Saturday, November 25, 2006

"The poor wish to be rich, the rich wish to be happy, the single wish to be married, and the married wish to be dead." - Ann Landers


Frigid Girl: i have a knack of coming up with bad surprises

let's see. my friend is allergic to chocolate
by accident, i forget and let her drink coffee bean's cocoa
or smth of the sort

Me: well done
did she die?

Frigid Girl: no
she recognised the taste
and stopped drinking

Frigid Girl: before i met you i didn't know people in NUS were so liberal hurhur

you gave me all the deviant viewpoints
from different pple

JB was the most eyeopening

Me: I'm not very deviant
and I don't know particularly deviant people (deviant people will be off having fun instead of talking to me)

so you were basically living in a well

Someone: i was referring to ben&jerry's as "BJ"
fren A thought i meant "blow job"
fren B misheard "blow job" as "pork chop"

Me: someone said during exams everyone is horny

Someone: why only during exams
i thought all the time

but it intensifies during exams

maybe the prolonged constant exposure to all the worn out bodies in the library intensify that horniness
everyone looks so tired

i think when u're tired u either want sex to rejuvenate, or sleep to recuperate

so maybe that's the r/s betw horny n exams
and most of the time they dont get sex, so u see them sleeping in the libraries

Me: yah I think exams make people more horny
all my quotable convos these days involve sex
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