Monday, September 10, 2001

Your homepage: Not angsty; puerile. Especially the conceited "rants".

Thought there was something deeper about angst (not just the general term used to describe teens wallowing in self-pity):
German word for the anxiety or anguish produced by an acute awareness of the implications of human freedom. An important notion for existentialist philosophers, including especially Kierkegaard and Heidegger.
anxiety {Ger. Angst} :
According to many existentialist philosophers, the normal emotional response to the overwhelming responsibility entailed by human freedom.

What one learns from reading lowbrow "Sophie's World"....
Definitions courtesy of and not Hilde's father.

I'm considering teaching in a secondary school, preferably RI, for a few weeks at the start of next yr b4 university starts. Anybody knows who I should contact/what procedure/requirements? I have a rough idea of salary, doing it more for the experience.


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