy the Best Setting For Strong Economic Growth? - "The main barrier to democracy is not low education but deep social and economic divides that create intense conflict. Democracy has failed in highly educated countries -- such as Germany before World War II or post-war Argentina. It has also been extremely successful in very low-education countries. Botswana provides a perfect example. It is the most successful democracy and the fastest growing economy in sub-Saharan Africa. When the British granted independence to this colony in 1965, there were only 22 Botswanans who had graduated from university and 100 from secondary school."

Singapore Junior College Guide - Wah, they resurrected JC Guide after 3 (?) years.

The fanatic, fraudulent Mother Teresa. - "MT was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan. Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? The primitive hospice in Calcutta was as run down when she died as it always had been—she preferred California clinics when she got sick herself—and her order always refused to publish any audit. But we have her own claim that she opened 500 convents in more than a hundred countries, all bearing the name of her own order. Excuse me, but this is modesty and humility?"

Marketing to women - bigger buyers than all of Japan - "According to the book I am reading right now entitled "Marketing to Women - How to understand, reach and increase your share of the worlds largest market segment" by Martha Barletta. Women make 85% of all buying decisions. Women account for 70 percent of all new business startups. Specifics... homes furnishings purchases - 94% decided by women. vacations - 92%. houses - 91%. electronics - 51%. cars - purchase 60% and influence 90%. banking decisions 84%. health car - 80%"
"Men may earn more, but women spend more. Which would you rather?"