Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf." - Lewis Mumford


Someone: *question*

Me: *a whole collection of answers*

Someone: why didnt u just answer my question???
instead of making me plough thru all of that when my brain refuses to work

Someone else: one thing i find annoying about sg university girls: they're all so repressed


what exactly is being frigid actually? it's not like a biological condition is it?

Someone on Oz: i noticed that its a lot worse in singapore than it is like here. the [sexual] harrassing.
i get it ocassionally when i go back

like banglas on the back of a truck shouting at me when they drive past
like u wont get that sort of thing here unless theyre drunk

just a general lack of respect for women and their rights?

someone has to put their foot down about it !!!
­and squash them ignorant women harrassing idiots into a pulp

Noodles: i wouldn't eat cockroaches but if someone put a knife to my throat i would wholeheartedly eat it

inhibition removed but personality remains the same

Me: tada
same for alcohol

Noodles: yah

so inhibitions not part of personality lor
at least not a subset.. maybe overlapping set

i guess i see inhibitions as a manifestation of personality?

actually i'm getting damn confused now

Me: uhh


this is why I refuse to be drawn in

Noodles: i suspect that i'm arguing against myself

you smart lah
then you watch as i try to confuse myself

wow, it's like 见死不救 lor

Me: rescue you for what
then you pull me in

Non-Chinese Muslim friend: gong xi fa cai

Me: allahu akbar
yay racial-religious harmony