Saturday, February 24, 2007

Someone: leggings make girls look weird

it's like half fuck
u want to show or odn't want to show

coz can't see a shit

some of my classmates in stockholm wear leggings
and it's like the skirt is so short
obviously there are some brave onez with no leggings
and u can see what they are wearing

but.... it's most probably branded

they sure are [rich]
every guyu is like wearing CK underwear


gssq u are a bad person
u made me feel there's something wrong with me
but i can't pin point what isst

Someone else: here we go

1. Fard or Wajib meaning obligatory or mandatory; 2. Mustahabb or Mandub meaning liked and recommended; 3. Haram or Mahzur meaning forbidden; 4. Makruh meaning disliked and not recommended and 5. Mubah or Halal meaning permissible and allowed.

Someone: black men are cool
have you heard an asian guy rapping besides jin?

then physically
black men are *woah*
and asian men are "effeminate"
Lack of masculinity

black men? often seen to be more assertive
whether its in porno or in the real world
which is a plus in american society

asian men? fuck assertiveness lah

Me: then black women?

Someone: even beyonce isn't like "black black"
she's more "white black" than "black black"

"brown paper bag" theory
notice how successful black stars tend to have european features
lighter skin color and are tall and thin
most black women tend to be shorter and wider
just go to new orleans and see for yourself

Me: like my brother in law he's a master of ad hominem and non sequiturs

Someone else: actually i think he's somewhat charming and mischievious in his comments on ***'s blog

ad hominem and non sequiturs? that's so singaporean

Me: yeah
singaporeans can't argue

Someone else: most singaporeans when they use non sequiturs and ad hominems, just end up being really annoying

he's mischieviously charming when he does that

HWMNBN: i was speaking to a girl today who complainde that one of her ex-bfs got her flowers that were expensive but wrapped in muslin paper

when i went: "?????"

she said, "isn't it obvious that i would prefer cheaper flowers as long as they were tastefully wrapped?"

when i said: "?????"

she continued: "it's SO obvious!"
she said "it's so obvious that a girl like me would prefer clear wrap!"

when i kept going: "?????????" she continued in this vein about how it would be obvious what a girl like her would like, how one of her other ex-bfs got it right the first time, how it was not the money but the effort/love involved (which I suppose has some merit but not to this extreme), etc etc

Me: this reminds me of this anecdote I heard on radio

this woman was scared of the dark, so she asked her husband to hold her
her husband said: "Why don't you just turn on the light?"

she said: "Just hold me"

and how men will volunteer to do the housework
then the women will get upset when they don't do it "properly", usually meaning the way they do it

my friend decried men who don't do chores
maybe this is why :P because they get scolded/nagged even if they do. damned if you do, damned if you don't

HWMNBN: depends. the even better one is where when the guy does household chores the girl secretly despises him for not being "manly"

the irony is that a lot of the behaviours that stem from what is known as "manliness" - which most women claim they want - are the kinds they despise so much

aiyah basically you cannot win with women

Me: what women say they want, what women think they want and what women really want aren't always the same.

Someone: this guy behind me in the lib. he's ugly and faat. and he is making chewing-with-mouth-open noises that sound suspiciously like a guy going down on a girl
and i think. he just ruined sex for me.