Sunday, March 09, 2025

Links - 9th March 2025 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023 [including 'Famine' and 'Genocide']

GAZA STRIP: Famine Review Committee Alert | IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification : r/UnitedNations - "Breaking - EMERGENCY: Gaza is 4 months away from almost imminently about to be on the verge of the food scarcity which would qualify them for pre-famine levels of hunger!!!!!"
"On the brink of a massive famine for 1 year straight. Is the famine in the room with us?"
"We’ve been hearing this same thing since October of 2023. The little boy who cried wolf is actually something to consider here."

GAZA STRIP: Famine Review Committee Alert | IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification : r/ZZZionism - "Famine has been “imminent” for like 400 days. Starting to think the UN doesn’t know what that word means...   If you called it imminent in November 2023 and you are still calling it imminent in November of 2024, you had to be wrong at least one of those times. Either it’s imminent now which means it was very far from being imminent a year ago or it was imminent then. In which case it’s already happening now? So it’s no longer imminent? They can’t be right for a whole year by predicting something is about to happen but has yet to" Naturally, OP got labelled a "Zionist troll" for applying critical thinking

Netanyahu in Gaza: 'Hamas will no longer control Gaza, we will pursue and defeat them' : r/worldnews - "Israel didn't prop them up. Israel allowed Qatar to send them money to improve Gaza's economy. That was an attempt by Israel to reduce tensions and lead towards peace with Hamas, which is what everyone claims they want. Israel was just doing what the whole world wanted it to do: make peace with Hamas. Hamas had been sending out indicators that it wanted to cool things down while secretly planning Oct. 7. Instead of using the Qatari money to build the economy and public infrastructure, they used it to buy weapons and build tunnels. Israel tried to make peace and all it got in return was Oct. 7."
"That should be a lesson for all of us. There is no negotiation with terrorists.  Defeat them so thoroughly that they can no longer pose a credible threat. It's what we did to ISIS, it's what Israel is doing to Hamas, and if we have any long term strategic sense at all, it's what we will do to Iran in the next four years.  Overwhelming force is the only language they understand."
Terrorism supporters keep claiming that Israel funded Hamas, which is their very poor misunderstanding of the reality described here

Netanyahu in Gaza: 'Hamas will no longer control Gaza, we will pursue and defeat them' : r/worldnews - "It’s not that they did not know Hamas could enact something like Oct 7th, it’s that they didn’t believe Hamas would choose to willingly abandon its rule over Gaza - because such an attack would be suicide for Hamas as a government of Gaza. The Israeli security apparatus didn’t believe they’d throw it all away like they did."

Post-election over, Team Biden is SLAMMING a bogus claim of Gaza famine - "Team Biden is slamming a report that warns of famine in northern Gaza.  What a difference an election makes...   “Israel’s near-total blockade of humanitarian and commercial food supplies” has triggered mass starvation in northern Gaza, FEWS Net preached — fresh fodder for Israel-haters to sling unhinged accusations about the Jewish state perpetrating “genocide.” Sorry, there’s no “near-total blockade,” and never has been. Nor, per Israeli and UN estimates, are there 65,000 people in northern Gaza (let alone starving ones) but less than 15,000.  The FEWS NET alert “relies on outdated population estimates, and has methodological limitations based on the availability of data,” a US Agency for International Development spokesman said.  “At a time when inaccurate information is causing confusion and accusations, it is irresponsible to issue a report like this,” Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew fumed.  That’s been true before, too: Another FEWS Net report this year similarly raised famine alarms, based on numbers that also turned out to be garbage.  Yet the Biden-Harris folks — with an eye on pro-Hamas voters — nonetheless ranted about Israel’s “over-the-top” response to Hamas’ war... Indeed, in a last-minute bid for the anti-Israel vote just before the election, Team Biden threatened to halt yet more weapons shipments to Israel if the IDF didn’t let in more aid.    Such threats only further embolden Hamas, Iran and Israel’s other enemies.  Gazans caught in a war inevitably will find it hard to find food, especially since Hamas regularly steals aid shipments, and relief groups aren’t even willing to assign drivers to deliver the shipments, fearing they’ll be attacked and robbed by the terrorists or criminals.   Yet the answer isn’t to blast Israel and demand it end its efforts to eliminate Hamas, as President Biden and Veep Kamala Harris did all year.  The answer’s to help Israel eliminate the terrorists as quickly as possible. Indeed, if Team Biden had called out the phony reports of famine and “genocide” from the start, and fully backed Israel’s defensive war, the fighting might well have ended by now.  On the bright side: A new administration takes office next month, and Washington will stop trying to make nice with Israel’s enemies, including their propaganda wings."

Israeli siege has placed Gazans at risk of starvation − prewar policies made them vulnerable in the first place
From February 2024

Socio-Economic & Food Security Survey 2020 - State of Palestine - occupied Palestinian territory - "over 60 percent of households in the Gaza Strip are moderately or severely food insecure."

Prevalence of overweight, obesity, and associated factors among adolescents in the occupied Palestinian territory: a cross-sectional study - "The analysis indicates a prevalence of 23·6% (95% CI 20·6–26·5) for overweight and obesity, with a prevalence of 26·1% in the West Bank and 19·5% in the Gaza Strip"
From 2021

Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Secondary School Students in Gaza Strip- PalestineStudents in Gaza Strip- Palestine - "The results showed that 25% of the study subjects were overweight/ obese; 6.9% were obese, and 18.1% were overweight."
From 2023

Prevalence and predictors of overweight and obesity among women in the Gaza strip-Palestine: a cross-sectional study - "The results revealed that the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity was 64.1%. The prevalence of overweight/obesity was 34.5 and 29.6% respectively."
From 2020. It's so lucky that Israel is causing "imminent" "famine" in Gaza, because if they were to give them more food, they would be accused by the "anti-Zionists" of trying to fatten them to death

Meme - Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 @MarinaMedvin: "The Gaza doctor who was writing propaganda pieces in the New York Times turned out to be a high ranking terrorist member of Hamas.  H/t @EFischberger"
"Guest essay. I'm One of the Last Doctors in This Hospital in Gaza. I'm Begging the World for Help."
"Kamal Adwan Hospital Director is a Colonel in Hamas. Israel's counterterror operation at Gaza's Kamal Adwan Hospital has sparked major headlines, with false claims of IDF atrocities. Here's the scoop: the hospital director, Hussam Abu Safiya, is a Colonel in Hamas"
"I'm a Pediatrician in Gaza. Please Save Us From This Horror."

Amira Elghawaby on X - "Today's long overdue announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza is bittersweet for those who have been witnessing the unimaginable violence and war inflicted on innocent women, men, and helpless children.   For over a year, 🇨🇦Canadian Palestinians frantically watched the dehumanization of their loved ones; the endless justifications for the killings, devastating hunger, and the sheer brutality inflicted on their people.  This announcement, which includes urgent humanitarian aid and the return of hostages, is no doubt a relief that this current nightmare may finally be ending.   Through it all, Canadians of all backgrounds did not give up exercising their civil liberties to push for a ceasefire, even though many faced Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab racism in their schools, universities, workplaces, and in the public sphere for doing so.  These communities are cautiously hoping for a lasting, just peace - where international humanitarian law is upheld for all and Palestine 🇵🇸 is free.  Now more than ever, the time for unity and healing as a collective is crucial.🕊️"
Sean Speer on X - "It ought to be shocking that this taxpayer-funded activist cannot bring herself to condemn Hamas for starting the war or even refer to the Israeli hostages who've suffered for past 15 months. But of course it is not. Firing her will be among the most straightforward ways to save $1M per year for a future Conservative government."
Nothing on the rampant anti-Semitism, of course. Because that would be Islamophobic

Yuan Yi Zhu on X - "I find it interesting the international law community is so silent when the president of the International Court of Justice just goes off to become prime minister of Lebanon and makes virulent speeches attacking a defendant state even before his resignation has gone through."
He's clearly unbiased and the anti-Zionists are just spreading lies as usual

Eyal Yakoby on X - "BREAKING: Thousands of Palestinians are out on the streets of Gaza chanting "Allahu Akbar! We will go to Jerusalem, [sacrifice] millions of martyrs." They are directly saying they want more war and to die. What kind of perverse culture is this?"
Clearly these are victims of "genocide" and have done nothing to arouse any suspicion, much less face any sanction

Elisha (Lishi) Baker on X - "It’s day 1 of Prof. @shilonavi History of Modern Israel @Columbia and masked protestors just barged in to intimidate and disrupt. So much for “academic freedom.” Welcome to Columbia, 2025!"
Of course, if you throw these thugs out, that will be a grave threat to academic freedom and freedom of speech

Eitan Fischberger on X - "Any honest observer should be able to look at the footage emerging from Gaza—featuring genocidal antisemitic chants, glorification of terrorism, the near-lynching of hostages, and a well-fed civilian population—and confront three fundamental truths:
1. Gaza is a profoundly sick society, deeply entrenched in radicalization. Undoing this will require decades of comprehensive efforts, and even then, success is far from guaranteed.
2. For 15 months, they have been fed blatant lies about "genocide" and "famine." They have been systematically deceived.
3. Hamas cannot be allowed to play any role in governing Gaza after the war and must cease to exist as a functional entity.
Anyone who refuses to acknowledge these realities needs to take a good hard look at their moral compass—and fast."

Gray Connolly on X - "Must say, first genocide in history where the allegedly genocided "men" stood around in balaclavas screaming at a lone female who the 'genocided' had raped and kept hostage for 470 days .... never forget who supported Hamas & what they did to innocent girls and women."

Dr. Maalouf ‏ on X - "HORRIFYING: a crowd of Palestinians attempted to break into the Red Cross van and lynch the 3 female hostages that were released today."

Nicole Lampert on X - "They said it was about ‘genocide’.  They said it was about ‘killing babies’. They said ‘we just want the killing to stop’.   Now they say ‘we won’t stop’. Now they say ‘we won’t rest’.  Until Israel is no more. Until all the Jews are gone.   They want more war. They always want more war."
Israel is to blame for Palestinian bloodlust because its very existence is an offence to anti-Semites

Ella Travels (Ella Kenan) on X - "Palestinians in Gaza: We are in great suffering, this is a genocide, all of Gaza is in ruins.
Palestinians 0.009 seconds after the ceasefire agreement signed: WE WON! WE LOVE HAMAS! We will destroy Israel!
That's not how the Tutsi or the Jews reacted after their genocides ended.  World, you've been duped once again, and the Palestinians will continue to outsource their responsibility for their lives onto you."

Meme - Hashem @HashemAllMighty: "Palestinians are the first people in history to have brand new vehicles, custom water bottles and fancy decor while “starving” in a “genocide”."
"New trucks / fancy decor everywhere. Custom water bottles with death triangle logo. Brand new cars"

Meme - Uri Kurlianchik @VerminusM: "There's an interesting thing about today's images that everyone is ignoring. Gaza has been marketed as this blasted hellhole where people eke out a meager living among the ruins. Yet this stage has two giant posters painted professionally with expensive equipment for the occasion. Everyone has high-quality tags and laminated certificates. Everyone is wearing shiny, new uniforms. Nothing is improvised, nothing is "ghetto." This looks like a corporate presentation, not like rebels rising from the ruins. How and where were these props made?"

Meme - Ella Travels (Ella Kenan) @EllaTravelsLove: "Kind Reminder:  One video shows the happiness of the people of Israel when their brothers and sisters are returning home from captivity  The other video shows the happiness of Palestinians in Gaza celebrating the kidnapping of babies, the elderly, rape of women and slaughter of human beings with their children on the street, after they opened a war against Israel even though they had full sovereignty.  Everything there is to know about each people in one video."
*Israel*: "Celebrating when hostages are rescued"
*Palestine*: "Celebrating when civilians are kidnapped"

Meme - Ritchie Torres @RitchieTorres: "Before the ceasefire, Nerdeen Kiswani insisted that Palestinians were a victim of a genocide.  After the ceasefire, she insists that “Palestine has won.”    How exactly can you “win” a genocide unless you were lying about genocide in the first place? No victims of a genocide would ever claim to have “won” a genocide."
Nerdeen Kiswani @NerdeenKiswani: "Gaza has won, Palestine has won, resistance has won. Imperialism and Zionism has lost, the Democratic Party has lost, the future of the Zionist state continues to be eroded. Everyone who participated, aided and abetted this genocide will continue to pay the price."

Meme - 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ @NiohBerg: "Not one single Jew walked out Auschwitz with freshly cut hair, new clothes and a well fed belly, claiming victory after surviving a genocide.  This is how you know which genocide was real and which one didn't happen."
"I survived the Israeli #genocide"

The Persian Jewess on X - "On one side there are people who would release 1,904 murderer terrorists from prison to save a 2 year old kidnapped baby. On the other side there are people who would kidnap a 2 year old baby and call it “glorious resistance.” Which side are you on?"

Thread by @jonsac on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🧵In return for the four Israeli women abducted, Israel is releasing 200 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails. The Western media is doing almost zero analysis of who these people are. Here is some basic info according to the names circulating at the moment: 👇
There are 100 prisoners in the release today who are listed as being guilty of crimes directly related to killing, such as murder, homicide, or causing death. Over 100 of the prisoners on the list today were serving life sentences. They are being released not for good behaviour or showing remorse, but because they were part of a blackmail deal. There are 31 prisoners in the list connected to making bombs, explosive devices, or similar crimes. Of those set to be released today, 35 are connected to firearms and weapons-related offences, including crimes such as possession of firearms or possession of weapons. The age range of the prisoners on the list is from 16 to 70 years old, with an average age of 47 years. They are all men.   70 of the prisoners have already left Ktzi'ot Prison in the Negev on their way to the Rafah crossing, to enter Egypt and to be deported. The prisoners include 65 year old Ibrahim Khalil Ahmed Salah, إبرايم خليل أحمد صح, affiliate with Fatah, who assaulted a police officer, found guilty of murder by hostile action and grievous bodily harm. Also on the list for release today is Ahmed Al-Sheibani, أحمد مصطفى أحمد الشباي, 53, affiliated to Islamic Jihad, imprisoned for attempted murder, murder by hostile acts, and service to an illegal organisation Also up for release is Abraham Attiaإبرايم يوسف إبرايم عطية, 40, affiliated with Hamas, imprisoned for membership of an unrecognised organisation, and aiding and abetting murder."

Meme - Simon Myerson KC 🎗️ @SCynic1: "Used by @BBC  as a source for the last 15 months. The lack of transparency as to how its non-resident, non-Hebrew speaking reporters get their views is another reason not to publicly fund the news department. The clear risk of contamination isn’t acknowledged, let alone addressed."
Bayan @BayanPalestine: "Yall I can't believe I survived to witness this day. legit thought I wouldn't. Next on the list: the day israel ceases to exist. #Gaza"

Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - "The Israeli girls were returned from Gaza in green uniforms. They were taken in pajamas. Everything is a lie and a spectacle. Notice their smiles — they are drugged. Hmas injects all returning hostages with a cocktail of narcotics for this effect."

Aviva Klompas on X - "Mahmoud Abbas called one of the released terrorists, Yasser Abu Bakr, to congratulate him. Abu Bakr was sentenced to 115 years in jail for murdering three Israelis, including a nine-month-old baby. Remember this the next time someone tells you Abbas is a "partner for peace""

Hen Mazzig on X - "BREAKING: One of the Palestinian prisoners set to be released today is refusing to leave the jail and says he prefers to stay in Israeli prison than go back to Hamas’ Gaza. He will be replaced with another prisoner."
Hen Mazzig on X - "Second Palestinian prisoner is now refusing to leave Israeli prison and insists he wants to stay a prisoner. To those who said the Palestinian prisoners are hostages, can you imagine an Israeli hostage refusing to go home? Ask yourself why."

Meme - Open Source Intel @Osint613: "Imagine being a Palestinian journalist with over three million followers. Your city lies in ruins, utterly destroyed. And what do you do? You post a photo with one of the very terrorists responsible for the devastation and caption it, “The pride of our nation.”  These people will never learn."
Aboud Battah @abod_bt: "Pride of our nation"

Eyal Yakoby on X - "HAPPENING NOW: A massive crowd of people have turned up to protest Australia Day and call for "Death to Australia." You'll notice that the most common flag is the Palestinian flag. The Australian government just welcomed and handed out money to thousands more Palestinians."

Eretz Israel on X - "Gaza has the largest transgender community in the entire Middle East with many as 25,000 men identifying as women and children."

Delphine Gamburg on X - "Meet Oded Lifschitz.   He was a journalist for a far-left Israeli newspaper. Oded was a fluent Arabic speaker and vociferous advocate for Palestinians and Gazan rights.  So much so that he volunteered for a decade with the organization  "Road to Recovery" to personally transport children from Gaza (remember? where there were 36 hospitals) to Israel, so they get the very best medical care.  Today, he came home from Gaza in a body bag.  He was betrayed and murdered by the very people he fought so ardently for.  May his memory be a blessing.  #Oded #HamasTerrorists #HamasisISIS #HamasNazis"

AJ Edelman, Israel's Bobsledding Bear Jew on X - "What keeps me up as an Israeli is knowing that for 500 days our neighbors were more interested in holding a 9 month old prisoner than whether their home was turned into a battlefield. Not one protest. Not one "maybe we give the baby back." Nope. Just a normal day ending in y"

How Montreal became the antisemitism capital of North America - "According to the Toronto Sun, in the last year, Montreal has endured the most antisemitic hate crimes of any city in North America.   Indeed, since the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre in Israel, antisemitic incidents in Canada have increased by an astounding 670%.  Canadian Jews — a miniscule 1.4% of the nation’s population — were the victims of 70% of religion-based hate crimes during roughly the same period. Jewish schools in Montreal have been shot at, and Montreal universities, including my home university of Concordia, have become cesspools of anti-Jewish harassment.   As a Jewish professor who has weighed in publicly on these difficulties, the situation has gotten so precarious that I have taken an unpaid leave from Concordia University and joined Northwood University in Michigan... Montreal was rocked by violent protests laden with antisemitic overtones.  Aggressive agitators shattered shop windows, tossed smoke bombs and torched cars. An owner of a Second Cup Café franchise, ironically located at Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital, was caught on camera expressing genocidal hate of the Jews.   Where is all of this Jew-hatred coming from?   Currently, the three key sources of Jew-hatred are Islamic-based hate, ultra-right neo-Nazi types and the academic left, which promulgates the narrative that Jews are the brutal colonizers of the otherwise peace-loving Palestinians.    Within the Montreal ecosystem, the neo-Nazi dynamic is less prevalent, but the other two sources have been on overdrive for decades.   The Quebec government has long fretted about protecting its French linguistic heritage.   As a result, it has opened the borders to hundreds of thousands of immigrants from French-speaking Islamic nations who might otherwise not share the secular and liberal values that define Quebec society, and who hail from societies defined by ubiquitous Jew-hatred.    As long as the conquerors speak French, the eventual erasure of the host society will surely be painless.   The adage “Demography is destiny” is true for a reason. The prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is from Montreal.   He is the product of a deeply progressive educational ecosystem that promotes postmodernism, radical feminism, a commitment to DEI and cultural relativism.   When he was still a mere member of Parliament, Trudeau famously became enraged that cultural practices such as honor killings were labeled barbaric by the then-conservative government of Canada led by Stephen Harper.   The barbaric acts did not shock him.   Calling them “barbaric” is what drew his ire.    Trudeau’s desire to exhibit Islamophilic tendencies is so pronounced that whenever a grave antisemitic incident takes place, he is quick to remind us that we must combat Islamophobia (such as he did after shots were fired at a pair of Jewish schools in Montreal last year).  But it’s actually antisemitism that is running rampant across Montreal, a city now filled with intimidating protests against “Zionism.”    These are taking place on campuses, on the streets, across from synagogues, and in shopping malls.   Everywhere you turn, masked individuals wearing keffiyehs can be seen uttering the usual chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Globalize the intifada.” Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante did not think that the protests from this past week were antisemitic, condemning them instead as “pro-Palestinian” and “anti-NATO.”  A senior administrator at Concordia recently told me that there was no Jew-hatred despite the fact that university president Graham Carr testified on Parliament Hill about the endemic Jew-hatred on campus.  Ignoring the problem is not going to cause it to go away.   Incidentally, as the city was burning last week, Trudeau was unable to address the violence because he was busy attending a Taylor Swift concert.   Meanwhile, this past Sunday, a Montreal rabbi was asked to leave the downtown area as his open Jewishness (he was wearing a kippah) might be viewed as provocative.  This is the reality that I grew up with in Lebanon: “Please don’t flaunt your Jewishness. It might incite violence.” Unchecked immigration from societies endemically hostile to Jews — along with a weak host society infested by ideological rapture — create the perfect mix for Jew-hatred to flourish in an ecosystem of cowardice and apathy.   The United States dodged an immeasurable existential bullet by electing Donald Trump. Had Kamala Harris won (she also grew up in Montreal), the United States would have headed down the path of many European countries and Canada, namely an increasingly dangerous environment for Jews.   Do not make the mistakes that we have made in Canada...   In the Middle East, there is an old expression, “First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people” (or a variant such as “After Saturday comes Sunday”) — namely that the Jews might be the first to be targeted, but Christians are inevitably next."
"Pro-Palestinian speech" is basically anti-Semitism

Competitive Altruism and White Self-Destruction

From 2003. The language is a bit dated (e.g. nowadays "empathy" has replaced "compassion" as the left wing buzzword) but this still describes the US today:

Competitive Altruism and White Self-Destruction

"All other races promote their own interests unapologetically, and have prominent, well-funded lobbying organizations. There are no such organizations for whites, mainly because whites themselves oppose their establishment. The few small pro-white organizations that do exist are usually labeled “hate groups.”

At the same time, whites hand out billions of dollars every year in social services to non-whites, and pass affirmative action legislation to help them compete against whites for jobs and education. Whites promote mass Third-World immigration, and white politicians try to make immigration easier and more attractive. Whites willingly — even eagerly, it seems — surrender whole neighborhoods to immigrants. In short, whites consider it praiseworthy to work in the interests of other races, but disreputable to work in their own.

There are several theories proposed to explain this. One, argued by Kevin MacDonald, is that Jews have had a corrosive effect on white group identity. Jews, he argues, have promoted intellectual systems, such as Freudianism, Marxism, and deconstruction that pathologize expressions of white group identity, such as Christianity, patriotism, and traditional family life. He writes that Jews have made movies and television programs that ridicule Christianity and patriotism, and have been among the most powerful advocates of immigration and liberalization in America. They support pro-minority activism of all kinds. Jews, according to this theory, have helped equate any expression of white self-interest with “fascism.”

Another explanation of the white race’s lack of a sense of its interests is Jared Taylor’s theory about white altruism, which he outlined in his American Renaissance article, “The Ways of Our People.” Mr. Taylor believes whites have a unique sense of reciprocity and an inclination to acknowledge the points of view and the interests of other people. He cites the humane treatment of enemy soldiers and rules of sportsmanship that value generosity towards competitors more highly than beating them...

While Prof. MacDonald’s and Mr. Taylor’s theories may go part of the way in explaining white behavior, they do not fully account for it. Even if Prof. MacDonald’s theories about Jewish motives are correct, as he himself acknowledges, Jews are only a small percentage of the population of white nations, and could not have corroded white identity without the consent of whites. It was gentile presidents and mostly gentile politicians who passed the immigration reform laws Jews (and others) advocated. Gentiles happily buy tickets to anti-white movies. Prof. MacDonald does not explain why whites consent to their destruction. Mr. Taylor is certainly right to link this consent to altruism, but his account is incomplete because he overlooks one of the primary motives for this behavior.

In order to understand whites, one must recognize that much of their apparently altruistic behavior is actually a form of egoistic competition. What I will call “competitive altruism” is one of the key forces that shape white societies. This form of competition emerges because altruism is linked to social status. People who act altruistically gain the trust and respect of others, which tends to increase their prestige and wealth. It follows that those who convince others they are altruistic reap greater status rewards than those who do not.

One of the primary forms of competitive altruism in contemporary white society is racial altruism. Expressing benevolence for non-whites has become a key to success in white societies. It is virtually impossible to achieve high status without overt expressions of concern and benevolence for non-whites, and such expressions are particularly common because they can be made at no personal cost. The racial altruism high-status Americans promote does have a very high cost, but one that is, in the near-term, borne almost exclusively by low-status whites...

Several explanations [for altruism] have been proposed, but the one most relevant here is the theory of altruism as reputation-building. Whom would you choose as a business partner: someone who returned a lost wallet, or someone who kept it? Most people prefer the former because returning a wallet shows honesty and concern for others. Altruism makes a person more sought after in economic and personal relationships, so a reputation for altruism can bring social prestige. Indeed, empirical work by J. Philippe Rushton shows that those who show high levels of altruism tend to do better economically than those who are selfish.

The psychologist Gilbert Roberts takes this theory one step further. If altruism improves one’s reputation, there is every reason to believe it will become competitive. People will want to show themselves to be more altruistic than others in order to gain friends and prestige. Furthermore, inasmuch as high social status is a key aspect of male sexual attractiveness, Prof. Roberts believes displays of altruism are some of the things men do to make themselves more sexually attractive...

Francie Ostrower, who has interviewed many philanthropists and is the author of Why the Wealthy Give, reports that one of the principal motives of philanthropy is to gain social status...

The competitive nature of altruism is clear: “If you move to [Xville] and you want to be accepted by the OK people, you break your back to get on the board of the museum . . . The entr’es leading off that board are not to be believed . . . You cannot imagine the vying that goes on to get onto that board.” Board memberships are a site of competition between different elite groups. Prof. Ostrower notes that there is often a conflict between the “old guard,” which sees itself as the “true guardians” of the organization, and the “new rich,” who try to eclipse the prestige of the older money by making larger donations. The old guard defends itself as the board’s true guardians by stressing the purity of its altruism as opposed to the mercenary striving of the new rich. “One social elite donor, for instance, distanced herself from the “new rich,’ whom she portrayed as giving for status, implying that she herself did not.”

Just as altruism raises status, its absence lowers it. Most of the philanthropists whom Prof. Ostrower interviewed agreed that “for wealthier members of our society, philanthropy is not a matter of personal choice, but is an obligation.” One donor said that when he sees wealthy people who contribute little, “it gives me a real clue about them as people . . .” Another said that wealthy people who did not give were “looked upon with disdain, disfavor and [were] highly criticized.”

This type of competitive altruism is clearly one of the basic features of Western culture and is part of the Christian ethic, which exhorts Christians to altruism.

While the Protestants who founded America sanctified the accumulation of wealth, this was to be balanced by charitable giving. The Puritan leader John Winthrop believed God did not make one man richer than others for his own sake, “but for the glory of his creator and the common good of the creature man.” Jonathan Edwards believed charity was at the center of a Christian life. “Where,” he asked, “have we any command in the Bible laid down in stronger terms, and in a more peremptory urgent manner than the command of giving to the poor?” William Penn ordained to his fellow Quakers “Obedience to Superiors, Love to Equals, . . . Help and Countenance to Inferiors.” For Penn, money beyond what was needed to assure one’s own comfort should be given to orphans, widows, and the hungry. 

The 19th century saw an exuberant proliferation of charitable organizations. The 1830s, for example, were the age of the “Benevolent Empire” of Protestant religious societies that distributed Bibles and religious tracts, promoted missionary work, and succored the indigent. This tradition continued in the 20th century, and was typified by Andrew Carnegie. He wrote about “surplus revenues which come to [the rich man] simply as trust funds . . . which he is called upon to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community.” Today’s wealthiest foundations were established in the names of 20th century magnate-philanthropists: Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Pew Memorial Trust, etc.

There is no doubt that competitive altruism played a role in this. Protestantism’s most famous theorist, the sociologist Max Weber, emphasized the connection between religious involvement and economic success. After giving many examples of the association between religious observance and business success in America, Weber concluded that throughout American history “sect membership meant a certificate of moral qualification and especially of business morals for the individual.” Climbing within the church through conformity to its principles went hand in hand with success in the business world. Philanthropic giving was important in both worlds, and one’s status increased with one’s generosity.

The current prevalence of racial altruism in elite white culture is due to a shift in the beneficiaries of competitive altruism. In the 19th century, people climbed the social ladder by giving to charities that distributed Bibles to orphans and sent missionaries to Africa. Today, elite commitment to specifically Christian philanthropy has been replaced by competition among whites who make donations to the United Negro College Fund or programs to promote diversity in higher education.

The direction of competitive altruism changed as a result of the power struggle that emerged in the 1960s and “70s between two segments of the American elite and gave rise to what became known as the liberal “New Class,” primarily employed in the public sector, and the business community. The New Class gained power by convincing the public its liberalism was a necessary antidote to the “racism” and selfishness of the “organization men” in the business world. Businessmen responded by trying to prove that the plight of minorities was important to them too, and started donating to liberal charities. Eventually they discovered that racial altruism was good business: the elite patronized businesses that helped minorities. Businesses therefore compete with each other to prove themselves the most racially altruistic. A concern for the interests of whites or even for their survival as a group is now the worst sort of bad taste.

The ideology of the current ruling class had its origins in the New Left movement of the 1960s, of which student radicalism was a part. While the old left had worked mainly for the well-being of white workers, the New Left was more concerned with minorities, the Third World, women, and the environment. In yoking these together, the New Left brought into being what we call “liberalism.”

Although predominantly white and Jewish, New Leftists romanticized blacks and Third-World peasants who, they believed, possessed an authentic “humanism” that was, in the words of student leader Tom Hayden, “immune to the ravages of competitive society.” They argued that the United States was dominated by an exploitative, incipiently aristocratic class of white Protestants that was racist, imperialist, and McCarthyite. As the New Left ideologue Susan Sontag put it in 1967:

The white race is the cancer of human history. It is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.

According to Mr. Hayden’s 1962 “Port Huron Statement,” the manifesto of this movement, the radicals espoused “generosity of a kind that imprints one’s unique individual qualities in the relation to other men, and to all human activity.”

What better objects of generosity than those groups who were furthest from the mainstream: non-whites, homosexuals, criminals, and deviates of all kinds? Just as Jesus demonstrated his purity by consorting with prostitutes and publicans, the New Left would outcompete all others in altruism by claiming, at any rate, to care the most about people for whom the moneyed classes appeared to care the least.

Capitalism was, of course, the very antithesis of generosity, and the New Left initiated the anti-corporate campaign that has become a permanent feature of the political landscape...

These campaigns had a mixed record in changing corporate practices, but were overwhelmingly successful in changing public opinion, particularly among the young. During the “60s and “70s, the New Left completely won the altruism game, and convinced the public of its moral superiority to business. A poll of college students in 1969 found that 94 percent believed business was “too profit-blinded and not concerned with public welfare.” Interest in a business career plummeted; in 1966, only seven percent of Princeton seniors said they planned immediate employment in business. As an article in Fortune found, “The prejudice against business is undeniable, and permeates the country’s highest-ranking colleges.”

The theory of competitive altruism predicts that anyone who manages to prove himself more altruistic than others will rise in status, and that is precisely what happened to the New Left. Many of the student radicals, as well as moderates who sided with them, began to form a new type of elite — it was conservative critics who called it the “New Class” — which prospered in professions unrelated to, and often hostile to, business. According to Irving Kristol, one of this class’s major theorists, the New Class consisted of “scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists, and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their careers in the expanding public sector, city planners, the staffs of the larger foundations, the upper level of the government bureaucracy, and so on.” They became the “experts” whose opinions are constantly being quoted to us.

As they grew older they consolidated their gains: In the 1970s Mr. Kristol wrote, “In any naked contest with the “new class,’ business is the certain loser.” The emergence and influence of this class can be quantified in American voting patterns: in the 1972 presidential election, for the first time, a greater percentage of the college-educated voted for the Democrats than did the non-college-educated. As recently as the 2000 presidential election, highly educated professionals were still more likely to vote for the left than was the rest of the population.

Although the New Class defined itself in opposition to establishment Protestantism, the conservative critic Michael Novak recognized what they had in common::

The New Class covers its political campaigns . . . with an aura of morality so thick it would make the righteous Anglo-Saxons of a century ago envious. Because two of its chief causes — civil rights (including poverty) and resistance to the Indochinese war — are morally sound, it has been able to conceal its own lust for power and its own class interests, at least from itself.

While their form of expression had changed, the basic traits of the race persisted. The New Class had merely found a new way to play the competitive altruism game that has always dominated American life: the only difference was that now blacks and Vietnamese peasants, rather than widows and orphans, were the pawns in the competition for elite status. As Communism crumbled, the people who would once have claimed to champion the proletariat switched to non-whites, homosexuals, and immigrants. The competitive impulse was the same, and the more forceful and public their demonstrations of benevolence, the greater their claim to superiority. 

The overwhelming success of New Class activism led to steep increases in welfare spending, public sector employment, taxation of the wealthy, environment and worker protection, and to the civil rights legislation of the 1960s. Groups expressing New Class opinions, like the NAACP, the ACLU, the National Organization of Women, and Greenpeace, raised millions of dollars by appealing to the fashionable new forms of altruism. Moreover, liberal groups have garnered more, and more positive, publicity than business or conservative groups. Virtually all media references to liberal citizens’ groups have a positive or neutral spin, whereas references to corporations or conservatives generally have a negative spin.

This is because media operators are, almost without exception, members of the New Class, and promote its views of morality and altruism. They soft-peddle news about black or Hispanic crime, Mexican and other non-white chauvinism, and the depredations of immigrants, while trumpeting any detectable misbehavior by whites, heterosexuals, or corporate executives.

In this hostile environment, businesses had to find a way to regain credibility. They started backing New Class causes to show they were “socially responsible” and “good corporate citizens.” As one Wall Street investor put it: “Corporations are required to pay for the privilege of existing as corporations.” As always in competitive altruism, the key was to appear to be unselfish, and the result has been an increase in corporate philanthropy. Between 1966 and 1996, total corporate contributions to philanthropic causes increased from $790 million to $8.5 billion, which represented a more than two-fold increase in real terms. The amount of total pre-tax income contributed increased by 39 percent. There has also been a significant and increasing leftward bias to these contributions. The Capital Research Center has shown that in 1997 corporations gave more than four times as much money to liberal groups as to conservative ones. Minority activist groups are among the top beneficiaries of corporate largesse. In 1997, the National Urban League was the leading recipient of corporate charity, and the NAACP, the National Council of La Raza, and the National Council of Negro Women were in the top 40.

Although corporate contributions reduce profits and shareholder value, studies that examine the link between corporate “social responsibility” and profit show a positive relationship. Millions of pious Americans are willing to buy the products of companies that support minority causes. One survey found that if price and quality were the same, 76 percent of Americans would switch to a brand or retail store associated with a liberal cause. In short, altruism pays.

Consequently, many well-known companies trumpet their “commitment to diversity,” hire diversity consultants, require “sensitivity training,” practice open racial preferences for non-whites, and spend lavishly at minority job fairs. They are delighted to be chosen by minority magazines as one of the “ten best companies for Hispanics” — or blacks or Asians or women or homosexuals. It apparently occurs to no one that such companies might be inhospitable to whites or men. Nor do white consumers punish companies that boast about preferential treatment for non-whites.

Corporate philanthropy, racial or otherwise, buys status for the boss. Executives of smaller businesses gain important contacts with top industry leaders by cooperating with them on philanthropic initiatives. Lobbyists representing philanthropic corporations have an easy time getting the ear of government. A 1994 article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy noted that in many communities “involvement with charity is practically a prerequisite to becoming a powerful figure in the business life of the city.” 

As the competitive altruism theory would predict, highly charitable corporations like Bell Atlantic are decidedly sniffy about less charitable competitors, and eager to expose their philanthropic inferiority. “Corporate America should be giving 2.5 percent of income,” the president of the Bell Atlantic Foundation has said. “I think the nonprofit community should do a major public relations campaign exposing how little corporations are giving as a percent of pretax income.”...

A combination of Christian moralizing, competitive altruism, and what appears to be a uniquely white impulse to abandon healthy group loyalties can result in acts of racial altruism that are simply astounding. Reginald Denny became famous for cozying up to the thugs who nearly beat him to death at the start of the Los Angeles riots in 1992. The parents of Amy Biehl, who was murdered by black South Africans because she was white, publicly embraced her killers and gave them jobs at the foundation they set up to honor their daughter (see next article). These acts won great admiration among liberals.

It is, of course, very hard to think of examples of non-whites ever behaving this way, in any period of history. Any ordinary non-white who openly forgave and embraced a racial antagonist would be treated as a fool or a traitor by his co-racialists.

The charity of American blacks, for example, is almost always directed to black causes. As Emmett D. Carson, who has written extensively on black charity, notes, “Our [black] giving was always centered around African-American interests.” Wealthy blacks like William Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Willie E. Gary, and the singer Brandy, donate to historically black colleges and scholarships for black students. The spirit of black philanthropy is summed up in the name of a panel at the 2003 Black North Carolina Conference: “Black Philanthropy: Are African-Americans Doing Enough to Support Each Other?” The question of non-black causes does not even arise.

The competitive struggle within the American elite to appear virtuous now means displays of racial altruism are an obligatory part of social climbing. David Brooks describes the culture of contemporary affluence in Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How it Got There.The bookstores in the chic locales where the New Class rich gather are all the same: “you can’t get the New Republic or anything to its right,” but you are guaranteed to find a large and prominently displayed “ethnic studies” section, which you can sample while listening to “World Music.”

The folk art of “colonial victims” is the preferred décor of the homes of social strivers:

In fact, if you tour a super-sophisticated home, you will see an odd mélange of artifacts that have nothing in common except for the shared victimization of their creators. An African mask will sit next to an Incan statue atop a tablecloth fashioned from Samoan, Brazilian, Moroccan, or Tibetan cloth.

Mr. Brooks argues that ‘60s radicalism has become an integral part of the business world. “Business is chic” among wealthy bobos, but only because every business now portrays itself as “a social movement.” “Cause capitalism” and “liberation marketing” are ubiquitous: in the bobo supermarket, you can “save the rainforest, ease global warming, nurture Native American values, support family farms, spread world peace, and reduce income inequality” just by buying food. Successful businessmen wear “Days of Rage” T-shirts while they exercise, thereby celebrating a 1969 spree of violence by student radicals who sympathized with the Black Panthers. Nike uses the Beatles song “Revolution” in its marketing. “Business leaders . . . scream revolution at the top of their lungs, like billionaire Abbie Hoffmans.” CEOs introduce corporate reports with quotations from Toni Morrison. Capitalism now routinely sugarcoats the profit motive with layers of moralistic affectation.

Mr. Brooks recognizes that romanticizing colonial victims is an integral part of a kind of “one-downmanship” status game. Celebrating the downtrodden is a way of showing that one is “compassionate” and less materialistic than one’s fellows.

For Mr. Brooks, the prototypical bobo paradise is Burlington, Vermont, which he describes in detail. There you will find plenty of pro-minority sentimentality but few minorities. In fact, Burlington is 95 percent white, with blacks and Hispanics each at less than one percent of the population. Burlington confirms one of the great laws of American race relations: the amount of sympathy whites feel for minorities is in inverse proportion to their experience with them.

And this, of course, is why the pro-minority component of competitive altruism is so attractive: It is easy to reap the benefits while others pay the costs. Hillary Clinton oozes love for blacks and Mexicans because she does not live among them. Neither her daughter nor anyone she knows ever had to go to school with them. When Edward Kennedy goes to the beach at Hyannisport his afternoon will not be spoiled by a boatload of scruffy Haitians. Astonishingly, what has become the cornerstone of elite morality — on-tap enthusiasm for diversity and integration — need be nothing more than pure lip service. The hypocrisies run so deep that, as Joseph Sobran has pointed out, in their mating and migratory habits, liberals are indistinguishable from members of the Klan.

Pro-minority altruism is like that equally vital ingredient of superior morality, “compassion.” Conveniently for liberals, “compassion” requires no personal sacrifice, but consists in braying about all the generous things government should be doing — with other people’s money — for the downtrodden.

At the same time, part of the competition to appear superior involves the search for foils and inferiors. Hence the exuberant media campaigns against anyone like Patrick Buchanan, Trent Lott, John Rocker, David Duke, or Jesse Helms. Hence the attempts to withdraw tenure from academics like Philippe Rushton, Michael Levin, and Linda Gottfredson who study racial differences. Hence the sanctions against students who violate campus “speech codes.” Once again, demonstrations of superiority have no cost. The louder one yells about John Rocker or Trent Lott, the more virtuous one appears, and the people who yell the loudest are under no more pressure to live in black neighborhoods than the ones who do not yell at all.

Of course, there is a cost to racial altruism, though it is almost never borne directly by the people who practice it most publicly. The Supreme Court justices who ordered racial integration of schools in 1954 never suffered from their ruling, nor is it likely their families did either. It was working- and middle-class whites, who shared little of the altruistic zeal of the justices, whose schools were wrecked. The same is true of every aspect of the “civil rights” revolution. The elites who insist on altruism have enough money to buy at least temporary reprieve from the need actually to practice it. The current fad of fawning over non-white immigrants works the same way. Rich boosters get cheap labor and docile nannies. The rest of us get crime, bad schools, and neighborhoods where we are a despised minority.

In the long term, of course, the costs of racial altruism will catch up even with the elites, one way or another. White politicians who pander to Hispanics will be badly disappointed, as Congressman Robert Dornan of California discovered. He represented part of Orange County for 18 years, as it gradually became more and more Hispanic. In 1995 he claimed to an interviewer that he was not at all bothered by this change: “I want to say America stays a nation of immigrants. And if we lose our Northern European stock — your coloring and mine, blue eyes and fair hair — tough!”

The very next year, Hispanics voted in Loretta Sanchez, the 36-year-old daughter of immigrants, who kept telling voters how Mexican she was. This is precisely what Mr. Dornan’s cheerful view of immigration should have prepared him for, but did he concede defeat gracefully? No. He accused Miss Sanchez’s supporters of vote fraud, demanded recounts, and was a thoroughly bad sport about it all. Suddenly, racial altruism had a cost, and he screamed like a stuck pig.

For most white elites, justice will not be quite so swift or poetic. As the tide of color rises, they will have to spend more money to stay beyond its reach. Some will catch themselves wondering if racial preferences didn’t keep little Johnny out of Harvard. Others will have a moment of pique when the classical music station switches to salsa. A few will even be mugged or murdered when they take the wrong freeway exit, and actually meet some of the people they claim to love. Our rulers and opinion-makers will have occasional brushes with the corruption, squalor, and incompetence of Third-World America, but will use their money to carve little oases of Western Civilization out of the wreckage — at least for a while.

Eventually, though, even they will see the obvious: that the non-whites racial altruists bring to power in America will not fritter away their gains in displays of moral superiority the way we do. An America run by non-whites will be a very different place; competitive racial altruism is not a game non-whites play. Ordinary Americans discovered this long ago, and must force their rulers to abandon habits and vanities that will eventually destroy us all."

Links - 9th March 2025 (1 - Indian Tech Migrants in the US)

Eighth Century Woodchipper 🌳🪓 on X - "Watching Elon get ratioed badly on his own site over the H1B issue is a fascinating revelation of reality.
1. He doesn’t have his finger on the scale like the previous regime. People strongly disagreeing with him is actually encouraged.
2. MAGA is decidedly NOT in thrall to tech billionaires. We are thankful for their invaluable contributions to defeat Kamala but we will not simply allow the invasion but legally.
The average Blue Anon leftoid is comically wrong. We disagree with the wealthiest man on earth and are not afraid to let him know."

Meme - Elon Musk, 2022: "I want legal immigration not illegal immigration"
Elon Musk, 2023: "I want legal immigration not illegal immigration"
Elon Musk, 2024: "I want legal immigration not illegal immigration"
Soyjak: "wow is mask came off!!"

John Carter on X - "The Great Christmas H1B War of 2024 is the funniest thing that's happened on X in a long time. At the precise moment that the word "remigration" is on everyone's lips, the tech CEOs decide it's the perfect time to try and muster support for the H1B program, thereby running face first into a hard wall of extremely hostile public sentiment. Knocked on the floor, a halo of confused little dollar signs dancing around their concussed heads, they sit up, blink, and try to explain that actually they are very smart, and the chuds, who are not smart, just don't understand tech hiring and the strategic necessity of procuring elite human capital. The chuds in fact understand all of this perfectly well, but don't care. To them this isn't an economic question. It's a matter of their homes being looted and invaded for generations, which they are determined to put a stop to. The ones who don't understand - because "homeland" is not something you can quantify on a spreadsheet and use as training data - are the tech CEOs, who therefore cluelessly carry on debating the question on grounds that are wholly irrelevant to the concerns of people who could not care less about the bottom lines of tech CEOs, and are not actually interested in a debate, because one does not debate the existence of one's homeland. While this is happening, the "elite human capital" the tech CEOs want to keep importing decide it's the ideal opportunity to boast about how they are in fact replacing the chuds, this is revenge for the Raj, white girls love Indian cock, etc. etc., thereby spraying gasoline on an already raging dumpster fire. This is extremely unhelpful to the tech CEOs, but their elite human capital can't help themselves, because they come from a culture in which one is either the abused (servile, sycophantic, bootlicking) or the abuser (tyrannical, sadistic), and the small taste of success and power the tech CEOs have provided them - their first taste of this sweet, intoxicating nectar in several centuries - has flipped a switch in their collective brains to 'abuser', and they are rampaging all across the Internet, blithely unconcerned by the fatal damage their behavior is doing to both their national brand and the discursive influence of the only people who are keeping their migration pipeline open. It's hard to imagine a more perfect clusterfuck."

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Today's fight shows the coalition between tech and MAGA is uneasy. MAGA sees HB-1 visas get abused in order to drive down wages and want to end the HB-1 visa. Tech doesn't want to lose high level talent thinks HB-1 visa's are needed. Here's how to thread this needle...🧵
For starters, MAGA doesn't trust the government or corporations on immigration They think open borders people will game the system by handing out HB-1 visa's like candy This concern must be addressed. To do this, the government must:
A) stop the flood of illegal immigration
B) Create a robust deportation policy, rigorpusly enforced, that deports illegal immigrants (including visa over-stayers, illegal border crossers, fraudsters.....all of them) When this is done, and is working effectively, then you can address the concerns of tech people...
Tech is concerned about their ability to get programers to compete with China. They have a point. China has 1.4 Billion people, America has 334 Million. The sheer size of Chinas population means they can train huge armies of programers that outnumber American programers... If it's numbers game China wins. The only way the U.S. can compete with China's numbers is by having BETTER programmers To do that the U.S. will have to recruit world class talent from wherever they can get it, which means accepting a certain number of immigrant programmers
MAGA is concerned that corporations are just importing cheap foreign labor to replace Americams, Tech is concerned about not getting enough programmers. Here is how we accomodate and address the concerns of both groups:
We must first fix the educstion systems by ripping out all the woke nonsense and DEI requirements. A return to merit based education will produce more (and better) American talent. Second we must incentivize the scouting of American talent by universities and coporations... That way bright young American talent can be cultivated from within the United States. Once this is done tech should be incentivized to innovate it's training programs to increase quality so American talent is trained to the highest standards, producing top tier workers...
This will require a full reform of the svhool system, and the complete and total removal of woke/DEI/Social Justice ideologies from the system and a return to Merit Based education. If you do this, you can then allow for top tier talent from forgien countries to immigrate... On the understanding that America has optimized its ability to cultivate talent, and is now taking in extra people as a bonus, they are not replacing americans with foreigners. The U.S. can get high level talent in *addition* to Americans not by *replacing* Americans.
If this is done properly, the net effect will a large amount of outward migration. That is, the number of people *deported* from America will be greater than the number imported. The U.S. will deport millions of illegal immigrants and import thousands of legal ones.... That is, many more people will be deported than imported. If million of low skilled illegals are replaced by thousands of high-skilled immigrants (that adopt thenculture, norms, and expectations of American culture) Then both MAGA and tech get what they want.
The worst thing that can happen is to have tech and MAGA fight with each other. Let'a not do that, lets create a policy that gets everyone what they want"

i/o on X - "As we enter the third day of "discourse" on Indian immigrants on X — during which I've consistently been pro-subcontinent immigration — let me liven things up with something some of you haters out there might enjoy, which a friend of mine, a government investigator, once told me about the Indian employers he and his colleagues come into contact with on their job. (I think I've actually posted about this before.) My friend works for an agency that enforces a variety of statutes and regulations with which employers (both large and small) are required to comply. He said that in his very multiracial/ethnic office, there's a clear understanding of what the racial/ethnic and gender and political hierarchy for honesty is regarding business owners — it's openly discussed among the investigators. For example, male business owners lie and cheat more than female ones do, conservatives more than liberals, and immigrant employers more than the native-born. The most honest employers are, according to my friend, white liberal women running small businesses — a near 100% compliance rate. At the opposite end of the spectrum are the immigrant Indian small business owners, which, my friend claims, have a near-100% NON-compliance rate. But it's not just the fact that they don't seem interested in obeying the law that makes investigators dislike them — it's the manner in which they evade compliance by creating fraudulent byzantine record-keeping systems, intimidating employees (which often includes sexual harassment of female employees), and, especially, by lying. My friend told me that their lying is endless and total (and often pointless and seemingly for its own sake). He said that you can compile mountains of clear and absolutely unmistakable and incontrovertible evidence of violations and the Indian business owners will just continue to lie. They will say one thing and the next day deny they said it. It boggles the mind, he said. The intense dislike for immigrant Indian employers crosses all identity lines in his office — male and female and black and white and Hispanic and conservative and liberal investigators all hate being assigned investigations of them. (These investigations are informally known as "Patel cases.")"

Alexander on X - "Wolfram’s recent study on the IQ of 360 professions indicated the average IQ of tech careers was around 110. I don’t recall any being over 120 and some were close to 100. So, it isn’t the case that tech companies are staffing themselves with literal geniuses. There is no evidence to believe that they are picking exclusively the worlds best and brightest either - even for the top tech companies. We do know that some important criteria used in hiring is not a pure selection for skills, however. For example, the push for diversity and the desire to pay employees less. There are approximately half a million H-1B visa holders in the U.S. What I am not convinced on is the argument from tech CEOs that they are “essential” because not a single comparable employee could be found among US citizens. Some of that 500k really is among the world’s best and brightest. The O-1 Visa was created to allow extraordinary individuals to immigrate to the United States. Few of these people would meet those criteria. The H-1B Visa was designed for labor shortages in skilled fields. Tech positions often have hundreds, even thousands, of highly qualified applicants at any given moment. There is not a labor shortage."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "One upside of today's immigration debate is that everyone is suddenly a culturalist - people are noticing that, if we did major things like double study time, end social promotion and grading, stop affirmative action, and return to traditional maths and phonics education...this would boost citizen the USA needed fewer immigrants. Well - yes. I mean, if not, we better keep letting in those East Asians (Indians, West Africans, Jews/MENA, etc), huh?"

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔🌲🌕 on X - "Imagine two workers:
1 - Tom is a midwestern American IT worker, with precisely median American opinions. He expects the standard work/life balance and benefits a median American would expect. He costs $100k/year.
2 - Ramesh is an H1B immigrant IT worker from Bangalore. He is a Hindu with the median opinions of someone from his country. He will work 20% more hours than Tom, for $80k/year.
CEOs, stockholders, and capital generally, will rationally prefer #2. American neighbors of either worker will rationally prefer #1. Many of the negative costs of immigration are borne by the community and society, not by the firm hiring the immigrant. The firm gets to bring the worker in, but isn't responsible for helping turn the worker into an American. Getting immigration correct starts with getting the incentives correct."

Melissa Chen on X - "Celebrating mindless striving culture reeks of Asian chauvinism and begs the question of why the most high impact individuals - from technologists to artists - do not have cookie cutter childhoods that were mainly spent being groomed for the Ivy League. Contrary to what Vivek says, the jock or cheerleader being fêted in American high schools isn’t a sign of mediocrity; it’s actually the essence of what makes America so exceptional. While the school valedictorian is an objective choice based on academic excellence, the high status archetypes that Vivek belittles, have actually achieved prominence and popularity in *ways that cannot be taught* Their future success is based on something truly transformational that cannot be gleaned from textbooks: charisma, talent (non-academic), boldness, EQ, etc. There’s a concept in vector mathematics called path dependency. In “striving cultures” that are synonymous with the “immigrant mentality,” success is not only very narrowly defined but also extremely path dependent. Your outcomes depend heavily on the previous step, and the previous step depends heavily on the previous one, and so on so forth. At any point in the path, degrees of freedom are very low. In America, what you have is path independence, and in my opinion, it is one of the most underrated reasons that makes America so great. It’s a society characterized by a normal distribution with very wide standard deviation - a lot of singular Great Men of History types at the high end of the tail, and lots of dumbfucks at the bottom tail. Compare this to striving cultures that produce normal distractions with very low variance, tightly clustered around the mean. That said, @VivekGRamaswamy is right that you can tell a lot about a society about who they idolize and who they shame. America - and the West - does get this wrong when moral degenerates whose only claim to fame is something like leaking a sex tape, are not only NOT marginalized and shamed, but actually adored by millions and rewarded financially and socially."

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔🌲🌕 on X - "Everyone sees Indian immigration the way they've experienced it:
1 - High-tech and elite firms see the exceptionally talented with no equivalent American substitute.
2 - The low- and mid-tier tech worker is familiar with Indian department takeovers.
3 - Average Americans have had the Indian call-center or Indian budget hotel experience.
Group 1 can't get mad at group 2 and 3 for imagining more of what they know."

Jonatan Pallesen on X - "The discussion about a large increase in skilled Indian immigration proceeds as if Canada hasn't already tried this, and it turned out badly."

Tablesalt 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Be careful, America 4 years ago, Canada was also promised "the top 0.01% of talent" with temp foreign workers. "Doctors and engineers" What did we ACTUALLY get?
-diploma mills
-a housing shortage of 4 million homes
-15% youth unemployment
-lineups for job fairs
-immigration scams, nepotism
-balkalization, with entire cities from one demographic
-$40k "pay for citizenship" jobs
-protests demanding citizenship
-hospital wait times and infrastructure shortages
-wage suppression
-companies unable to compete if they didn't also bring in foreign workers
-refugee claims, when citizenship didn't pan out
-40% to 50% housing inflation
-40% rent inflation
-10 people living in single family homes
-lower gdp per capita
-empty food banks
-40 year old dudes working the teen jobs
-people working UNDER minimum wage
Canada's view of immigration plummeted 30% in 3 years. And ultimately.... our left-wing prime minister had to apologize on national TV for this immigration mishap. Easy does it, okay?"

Corvus Honkteen on X - "H1B salary data is public. A quick scroll through will show you that the H1B program has nothing to do with "talent." They are cheap and can't leave their jobs. All these jobs should go to Americans."

Meme - U.S. Tech Workers @ @USTechWorkers: "Tech bros: "There's a shortage of talent. We need more workers! More H-1Bs!"
Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley: "My perfect GPA students are contacting me worried because they are getting zero job offers.""
James O'Brien. Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley, Academy A...: "Tech degrees no longer guarantee a job. This WSJ article is filled with unfortunate anecdotes. Lately, I'm hearng similar narratives from students. Previously, a Berkeley CS graduate, even if not a top student, would receive multiple appealing job offers in terms of work type, location, salary, and employer. However, outstanding students, like those with a 4.0 in-major GPA, are now contacting me worried because they have zero offers. I suspect this trend is irreversible and likely part of the broader trend impacting almost every employment sector. I hate to say this, but a person starting their degree today may find themself graduating four years from now into a world with very limited employment options. Add to that the growing number of people losing their employment and it should be crystal clear that a serious problem is on the horizon. We should be doing something about it today."
"Tech Jobs Have Dried Up-and Aren't Coming Back Soon."

Ashley St. Clair on X - "A big shot employment attorney in California called me last night re: H1B visa fraud / trafficking of workers. Here’s what she said:
The market is cornered by visa body shops who apply for ~50% of the visas. The economics of it: These body shops are headed by former hiring managers from Big Tech companies. They bring people to America, rent apartments for them, and house about 10 together in one apartment. They put these recipients through a ~4 week bootcamp of basic tech training, fraudulently rewrite their resumes, teach them how to interview. The body shops land them jobs, primarily at the companies these hiring managers came from, and pay the workers less than half of the money in hand. Ex. Job is listed as a $200k salary, but the company is contracted with the body shop *not* the H1B worker, and the worker is actually paid closer to $40 an hour. The body shops pocket most of the money and are making millions by essentially trafficking people. The abuse and fraud must end!"

Hunter Ash on X - "White Americans outscore South Koreans on the PISA exam despite their extreme academic culture. This means 1 of 2 things: Koreans in the US (who outscore whites) are positively selected and culture doesn’t matter, or American culture is better for academics than SK culture."

Thread by @Anc_Aesthetics on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I’ve been scrolling through approved H-1B visas all morning and it’s far worse than I thought. I’m talking janitors, line cooks, secretaries, and every entry level position you can think of. The worst culprit by far is Cognizant who got almost 7,000 H-1B visas approved in 2024 alone. These people need to be investigated for defrauding the American people... *Director of Pickleball*
How could we possibly find Americans for the job of *checks notes* 7-Eleven Cashier
And yes there is a H-1B Intern..
Yes Big Tech is using H-1B for cold callers...
Guess America is all out of Nurses. Dog Trainers. There were almost 2,700 teachers approved under H-1B
They are bringing people here under H-1B to cook them Indian food and play them Indian music...
9200 Amazon warehouse workers...
Does @FloridaState and 280 other companies really need H-1B for social media managers?

Thread by @treblewoe on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Since Silicon Valley hiring has everyone’s attention, here’s the experience of someone who was a hiring manager for over a decade during Apple’s meteoric rise 20 years ago. No dirt, big reveals, or criminal conspiracies; just thousands of tech bro resumes later.
I managed the team in Software Eng. that kept 3rd party apps working when we shipped new OSes. We worked with QA, but we weren’t QA. I hired mostly new college grads who were engineers, but not to do engineering. We were debugging other people’s code, but without their code. It was a tough hiring profile, finding people who knew computers well enough to be able to intuit & birddog whatever crazy thing an app or the OS was doing that broke it, & then convincing them to join a team where they wouldn’t be writing their own software (except tools). It was an entry-level position in SWE that offered contact with & visibility of every other group. The expectation was that most new hires would move on elsewhere within SWE within a couple years. In the meantime, they’d have no end of challening & mundane problems to solve. During my ~11 years as a hiring manager, I personally hired maybe 20 fulltime & intern employees. Filling empty reqs was a huge source of pressure, both due to workload being down a man and the risk of corporate operational changes yanking an empty req (which did happen). HR handled 100% of sourcing resumes for me, performing a first pass to exclude obvious mismatches. HR turnover was worse than mine, so I quickly told them to just send me everything remotely relevant and I’d filter them myself. “Everything” turned out to be quite a lot.
I never saved any firm stats, but on average I probably looked at 500-2000 resumes for every person hired. When I was inexperienced, this took several minutes per resume, carefully pondering & weighing each detail, and extrapolating to some hypothetical future on my new team. After a few years of experience, I would discard a resume within ten seconds. After a while, you’ve simply seen the same exact sort of person hundreds & hundreds of times. Once you know what’s not the right fit, there’s zero point in hemming & hawing. I would speak to maybe 2-4% of the candidates I reviewed. Probably 90%+ were filtered out after the first call. Someone credible would talk to another guy on my team, and on or two more if things went well. Someone promising came in for a day with the whole org, two at a time. And this was just my own team. I also far more regularly interviewed on behalf of other teams in my org, & even other orgs, as other managers grew to appreciate my feedback & opinion. All told, I talked to probably over a thousand candidates from tens of thousands of resumes.
Lessons learned: it’s all about which schools’ programs produce the right minds for which specific tasks. Plenty of bright, capable candidates went to schools that simply taught them nothing relevant for an OS platform vendor. We’re not talking databases & web dev for this. Over the years, HR evolved its own prospecting strategies to prioritize schools that produced a high hit rate, plus serving executive bias. Tim went to Duke so after a while all of finance went to Duke. Virtually nobody in SWE came from Duke; different domain entirely.
Over ~2004-2014, the volume of resumes from Indian schools skyrocketed, virtually all the "superstar" IITs. I was always unbiased about the protected categories. Looking back, my all-male team was quite “diverse” although everyone was probably INTJ, now that I think about it. I talked at many dozens of Indians, and quickly learned a few things that are invariant: they are helpfully accommodating to the point of obsequiousness, and this holds regardless of whether they have any clue what they’re talking about. This is crucial to understand. When you are speaking with an Indian, you are not communicating. You are engaging in a choreographed dance where they are exclusively tasked with mirroring your moves, and leaving you to walk away thinking that your needs will be satisfied. And that is all that has happened. If you don’t know which follow-up questions to ask, you’ll have no idea that you’ve just been handled by an entity that understands how to “close,” but not how to deliver anything promised. The idea of the latter is never even part of the equation. Utterly alien minds to us.
One of Britain’s greatest crimes was teaching them to speak with that hackneyed, goobledygook accent, because it simply fries the brains of most Americans. It is scamouflage for the fact that they will lie, lie, lie as easily as you or I draw breath. It’s indescribable.
Thankfully, I became good enough at technical interviewing that a couple simple questions would break their lies wide open, & I could simply nope out in good conscience. After a while, a glance at such resumes told me how the conversations would go, optimizing away the rest.
During this time, in other parts of SWE & IS&T, I watched as a couple Indian hires within 18 months turned into an almost wholesale replacement of any other race in the blighted departments. The degree of their apparently illegal hiring practices cannot be overstated. But of course, who is going to complain, and to whom? One of my last cross-functional meetings at the company, myself & one or two other guys from our org met with one of the terraformed orgs. There were 25 of them packed into a room for a meeting that required 5 people tops.
Regardless of context, every American needs to understand that they will lie under any circumstances for any reason or no apparent reason whatsoever. It is “cultural,” so get over your Christendom-centric notions of morality; those exist nowhere else on Earth. And they will always & everywhere be India- & Indian-first. This week’s “discourse” laid bare their bottomless seething envy & contempt for our race & our prosperity. The only way we can protect our businesses, our communites, & our Nation is to protect our *own* under law."

Pratik Wagh 🛡️| on X - "H1B FRAUD EXPOSED
My reach is not big enough for my message to be heard but I hope @twobitidiot and others can help amplify this because whatever i am about to say is 100% true, personally verifiable and absolutely unfair.
I came to US in 2012 for Masters degree is Materials Science and Engineering,and upon graduation in 2014 i applied to @SpaceX only to get rejected after two rounds of interview on the basis of nationality. They really wanted me because of my skills but there are some regulations called ITAR which prevents SpaceX from hiring foreign nationals. UNDERSTANDABLE.
Then I went on to work for Oil and Gas companies who would file for my H1B. I had 3 attempt to win the lottery (YES it is a damn lottery!). Guess what, i never won it. Then the manager from SpaceX who really wanted to hire me, had started a non-profit by 2016 and wanted to file for my H1B. Twice. That’s when i learned, non-profits don’t have a lottery. They are evaluated on case by case basis. Lucky me right? WRONG. The non-profit was too small for them to sponsor H1Bs. Besides the govt funds should create employment for citizens and not foreigners. UNDERSTANDABLE. So after 5 failed attempts, i decided to move back to India. Meanwhile my friends/acquaintances had already won the lottery and were working in the US.
HOW DID THEY WIN THE LOTTERY AND I DIDN’T? Enter: Consultancy firms.
These are run by unknown Indians, from their kitchens and basements, selling H1Bs. What???? Yes, they fabricate and spice up your resume, so you can qualify for these high skilled jobs, they interview on your behalf, and land you the job. In return they take 30% of your salary Y1, 20% Y2 etc. Yeah but how do they win the lottery? Clearly that can’t be rigged? Yes it can. They put in 3-5 applications PER candidate so that your probability of getting picked increases. WOW. 🤯 Then Pratik, why didn’t you do it? Because it means you need to work for whatever employer gets picked in the lottery. I didn’t want to JUST WORK in US, I wanted to work and contribute to the right employers. I would rather be in India and start by own company than work in the US with a fake resume. The crazy thing is my acquaintances who couldn’t actually do the work because they were faking resumes, ended up outsourcing their work remotely to folks in India. WOW 🤯
Objectively I was more deserving of the H1B than these losers who faked resume, rigged the lottery, gave away part of their salary to the consultancy and part to actual folks in india doing their job remotely, and when they didn’t have enough $ to survive in the US, they worked as pizza delivery guys for cash. No Indian can argue that this is the utmost form of cheating and taking jobs from Americans. And taking jobs from other more deserving Indians who didn’t play this game. To close, I am not generalizing that this is rampant among all H1B holders. There are many who won the lottery and deserve it. But i think the rigging is more common than most know. I know at least 3 who have done it."

Meme - Patrick Bet-David @patrickbetdavid: "As an immigrant from Iran, I saw this as an edge. I didn’t mind working 80 hours a week. I didn’t mind the competition. All I wanted was a shot. This used to be the American Way. Time to return to it. Take a min to read 👇"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "Patrick Bet-David ran an insurance company, PHP, that operated as a multilevel marketing agency (MLM). An MLM has a structure that is similar to a pyramid scheme, though an MLM is technically legal so long as they sell an actual product."

American Renaissance on X - "A White Man in the Indian-Dominated Tech Sector"
"Fresh out of college, I landed a job at a large software company located in the Northeastern United States. The name of the company would be familiar to most engineering majors. On my first day, I was astonished by how many of my coworkers were non-white (Indians and East Asians). In college, my engineering program was almost exclusively white, so this was a culture shock. I estimate that about 70-80 percent of the workforce was non-white. At first, I was open-minded about working in a “diverse” environment. Indian and Asian cultures hold education in high regard. I was impressed by their conservative family values that place strong emphasis on marriage and children (far more so than many white people nowadays, sadly). Asians, in particular, are very hard working, and they are remarkably frank about some things. I recall having some very blunt and non-PC conversations with Asian coworkers about black crime. And Indian food is tasty, although the spices require a strong stomach. Indians seem like reasonable people at first, but I quickly realized they have a dark side. Whereas I was raised to judge people as individuals and not be a “racist,” Indians are tribalists to the core. I saw blatant nepotism by Indian hiring managers; they would always hire other Indians. They systematically take over companies by maneuvering themselves into hiring positions, and then stack the entire organization with other Indians. White job applicants can’t compete with this kind of ethnic networking. It was very common for siblings of Indian managers to get job offers, and in a few cases even spouses got jobs. All the white employees knew this was going on, but none of us dared say anything lest we be accused of being “racist.” Upper management (which was still mostly white), was either oblivious or in denial about these practices. Instead, we were always warned to watch out for imaginary “white privilege.” The only privilege I ever saw was “Indian privilege.” It makes my blood boil to think how many qualified white job seekers were passed over so that Indian managers could hire unqualified kinfolk. I was the only white person on my team; everyone else was Indian or Asian, with an Indian manager. During team meetings, they excluded me from conversations. Whenever I managed to express an opinion, they would close ranks and take the opposite viewpoint. They behaved like a petty high school clique. This made me feel very alone and isolated, unwelcome and unappreciated. They never said so out loud, but I suspect that the source of their resentment was their view that I was a “privileged white man.” In fact, I grew up very poor, and was the first in my family to go to college. Indians are shameless self-promoters, and make sure upper management is aware of every little thing that they accomplish. Many times, my coworkers stole my ideas and presented the work to upper management as exclusively their own. This was shocking to me. White people don’t act that way. We tend to put our heads down and work quietly to get the job done. It’s not in our nature to go out of our way to seek recognition. Sadly, this gives upper management the false impression that Indians are “doing all the work,” and the whites are “not doing anything,” leading to unfair performance reviews. Indians have no loyalty or patriotism whatsoever towards America. To them, America is nothing more than an economic zone where they can make money and send remittances back to their families. I have never seen an Indian fly an American flag or celebrate the Fourth. When the company had a donation-matching drive in which employees could give a portion of their paycheck to the charity of their choice, all my Indian coworkers donated to Indian organizations that help people back in India. What about poor white people here in America? What about homeless veterans? They couldn’t care less. If there were ever a war between the US and India, we’d have a huge fifth column in the most sensitive tech positions in our country. I shudder to think about that. I left the company. In my current job, most of my coworkers are white, and I feel so much more appreciated, and I have a sense of belonging and comradery. When you are around other white people, there is a deep sense of kinship and community that is impossible when you are the only white person. Our people need to wake up and come together as a group, because we can’t survive as individualists in a world of racial collectives."

Joseph Bronski on X - ">be 14 yo white boy
>work for free in school for 8 years
>in return, get promised I will have a nice job
>22 yo >Indian with fake degree takes my job
>get burrito job with Juan who has more money than me saved because he did it since he was 14
>told I am "just entitled""

Meme - Unfiltered Truth: "Here's a job ad on LinkedIn asking for ONLY H-1B applicants. Americans need not apply."
Pranaya Neelima: ####ONLY H1B PLEASE#### ##10+ years
#Hiring #Need Locals to VA ONLY #Data Engineer
Job Title: Data Engineer
Location: Reston, VA /Hybrid (Need only Local's)
Experience: 10+
Mandatory skills: AWS and Python
Client :Hexaware
#DataEngineer #AWS #Python #LocalstoVA #hib #Opentowork send resumes to"

Links - 8th March 2025 (2)

Meme - "r/askgaybros
I let gay guys blow me..
After my divorce with my wife, I started to get very sexually frustrated. I tried tinder and stuff but I couldn't be asked to go on dates and stuff just to get off. Even though I consider myself straight I had some gay thoughts but I wasn't really considering gloryholes or things similar cause it just seems nasty. That's when I got on Grindr and realize how easy it was for me atleast to get sucked off.  After years of frustration, I ended up getting blown by guys, and for awhile, it really bothered me too. Even though I wanted nothing from them, and they didn't expect it, I felt horrible after the fact. But, on the other hand, I felt great being blown whenever I wanted. It was easy and was TOTALLY without strings or complications. The beauty of guys is that guys can can see such things as totally meaningless and pretty mundane.  I've got some trusted guys that I can text or call whenever I want a BJ, and usually within the hour I'm getting my knob slobbered on. I walk in, drop my pants, and get some expertly crafted, artisanal head. No fuss, no muss.  Honestly, it's made my life a whole lot better. I get sucked off 1-3 times a week so I'm now a pretty single chill guy and am no longer resentful of my wife not really being into sex (and especially BJs) anymore. Where BJs used to be a rare treat, now it's just business as usual. It takes some getting used to a guy doing it, and the visual isn't so great, but the end result is so awesome that you get over it pretty quickly."

Meme - "r/antiwork
Had a mental breakdown at work, got written up twice for it. Now I only get paid for one day of work this week
I am a full time employee. I work 40 hours a week. Today I had a mental breakdown from all the stress because I am not used to being a full time employee. I was written up twice and then the boss literally said stop b*tching and get back to work. I had to chop two 20 gallon buckets of carrots by hand and I was not prepared for that (my normal load is 1 bucket). That was the first write up. Then I took a break which she did not approve of and wrote me up again for taking time to recover. Now this week i am literally only getting 1 days worth of pay and I just think its time to turn in my 2 weeks. My mental health is probably more valuable than this job is. What do managers expect? I'm not a robot. Should I put in my two weeks?"
This is why left wingers are poor

Meme - Simp Neelix @SimpNeelix: "Adulthood is realizing the high school bully is the good guy He served as a bulwark against degenerate antisocial behaviors and enforced normality It's not a coincidence that society started going downhill when anti-bullying campaigns started being enforced in schools"
HVAC Barclay @BigDickBarcl...: "People like Stephen King, making schoolyard bullies the bad guy in every single piece of trash literature that they turn out, are responsible for the state we are in"

Insurrection Barbie on X - "If you don’t know about the Matt Gaetz story, it’s fascinating. There was a FBI investigation into somebody who Matt Gaetz knows, that person ended up pleading guilty. But the department of Justice and the FBI really wanted to get Matt Gaetz, not the other guy.   Former department of Justice official met with the father of Matt Gaetz, and tried to extort him for $25 million dollars. The local FBI office told his father to wear a wire… which he did.   This resulted in the arrest and conviction  of Stephen Alford for extortion. The former DOJ official who met with his father on behalf of Alford was never mentioned.   Alford in conjunction with this former DOJ official wanted Gaetz to plead guilty, and if he did they promised him a pardon.  This was all happening while the FBI was probing Matt Gaetz for s*x trafficking. Of course charges were never filed. And he was CLEARED of all wrongdoing.   But you know what’s really ironic, the subject of the ethics complaint is a 17-year-old girl that Matt Gaetz supposedly slept with.   It’s so strange because that’s exactly the charge that the FBI cleared him of.   They don’t have a crime, they have a girl who is three degrees of separation from someone in the FBI who is now making allegations even though the FBI couldn’t prosecute Gaetz for this criminally.   Do you know who has extensive ties to the ethics committee in the House of Representatives? I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that it’s Kevin McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy has spent the entire time since getting ousted by Matt Gaetz for being a horrible speaker trying to take him down.   Again, total coincidence, not a plot to destroy one of the biggest fighters in Congress."

Frank DeScushin on X - "When I did divorce law, I hated spousal support being based on the lifestyle someone grew accustomed to.   Nobody's entitled to a certain lifestyle. People lose their lifestyle all the time. They were fired. They made bad financial decisions. Life happens.  In an age where everyone can work and divorces are common, it makes no sense that people aren't expected to create their own new lifestyle post-divorce.  Many areas of the law need to be revised, but no area greater than family law."

Meme - "TlL our walking speed is affected by whom we're with: men's pace slows down by an average of 7% when walking w/ female partners they're interested in; women walking together move the slowest; & men walking w/ male friends moved at speeds faster than either man's preferred walking speed."
"just zoomin around with the lads"
"scientifically proven hoes just slow u down"

Daily Mail Online on X - "Trainee teacher, 26, who shared videos of newborn babies being raped avoids jail"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "the same judge who let this pedophile walk free recently sentenced a mentally disabled man to 8 months in prison for shoplifting £100 of items from a grocery store"

PeterSweden on X - "You really can't make this up. The right-wing Alternative for Germany party is now polling as the second largest in the country. Over 100 lawmakers are now supporting a motion to BAN the party to "protect democracy". What happened to the will of the people?"
"Democracy" means enacting the will of left wing elites

Exclusive | World Bank fears budget cuts from Trump White House after losing track of $24B: 'Running around like headless chickens' - "World Bank officials — under fire for losing track of $24 billion in climate funds — are panicking over the prospect of severe budget cuts as President-elect Donald Trump pledges to slash US government spending, The Post has learned.  According to sources, top brass at the Washington-based lender — which has faced accusations that it’s operated like a slush fund for jet-setting bureaucrats despite a mandate to fight poverty and climate change — have been on edge since Trump’s blowout election victory...   The latest revelations come after The Post’s reporting on an expose by left-wing charity Oxfam that accused officials of having “lost track” of at least $24 billion of funding for climate change projects.  The study released last month accused the global body of “poor record-keeping” and a lack of transparency. The bank strongly disputed the findings.   The study echoed testimony to Congress by former Trump Treasury official David Malpass in 2017.  Malpass, who went on to lead the World Bank two years later, told lawmakers the institution was “not very efficient” and “often corrupt in their lending practices.” The former Bear Stearns executive slammed how staffers spent taxpayer cash abroad when they “fly in on first-class airplane tickets to give advice to government officials.”  Senior management in downtown D.C. repeatedly blocked suggestions to crack down on its long-haul business class travel policy during Trump’s first term, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.  “The attitude was: ‘Who cares? It’s not our money anyway,” lamented one source...     Aside from business class travel, staffers enjoy lavish perks that many hard-working Americans can only dream of.  They include tax-free salaries, generous pension plans that require a mere 5% employee contribution and US healthcare coverage for life. The generosity of US taxpayers even allows some bank directors to rake in more than America’s commander-in-chief.  Senior executives in Washington can take home up to $511,000 a year without having to hand over a dime to Uncle Sam.  President Biden, by contrast, picks up a pre-tax salary of $400,000 each year.  Even the most junior World Bank employee can pocket as much as $62,000 tax-free."

Biden pledges record $4 billion to World Bank fund for poorest countries

Thread by @ProfDBernstein on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "OMG, the Harvard Crimson, which likely has exactly zero conservative employees, and whose students are at a school where 90% of the students and over 90% of the faculty are progressives and Democrats, think that their *conservative* classmates are insular. And the example they use of that insularity, concern over the sudden drop in the US fertility rate, which is, in fact, a huge problem for the country's future, if for no other reason than the solvency of Social Security and Medicare, is risible. And I have to admit being puzzled as to why the Crimson editorialists think that it's self-evident that worries about the national fertility rate are "ethically dubious" and "thinly supported." Insularity, perhaps?"
Harvard’s Conservatives Have to Stop Hiding | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

Jade Van Kley on X - "in college we named our intramural softball team “NO GAME SCHEDULED” because if the other team didn’t show up they lost their league deposit and forfeited. it worked several times. everyone hated us and nothing as cool as that has happened to me since."

Shadow of Ezra on X - "In 2001, Joe Scarborough abruptly resigned from Congress just six months after being re-elected, amid swirling rumors of an affair with an intern.   Shortly after, the body of intern Lori Klausutis was discovered in his office.  Despite the suspicious circumstances, her death was officially ruled an accident.  Dr. Michael Berkland initially stated that the nature of Lori Klausutis’s head trauma did not indicate an accidental death but later changed his conclusion, claiming she fainted due to a heart condition and struck her head on a desk."

Meme>A? - "Soviet engineers watching the U.S. burn an ass load of money to develop the greatest fourth generation fighter in history after they lied about their shitbox drag racer of a fighter that tore itself apart if it went to fast"

Thread by @cremieuxrecueil on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Fluoridation is in the news again. Because of that, I want to remind people of three things.  First, the observational evidence is usually so bad that if it convinces you of anything, that's a personal indictment. Second, until recently, we only had one causally-informative study of reasonable levels of exposure, and it did not suggest harms and, in fact, suggested benefits. Third, the second credible causally-informative study did not find much in the way of harms with exposure levels that were usually much greater than in the first study. If you want to address fluoridation in the U.S., you want to be at the EPA, not the FDA.  The FDA regulates bottled water; the EPA regulates municipal water.  If you want an effective rule, it's this: suppress fluoride above a relatively low maximum level in the water."

Richard Hanania on X - "Amount spent by the US federal budget on science per year: NASA: $25 billion NIH: $47 billion NSF: $9 billion
For welfare payments: Food stamps: $119 billion Agriculture subsidies $30 billion Medicaid: $804 billion Social Security: $845 billion Medicare: $832 billion"
Clearly, the problem is that not enough money is spent on welfare and if you question this, you are heartless and have no empathy

Vinay Prasad MD MPH on X - "Every doctor who says 'vaccines are safe and effective' is not helping
Vaccines are like drugs
Some are vital (MMR/TDAP)
Others have real concerns (maternal RSV)
Some are net harmful (COVID19 young men & J&J, young women)
Blanket assertions only show the speaker is stupid"
Damn science denier!

Feds pay B.C. woman nearly $9K for job she's never worked - "Vanita Lindsay has been paid $8,816.20 for a job she has never worked.  About a year ago, the stay-at-home mom from Shawnigan Lake, B.C., decided to apply for a federal government job that would allow her to work from home.  She was added to a hiring pool and then asked to take a few online tests. In July, she got an interview and was offered a clerk position at a call centre for the Canada Pension Plan.  After spending 20 years out of the workforce and living with a chronic illness, Lindsay began to get second thoughts just days before starting her new job. "I emailed the next morning and said, 'I'm sorry, it's nothing to do with you guys or anything like that, but I just can't do the job.' So, I thought that was that,” said Lindsay. “Then you go on and enjoy your summer."...  The family has been trying to pay back the money with no success."

U.S. Department of Education on X - "Research shows that parent involvement has positive impacts on students, educators, schools & communities. Learn how ED is strengthening parent partnerships to raise the bar for student success: #FamilyEngagementMonth #FactFriday"
Geoffrey Miller on X - "One of the key problems with the US Department of Education -- and 'education experts' in general -- is that they simply don't understand behavior genetics, heritability, or genetic confounds.  This routinely leads them to infer causality (eg 'positive impacts') from correlations (eg more involved parents tend to be correlated with higher-performing students).  The alternative interpretation is that smarter, more conscientious parents tend to have smarter, more conscientious kids, for genetic, not environmental reasons)."
Tabula Rasa has very real harms

Jacob Mchangama on X - "It's 6am. The police storm your house. You're forced to comfort your disabled daughter as officers search your car and home and confiscate your devices. Your heinous CRIME? Posting a meme calling a senior government official a "professional idiot." And yet, we are supposed to believe that European governments like Germany are the adults in the room when it comes to free speech?"
Germany: Greens' Habeck presses charges over online insult – DW – 11/15/2024

The Rabbit Hole on X - "As of 2023, the type of government reform that has the most support is Dismantling which was defined as: "Very major reform toward smaller government and cuts." Rebuilding was the second most popular which is defined as: "Very major reform with no change in mission (rebuilding)."  Republicans tend to be more supportive of Dismantling while Democrats are more supportive of Rebuilding."

wanye on X - "Progressivism is the belief that things could be better. Conservatism is the realization that they could be much worse."

Crémieux on X - "I just found an incredible paper on a potentially major driver of the increase in autism rates. TL;DR: Diagnostic changes allowed parents to get their kids who were just mentally retarded reclassified as autistic, explaining 26.4% of the rise in autism in California 1992-2005."
Crémieux on X - "Much of the rise in autism is due to changes in diagnostic criteria. In California c. 1992-2005, about a quarter of the increase in autism was due to increased classification of children with mental retardation as "autistic" because that means more financial support for parents."

Meme - memetic_sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "Communist are just the best people."
memetic_sisyphus @memeticsisyphus: "Growing up I witnessed serval shootings including one on my street corner. My daughter will not see that."
Regime No. 6 @regime_6_0: "yes she will. and there's nothing you can do to stop it"

Meme - "I Rented a Girlfriend and an Obese Man in Tokyo (#153)" - Sabbatical
"Healer, dps, tank"

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Addendum: EP13 Gladwell and the Bomber Mafia - "‘The US got to the point where it was burning down all of Japan's major cities, when the original idea amongst US aviation theorists was specifically to avoid that outcome. Does that sound like a description of what you were explaining?’
‘Yeah, exactly. I mean, they begin the war thinking that the British idea of aerial bombing was not. was monstrous. You know, that, in the early days of the of the European war, you know, the Americans regarded what bomber Harris was doing with, with the RAF, as a kind of act of moral barbarous. I mean, they were appalled by what the British intended to do over Europe. And they, they always had this idea that they were engaged in a much more, morally upright mission, that the British wanted to bomb everything in sight. The Americans like, No, no, we'll go in by day, we'll pick our targets. And, you know, we'll avoid civilian casualties, as much as possible, we'll leave the cities intact, we'll just take out the bridges, or we'll just take out the power plants, or we'll just take out the most militarily significant targets. And so they have this like, they never, they explicitly think they are trying to avoid this indiscriminate use of, of, of, of a bombing, of their power. And yet, by the end of the war, they're the worst offenders. I mean, and by the way, the nuclear bomb at the end of the war is the ultimate expression of the very idea they were trying to defeat. I mean, it's sort of, the irony here is just kind of overwhelming.’...
‘If you were on the ground at a part of Tokyo, or East Tokyo that LeMay bombed that night in March of 45, I don't think you would detect a distinction between that experience and the experience of being on the ground in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in August of that same year. I don't think it feels any different. To be bombed with a nuclear bomb that summer or to be bombed with napalm. There’s a case to be madeatthe napalm is worse’
‘I was just gonna say that. You don't, you don't have any blast, at least casualties. It's all burned up.’
‘It's all burned down. It’s, and the stories are. If you want to get into the nitty gritty of this, you want to compare survivor accounts from Tokyo in March and Hiroshima in August. I found that, I found the March napalm survivor accounts to be more horrifying.’...
‘Why is there no extra attention paid to this on the Japanese side of things, when one would look at this and just say the scale alone would seem to merit memorials or remembrances or, or or more conferences or whatnot on this sort of thing?’...
 ‘I mean, it's a really good question. I don't have a good answer. Yeah, the only real monument to that night is his little private museum. In kind of, you know, small little office building, actually it looks like a dentist's office, on a side street in East Tokyo. It's like, so far from, the museum to the most horrific night in the history of Japan, is nowhere near all the other museums in Tokyo, it's, like I said, a little. I think there is. Maybe it's just a desire to move on, to. That's a very, mean, remember the Japanese, after the war, gave, bestowed one of the highest honors, civilian honors that can be bestowed on a foreigner by the Japanese government on Curtis LeMay. Ostensibly, it was for his help in rebuilding the Japanese Air Force. But think about it, a guy who orders an attack on your capital city in which 100,000 people die under the most horrific circumstances imaginable. And you turn around and 10 years later, you're giving him the highest award that can be given to a foreigner in your country. That suggests to me a kind of, willingness eagerness to put the war behind them. I mean, I just don't think there was any desire to dwell on, that last six months of the conflict.’"
Clearly the Japanese "whitewashing" of World War II textbooks just shows they're all far right extremists and not an indicator that they want to move on

Albanese government to scrap misinformation bill - "“The government will not proceed with the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.”"

Dr Frensor on X - "Jurassic Park:
- White men create miraculous tech marvel.
- Jewish guy tries to steal the technology.
- Jewish guy disables border security.
- Mutation makes dinosaurs trans.
What did Michael Crichton mean by this?"

Meme - "Nicolas Rage the Barbarian. Nicolas Mage the Sorcerer. Nicolas Range the Ranger. Nicolas Wage the Rogue. Nicolas Engage the Fighter. Nicolas Bandage the Cleric. Nicolas Page the Wizard. Nicolas Sage the Monk. Nicolas Pleage the Druid. Nicolas Stage the Bard. Nicolas Gauge the Paladin. Nicolas Bondage the Warlock"

Catherine Tait says she made CBC better. Andrew Scheer says that's 'quite the echo chamber' - "While it may be insulting to hear the dollar amounts about executive bonuses, Scheer said, “I’ll tell you who is really insulted: the front-line workers that were laid off when the CBC was claiming it didn’t have enough money to keep that entire workforce.” Tait said that of the 800 jobs the CBC had forecast to cut, it used the extra $42 million the Liberals gave the corporation in its latest budget to save many of them. It ultimately cut around 141 jobs and eliminated another 200 vacant positions."
Left wingers are usually outraged when executives get bonuses while laying off workers, but I didn't see anyone complaining here. Some defended the bonuses as contractual (of course)

Confidence in government crashes as Canadians feel left behind, survey reveals - "The numbers outline a severe institutional crisis for the current federal government, one that will not be easily eradicated with just slogans and platitudes."

FIRST READING: The notorious hate preacher invited to speak at a B.C. university - "South Africa-born imam Younus Kathrada has publicly called for the “annihilation” of Jews, has praised the Taliban, and has said that Canadian society is “evil and filthy” for its tolerance of homosexuality. On Nov. 24, Kathrada is scheduled to be the invited guest of the UVic Muslim Student’s Association, where he will deliver a lecture entitled “The Importance of Connecting with the Muslim Community.” “This is a great opportunity to learn about the value of unity, support, and connection among fellow Muslims,” reads a description by the association, which is a sanctioned University of Victoria student club. Kathrada operates Muslim Youth of Victoria, a Victoria, B.C., Islamic centre located just two kilometres north of the B.C. Parliament buildings. It operates out of the second floor of a nondescript commercial building that includes a pawn shop and a catering company. His Muslim Youth of Victoria sermons, many of which are available on Facebook or YouTube, have been regularly featured by the Middle East Media Research Institute, a U.S. non-profit that provides translations and transcriptions of extremist content. In 2020 – after a teacher in France was murdered and beheaded by Islamic radicals – Kathrada said that the murdered teacher was “a cursed, evil-spirited filthy excuse for a human being.” In a February video, Kathrada could be heard praising the October 7 massacres for bringing “humiliation” to the Zionists. “Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering aggressor Jews,” he said. In December, Kathrada uploaded the sermon “Jihad and Martyrdom,” in which he said that Islamist terrorists are figures to be respected. “The enemies and opponents of Islam mock the mujahideen, they label them as terrorists, and whatnot. I warn myself and the rest of you: Let us not mock those who are fighting for the sake of Allah,” he said. In advance of the 2019 federal election, Kathrada urged Canadian Muslims not to vote, as candidates from all parties supported homosexuality. “They are all evil. Every single one of them. There may be some rare circumstances, where we would say: ‘Okay, voting may benefit us.’ This is not one of them! They are all evil and filthy,” he said. That same year, Kathrada said that uttering the words “Merry Christmas” was worse than murder or adultery. “They are nothing compared to the sin of congratulating and greeting the non-Muslims on their false festivals,” he said. Kathrada’s extreme views have been public knowledge for more than 20 years. In 2004, Kathrada was profiled by CBC in connection with a virulently antisemitic sermon he delivered at the Dar Al-Madinah Islamic Society in Vancouver. In audiotape obtained by the broadcaster, Kathrada refers to Jews as “the brothers of the monkeys and the swines, the people whose treachery is well known.” The Islamic centre had caught the attention of CBC after one of its congregants — Vancouver-based actor and model Rudwan Khalil Abubaker — was killed by Russian security forces soon after joining up with Islamist militants in Chechnya. When contacted by Canadian Press reporters about the “monkeys and swine” sermon, Kathrada told them his language was no “rougher than what is used against us.” “It’s in our Qur’an,” he said. In 2019, Victoria’s only official mosque, Masjid Al-Iman, distanced itself from Kathrada... Kathrada is not the first extremist to be hosted by the UVic Muslim Student’s Association. Earlier this month, the group advertised an event with Ayman Al-Taher, an Ontario imam who has recently uploaded videos to his YouTube page urging children to listen to a 1998 interview with Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder of Hamas. He also claimed that Yassin’s 2004 assassination by Israel was an “honourable martyrdom.” In fact, a mere six days after Kathrada’s scheduled lecture, the Muslim Students Association is hosting a virtual talk by Moazzam Begg, a former terror detainee at Guantanamo Bay who has previously been denied entry to Canada... Begg’s talk, organized in conjunction with Muslim Youth of Victoria, is entitled “Where’s Our Sister?” and it’s on the subject of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani national currently serving an 86-year sentence in U.S. prison following her conviction for plotting a deadly attack on U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The Muslim Students Association also tried to sponsor an August event in Victoria featuring Assim Al-Hakeem, although the soiree was eventually cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances.” Assim Al-Hakeem is a Saudi cleric who is on record claiming that Jews “are against Islam and Muslims” and referring to them as “our enemies.”"
If he's not allowed to speak, it's Islamophobia. These are just anti-Zionists and denying them a chance to speak threatens freedom of expression