Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things." - Jilly Cooper


A short review of Fight Night! (Eusoff Pageant Preview Bash), which I went to on invitation and on the understanding that someone else was too - see 6)

1) Quality >> Dare 21 (Science bash, early 2006)

2) There were a lot of jeans, more than you see in Arts normally. It must be a hall inmate thing.

3) Indian guys look better than other Singaporean males, which is why there were 2 of them among the 5 pageant contestants (noted by one emcee: "this year pageant got a lot of indians"). This ties into my theory of relativity (Frigid Girl claims that she notices aesthetics, and she noticed more girls in the UK than here, but for guys it was about the same. This confirms my theory of relativity - on a global scale Singaporean men fare better relatively than their opposite-gender counterparts).

4) One pageant contestant brought her mother

5) All the female pageant contestants looked the same, having a SACSAL look. It was unlikely that they were all SACSALs, since one was from Medicine. The skankiness was probably due to the makeup, hair and clothes ("too much makeup and the combo of red and black can do that to anyone. hard to look classy if you're dressed like a hooker" - Someone who was there).

And, yes, people (pageant contestants at least) do have the freaky look you see at the bash promotions you see in school.

Me: Do they all look freaky {at bashes, like how people promoting bashes look?}

Friend: It's okay to look freaky, but you must look freaky in a good way. They look freaky in a bad way. Like they just fell into a dumpster and came out blue-black.

Also, I think many of the attendees looked better than the pageant contestants, so possible corollaries:

1) I have weird tastes. Or people like the skanky look
2) No one wanted to join the pageant
3) Too much makeup and weird hair does that to you

6) I got pang seh-ed by Johnny Malkavian. Bah.

7) There is a picture of me looking very suspicious on

8) I only saw groping among people who already seemed intimately familiar with each other. This is because they could go back and grope in hall, and because everyone already knew everyone - normally the point of clubbing is to hook up with people you don't know, which is why we have Gay and Lesbian nightspots, viz., nightspots revolve around clients' sexual orientations