Saturday, March 08, 2025

The woke hating low status whites / Nazis banning porn / St Augustine in Wikipedia

Auron MacIntyre @AuronMacintyre: "It can’t be overstated how central hatred of low-caste whites is to the identity and status of the left The idea of being ruled by one of the untouchables causes them to drop all pretense"
captive dreamer @captivedreamer7: "What is it about JD Vance that makes these soylennial types absolutely lose their mind? Filled with hatred"
sean @_sn_n: "I would rather my taxes go to helping Ukraine than JD Vance's crackhead mother"

*Is this a pigeon*
Leftists: *Banning porn in kindergarten libraries*
"Is this the rise of Nazi Germany?"

St. Rev. Dr. Rev ⏭️☯️🏴😻 @St_Rev: "Fucking Wikipedia. At the time Augustine was alive, 'Africa' was a province of the Roman Empire and referred to a small section of the Mediterranean coastline, not the continent."
"In his writings, Augustine leaves some information as to the consciousness of his African heritage"

Links - 8th March 2025 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - Alternative Lifestyles Personals Australia. Chiron DeMolis: "Hi all, hope your week is going well so far. I ama Masc presenting, Domme, Lesbian Transwoman, seeking a Fem presenting cis or Trans sub in Brisbane. PLEASE, no 'straight' cis men."
Phil VII: "So you're straight with extra steps?"
Chiron DeMolis: "What part of "lesbian" is confusing you?"
Phil VII: "your Dick"

Meme - TRANS WOMAN SUPPORT GROUP. Terrawyn Short: "So I have FF breast forms that I have slowly moved up to in the last 12 years, I talked to my doctor about it being the implant size when I do get approved for top surgery... Last week she told me no and today I got a letter from the surgeons office stating that the highest that I can do is DD. I've been crying for the last hour"
Totally not a fetish

Meme - "if so much pride, why all the suicide?"
Shrek: "Good question."

Hulking trans child molester repeatedly sexually assaulted female cellmate after being transferred to women’s prison: suit - "A former inmate at a Washington state women’s prison was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her hulking transgender cellmate — who was transferred to the prison after changing her gender identity, according to a shocking new lawsuit.  Mozzy Clark sued the state department of corrections in federal court last week for locking her in a cell with a 6-foot-4 convicted child molester who allegedly subjected her to months of stalking, threats of violence and sexual harassment and assault, according to the lawsuit.  The cellmate, Christopher Scott Williams, was convicted of sexually assaulting a young girl as a male, and was serving a separate sentence for domestic abuse... Clark claimed Williams, who slept over her in the top bunk, would threaten to rape her, leer at her in the shower, and constantly ask for sex — once with a homemade dildo he had brought into the cell, according to the lawsuit.   “In their cell, Ms. Clark was on the bottom bunk. Mr. Williams … would hover menacingly over Ms. Clark’s bunk with an erection while touching himself. He would also display his erection to Ms. Clark against her will, and gesture towards it, saying how much he wanted her,” the lawsuit alleged.  “One night, Ms. Clark woke up and saw inmate Williams sitting on the floor next to her bed with his arm under her blanket, rubbing her genitals,” the lawsuit adds. Clark said the guards did little to protect her when she complained. Eventually Williams was moved to a separate cell, but the inmate would seek her out, stare at her in the showers, and follow her into the bathroom — making perverted comments from the next stall, the documents alleged.  “He also started threatening her with violence if she complained about him again,” according to the suit, which is asking for restitution from the state for “extreme emotional distress, shame, intimidation, humiliation, indignation, embarrassment, and fear.”  Clark isn’t the only woman who claims to have suffered abuse at the hands of Williams.  In August, another inmate alleged lewd, intimidating behavior by Williams and other transgender inmates held in the Washington Corrections Center for Women... “A bunch of women, when they’re in the showers, these people are just standing there. They don’t have to stand on their tippy toes and they look over and see everything. People were so uncomfortable. You feel kind of like you’ve been violated”... At the time, the prison housed at least 11 transgender inmates"

Jackson teacher Vivian Geraghty settles pronoun lawsuit for $450,000 - "A former middle school teacher with Jackson Local Schools has settled her lawsuit against the district for $450,000 after saying she was forced to resign when she refused to address two students by names inconsistent with their gender assigned at birth.  At a special meeting Wednesday morning, the school board unanimously approved the agreement with Vivian Geraghty, who had taught English... the district agreed to pay $450,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees after violating her freedom of speech."

A naked admission that they're doing it (making characters trans) on purpose to piss people off

"THE Left *pregnant man*"

Meme - "When you wake up on day 365 of girlhood. And you're still a man *Dylan Mulvaney in Munch's The Scream*"

Meme - Sall Grover @salltweets: "This “medium to low risk” man can go into any female space & your daughter cannot object, hence why we do everything we can to make sure she can."
"Trans Axe Attacker to Walk Free, Deemed 'Medium to Low' Risk of Reoffending. A trans woman who attempted to kill convenience store shoppers with a 2kg axe has been released from prison after serving eight years. Save Evie Amati was convicted of attacking several people with an ax in Australia."

Civil service to end ‘climate of fear’ trans policy after whistleblower pushed out over gender-critical beliefs - "Civil servants will no longer be labelled “transphobic” for expressing gender-critical beliefs under new guidelines... Two Whitehall departments have pledged to revise their gender policies following the settlement of an employment tribunal case with Eleanor Frances, a former civil servant.  Ms Frances said she had “no choice but to resign” after facing workplace backlash for her gender-critical views and raised the alarm about a “politicised climate of fear” in Whitehall.  She claimed that an internal “Gender Identity and Intersex” policy was adopted, without proper consultation, following a workplace assessment by Stonewall, a gay rights organisation.  She said the policy’s use of politicised language and concepts – for example, defining “transphobia” as including the “denial/refusal to accept” someone’s gender identity – meant that civil servants were effectively compelled to recognise male people as women.   She brought a case in the employment tribunal against the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) last year for victimisation, protected disclosure detriment, unfair constructive dismissal and discrimination on the grounds of philosophical belief.  The case has now been settled without liability. The departments agreed to pay Ms Frances £116,749, plus associated taxes.  As part of the settlement, the permanent secretaries of the two departments agreed a statement in which they promised to review “gender assignment” policies... Maya Forstater, the CEO of human rights charity Sex Matters, which campaigns for clarity about biological sex in law and life, said: “Eleanor Frances embodies the Civil Service ideals of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.  “But she was punished for these qualities rather than rewarded because of the Civil Service’s undemocratic adoption of extreme trans activist policies as if they were the law. “It is encouraging that DCMS and DSIT have settled with Eleanor rather than fighting her case. But if the Civil Service is to avoid wasting more public money on six-figure payouts, it needs to stop taking direction from extreme trans activist organisations.  “It’s way past time for the Cabinet Office and permanent secretaries to find their courage and tear up policies that require adherence to gender ideology.” Rosie Duffield, the Canterbury MP who was Labour’s most high profile gender-critical figure before she resigned from the party in September, said: “This is a significant victory and incredibly important to all those who have also faced discrimination and silencing at work due to their perfectly mainstream and personal beliefs.  “Many in the Civil Service and beyond have felt gagged for even questioning policies or practices that are announced across organisations following their expensive membership of outfits such as Stonewall. I hope organisations are beginning to wake up to their responsibilities to allow all employees the right to hold personal beliefs.”  As a civil servant at the two departments, Ms Frances raised concerns about the adoption of politicised language around gender identity and warned that a “self-identification” policy in government buildings effectively gave men access to female single-sex facilities. She also raised concerns about the role of Stonewall in the drafting of departmental gender identity policies."

Civil service to end ‘climate of fear’ trans policy : r/unitedkingdom - "Can’t people simply go to work without debating the merits of gender studies?  Feels like the government were asking for this by introducing guidelines that essentially labelled staff bigots if they didn’t subscribe to the beliefs underpinning them."

How the Stonewall gravy train came to an end - "The latest high profile dropout is the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP), which was revealed last week by The Telegraph to have cut ties with Stonewall.  Its chief executive, Sonia Walter, and its president, Dr Lade Smith, wrote to the college’s members to tell them that it will not be renewing its Diversity Champions membership when it expires in December.   The letter states: “Stonewall helped us to become a more inclusive organisation. However, we are acutely aware that there is a risk in being affiliated with an organisation that may speak on matters relating to the professional practice of our members, but over which the college has no direct control.” Commentators say this statement is a clear recognition that there is a conflict between the tenets of psychiatry and Stonewall’s “ideological” position on transgender issues. More pertinently, the RCP’s explanation for exiting the programme goes to the very heart of why its popularity has nosedived. In recent years, the charity has engaged in an increasingly divisive crusade to push a disputed ideology that promoted “gender identity” over biological sex.  In turns, the Diversity Champions scheme became one of the most visible vehicles for this pivot towards trans activism – a fact that was reflected in the guidance given to member organisations... Malcolm Clark, who helped establish the LGB Alliance, a charity set up in 2019 to counter Stonewall’s trans activist focus, observes: “Like many things, the Diversity Champions programme began as a perfectly good idea that has now spun out of control.  “A vicious circle developed where you had Stonewall presenting themselves as self-appointed experts on the law, telling organisations everyone must be stating their pronouns, getting rid of the word “mother” and goodness knows what else.  “Stonewall also insisted that LGBT staff groups were set up internally to promote its position and these became stronger than any trade union despite no-one electing them.  “Management then felt they had no choice but to pay thousands of pounds to Stonewall and comply with all the demands or risk being accused of transphobia.  “The whole thing has become akin to some sort of protection racket.”... According to the charity’s annual accounts, in 2019 its income from “fees” – that were largely derived from the diversity membership schemes – reached a very healthy £3,269,447.  This figure represented an 18 per cent rise on its revenue from the year before.  Equally, the influence Stonewall was able to exert on public and private institutions across Britain through the programme was staggering.  Many diversity programme members began making fundamental changes to their workplace practices with very little staff consultation... An analysis by the campaign group Sex Matters has revealed that 21 government bodies have dropped the scheme to date, notably including the Cabinet Office, the Department for Education and the Crown Prosecution Service.  At the same time, almost 40 local authorities have dropped out along with 14 NHS and healthcare organisations.  The numbers of those who have left may in fact be higher, but in 2021 Stonewall blocked access to the membership list to be seen on its website – no doubt in response to the increasing controversy around the programme. On the corporate side, human resources commentator Tanya de Grunwald – who has been closely following Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index top 100 employers list – has noted that dozens of businesses once regularly included for their LGBT-friendly credentials are missing.  Among those no longer included on the 2024 list are a string of FTSE 100 companies such as Unilever, Barclays, Amazon, BP and Credit Suisse... “I went to its workplace conference in March and what I noticed was that Stonewall looked like an organisation that was basically on its knees,” says de Grunwald, reflecting on the charity’s current financial health... Support for Stonewall crumbled further following the publication of the damning Cass Review, the landmark independent review into transgender care for children led by paediatric consultant Dr Hilary Cass."

Meme - "r/MtF
Sick and tired of entitled women claiming it's so easy for all women to have sex.
I was just reading this post
'I could walk into a bar , or go on any dating app, and have someone to date and have sex with, within a half hour. All women could.'
No, not all women. I've been trying for three straight years and here we still are! I'm not fucking unattractive. I've been on hormones for 6 years and I pass pretty damn well and I still can't. Fuck. Thank you for listening. Me and my lonely ass just needed to get that out. And yes, I unsubbed from FDS."

Security: "Stop right there!"
Security: "New security measures. You need approved access for the women's change room. We don't want some pervert in disguise going in to gawk at women's bodies! Now pull down your pants for gender inspection."
So according to TRA logic, doctors are just perverts in disguise
As usual, left wingers have awful logic - I haven't seen anyone calling for this kind of thing

Seth Moulton on X - "I firmly believe that there should be reasonable restrictions on transgender athletes in competitive sports. The problem with H.R. 28 is that it's too extreme. It fails to distinguish between children and adults and different levels of athletics, school-aged kids who simply want to play recreational sports and build camaraderie like everybody else could be targeted by the federal government.  Under this law, a 10-year-old girl who seems “too tall” or even just “too good” could be targeted by officials and forced to release medical information or have her private parts inspected, which is disturbing to say the least and a slippery slope for school policy and youth athletics."
Maya Forstater on X - "This is such nonsense. Your "private parts" are examined at birth. The information goes on your birth certificate."

Libs of TikTok on X - "Ohio teacher has a meltdown because Ohio passed the "Parents' Bill of Rights" which requires schools inform parents if their kid decides to change their gender, bans gender ideology indoctrination in K-3, and allows parents to opt their kids out of lessons with s*xual content.  Why would any teacher be mad about not being able to keep secrets from parents and parents having a say in their childrens' education?"
Left wingers think children belong to the left wing state, not their parents

Meme - Jennifer Sey @JenniferSey: "No one voted to "categorically ban" trans identified boys from sports. They can compete in the boys category. They are boys."
Rep. Pramila Jayapal @RepJayapal: "Today, I voted NO on categorically banning transgender girls from school sports.  How do you verify “reproductive biology?” By subjecting every high school girl to examinations? I don’t think so. This invasive legislation harms ALL girls."
Left wingers always have terrible comprehension skills

Meme - Friendly Atheist: "It’s always helpful when the trash takes itself out. My piece on why three well-known atheists just resigned from the Freedom From Religion Foundation—and why they won’t be missed."
"Three prominent atheists resigned from FFRF's Honorary Board. Good riddance. Jerry Coyne, Steven Pinker, and Richard Dawkins are big mad that FFRF removed an anti-trans arti..."
Christine Dior: "I only know RD but haven't got a clue who the other two are. They come across as people who want to be the authority of what sex and gender simply because they are biologists, which is ironic considering science is never always straight forward and don't have all the answers. Not even acknowledging that trans individuals exist is already being intellectually dishonest. Not trying to understand why or how they exist is unscientific and discourages the spirit of discovery or even discussion. We're not the ones shutting down the discussion, they are because they think they are right and can only be right. Having that biology qualification seemingly lends them that authority but it doesn't. Even the smartest people can be wrong because of their biases. It's disappointing that they have been Honorary Members for this long considering FFRF have group sessions specifically for LGBTQIA individuals for on long time! LGBTQIA individuals are the ones most harmed by religious institutions. FFRF needs to provide a statement on how they are going to improve and actually acknowledge where they went wrong."
Adam Jester: "I'm afraid FA (and some others) is becoming increasingly ideological and siloed. I'm yet to hear anything from any of these men that warrants a "good riddance". I've heard a few things I don't completely agree with, but when I hear them speak I understand their reasoning. "Criticism is not oppression, and being contradicted is not persecution.""
David Anthony: "The Friendly Atheist is entitled to disagree with these men. But calling them "trash" is not very friendly, to say the least."
Trevor Henderson: "Appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast in 3..2.."
How "friendly"
Trust the experts - when they push the left wing agenda
As usual, not agreeing to all of TRAs' super long list of demands means you're literally denying trans people exist, somehow
Left wingers hate Joe Rogan because they can't censor him and he refuses to censor on their behalf. They are threatened by a free exchange of ideas

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: ""Fascism is when the men's bathroom doesn't have tampons" -Reddit, unironically"
"Mark Zuckerberg Orders Removal of Tampons From Men's Bathrooms at Meta Offices"
"So he's going all in with fascism?"
Good reminder on why you can't take left wingers seriously when they go on about "fascism"

i/o on X - "About 15 years ago there was a social contagion among teenage girls from upper-middle class liberal families in my hometown which produced walking wounded skeletons of anorexics who "cut" themselves. Ten years after that, the trans contagion hit. Same pattern, different result.
What caused these? Is there a connecting thread? Is it social media or maybe something else?
It's interesting that these pathologies are overwhelmingly found among white girls. It's basically a white girl problem."

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ✡️⚢ ❌❌ on X - "I’ve told this story before, but one of the most upsetting encounters I’ve had with genderism was the time I got permabanned from my city’s only lesbian bar for “transphobia.”   I was there with my partner, but that didn’t stop a “transwoman” from approaching us and making unwelcome and explicit sexual advances. I had to tell him four times that we weren’t interested before he’d leave our table, and when I got up to use the restroom, he followed me inside.   I told him again, very firmly, to leave me alone so I could use the bathroom, but he responded by telling me “you don’t mean that.” He followed up by grabbing my arm and trying to pull me into him, so I jammed my knee into his crotch with a not-insignificant amount of force and left him writhing on the bathroom floor while I went to complain to the manager about his behavior.   I got two sentences out before the lecture began. I’d referred to my assailant with male pronouns, and they wasted no time in jumping down my throat for doing so. When I mentioned that I’d had to defend myself physically, the assistant manager went straight to the women’s room to make sure the my assailant was okay.   After a few minutes they came out, the TIM hunched over and feigning near-hysteria. When I looked at him, he flinched away like I had attempted to strike him (from ten feet away), and I heard him say something about PTSD. He and the assistant talked for a few moments, then the assistant came back and whispered in the manager’s ear.   Two minutes later, my girlfriend and I were being escorted from the premises — not, they made clear, because I’d defended myself, but because I’d “made a bigoted assumption about a trans person’s genitals” when I chose to knee him in the balls.   I wish I could tell you that I was joking."
Women are not allowed to defend themselves from MTFs' sexual assaults, because that's transphobia

Glenna Goldis on X - "The gender EO defines gender ideology in a way that leaves LGB alone. So all those LGBT orgs that face loss of funding can keep going if they simply split from the T. Will they do it? Just spin off the T into another org so that the LGBs can maintain funding? No, they won't."

Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government – The White House - "(d)  “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell...
Gender ideology is internally inconsistent, in that it diminishes sex as an identifiable or useful category but nevertheless maintains that it is possible for a person to be born in the wrong sexed body."
Once again demonstrating their awful comprehension skills and poor understanding of biology (aka their fantasy "Advanced Biology"), left wingers were interpreting this to mean either that you had to actively produce large gametes to be female, or that we are all female because supposedly everyone is born female

Tribunal rules decapitated baby doctor can return to work - "A medical tribunal has ruled that a Dundee doctor whose actions resulted in an unborn baby being decapitated during delivery is able to return to work.  Dr Vishnavy Laxman was a consultant gynaecologist at Ninewells Hospital in March 2014 when the tragedy occurred."
First-time mother of decapitated baby in botched birth speaks out - "Dr Vaishnavy Laxman, 43, attempted to carry out the delivery naturally at Dundee's Ninewells hospital and urged the patient to push whilst herself applying traction to the baby's legs.  It caused the infant's legs, arms and torso to become detached, leaving the head still in his mother's womb.  Two other doctors subsequently carried out a C-section on the woman to remove the infant's head.  The baby's head was "re-attached" to his body so his mother could hold him before she said goodbye.  It is believed the child was already dead before he was decapitated during the bungled 15 minute delivery."
David Mackereth: Christian doctor loses trans beliefs case - "A doctor who refused to use transgender pronouns as people's chosen sex as it went against his Christian faith has lost his tribunal.  Disability assessor Dr David Mackereth, from Dudley, West Midlands, claimed the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) breached his right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.  But a panel ruled his biblical view of what it is to be male and female was "incompatible with human dignity.""

James Esses on X - "🚨The @NSPCC is telling teachers that if a child in their class demands ‘they/them’ pronouns, that they must thank the child and then obey their demand. The organisation set up to safeguard children is now a safeguarding risk."

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "In 2015, California social worker Aydin Olson-Kennedy helped raise money for this girl with Down Syndrome to get her breasts cut off.   Did she have cancer? No. This girl, named Sky, had been told she was really a boy.  She was already on testosterone and had been admitted to the ICU for blood clots in her arms and lungs.  Aydin is a trans-identified female who sees all the struggling kids in her Los Angeles Gender Center as a social worker, before they get sent to her partner Johanna Olson-Kennedy who starts them on puberty blockers and cross-sex-hormones, and sends them for surgery.  They will do this to anyone."

Libs of TikTok on X - "Meet Thu Nguyen, a “nonbinary” city councilor from Worcester, MA. She just announced she’s taking a month off from work because she was misgendered. I’m not kidding. This is real."
If there is a wage gap between queer and non-queer people, this must be due to discrimination

REDUXX on X - "🚨EXCLUSIVE🚨 A transgender pedophile in Australia has been convicted for the sexual abuse of his own 5-year-old daughter. Autumn Tulip Harper was given a lenient sentence after it was argued that he only committed the acts to be "validated as a woman.""
pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "to summarize: 🏳️‍⚧️ rapes his own 5-year-old daughter. sends pics of her to another pedo. gets arrested but is let go. claims he only did it because his ex was transphobic and he wanted to feel more like a woman. judge says "ok" and sentences him to 4 years instead of 25."

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Links - 2nd March 2025 (2 - Hating Elon Musk [including "Nazi Salute"])

Cedric Hohnstadt on X - "Reddit continues to be anti-free speech.   I just got a lifetime ban from the "comics" subreddit. Yesterday I posted a humor comic that got over 5,400 upvotes. Then I noticed that there was a pinned post from the moderators saying that comics linked from X could no longer be shared because Musk gave a Nazi salute. I commented saying no he didn't. The moderator accused me of being pro-Nazi, banned me permanently for life, and deleted all my past posts from the "comics" subreddit.  But somehow Elon Musk is the totalitarian?"

Superman Under Fire After Hundreds Of Images Surface Of Him Giving Nazi Salute | Babylon Bee

ADL says Elon Musk’s ‘awkward gesture’ at Trump inauguration was ‘not a Nazi salute’

AOC slams ADL for excusing Elon Musk's 'awkward gesture:' 'You're defending a Heil Hitler salute'
Listen to minorities - unless that threatens the left wing agenda

Meme - Libs of TikTok @libsoftiktok: "Performed and repeated for emphasis and clarity.  Any comment @AOC ?"
*AOC performing 'Nazi Salute' twice*
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC: "Just to be clear, you are defending a Hell Hitler salute that was performed and repeated for emphasis and clarity. People can officially stop listening to you as any sort of reputable source of information now. You work for them. Thank you for making that crystal clear t..."
On AOC slamming the ADL for not jumping on the bandwagon

End Wokeness on X - "AOC is now accusing the ADL of working for HitIer because they defended Elon. What a time to be alive."

Elon Musk makes private visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau - "Elon Musk privately visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau site of a former Nazi German concentration camp on Monday before speaking later at a conference on rising antisemitism... The European Jewish Association (EJA) said Musk made the visit with EJA Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin, conservative U.S. journalist Ben Shapiro and Holocaust survivor Gidon Lev."
He's terrible at being a Nazi. Then again, nowadays the left claims Jews are Nazis, so

Liberals Briefly Pause Chanting ‘Death To Israel’ To Call Elon Musk A Nazi | Babylon Bee

Meme - vittorio @IterIntellectus: "incredible things are happening on Italian's state owned news channels"

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 on X - "Where was the media and the Democrats' outrage when Tim Walz performed a "Nazi salute"?"
Left wingers claim that if you look at the videos of left wingers like AOC etc performing their Nazi Salutes, they are totally different from Elon Musk's. Of course someone tried to claim the same here. Some things have to be believed to be seen

Hitler, Musk, and the Art of the Smear - "Almost 40% of young people get their news from TikTok. They may not know much about history but they know that Hitler and Nazis are bad. It is why the far left takes every opportunity to paint the Trump administration and its top supporters as Nazis.  As nonfiction authors of books about the Third Reich, and as cofounders of Antisemitism Watch, a nonprofit that monitors anti-Jewish hate worldwide, we know real Nazi and fascist rhetoric and actions. There are plenty of fanatics who are nostalgic about Hitler. But in the far left arsenal of tools to resist Trump, claims about some Nazi-association are a preferred way of going on the offensive. Gerald wrote last July in the Wall Street Journal that “relentless attacks from left-wing media and many in the Democratic Party, who likened the former president to Hitler and claimed his re-election would end democracy” was language that “can be the spark that helps push an assassin to act.”  It was not long after Donald Trump was sworn in yesterday that the latest Nazi broadsides began. “Trump’s Rhetoric Echoes Hitler” was the afternoon headline in the Harvard Political Review... Those who disagree with Trump’s policies have every right to take him and his administration to task. However, the Nazi analogies feed a dangerous and false narrative. Moreover, their cavalier and inauthentic use denigrates the memory of those who died in the Holocaust from history’s real Nazis.  Stop it already. If not, the Democratic party might find itself alienating more voters who are looking for substantive policy differences and not the basest types of ad hominem attacks."

Meme - "the context of it is that he was "throwing his heart out to the people" because he ..."
"Uh-huh yeah sure. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a god damn duck."
*Kamala Harris Nazi Salute*
"quack quack"
"Don't just post some random image out of context. That's hideously disingenuous."

Internet Digs Out French President Macron's Video Amid Elon Musk's 'Nazi Salute' Controversy, Tesla CEO Reacts - "Elon Musk recently reacted to a viral post featuring French President Emmanuel Macron, where Macron was seen tapping his chest with his hands before extending one arm straight up to wave to the crowd, similar like what Musk did at Trump's inauguration rally speech.   The tweet said, “Did anyone accuse President Macron of being a Nazi?”"

In the ongoing saga of stupid government regulations...  SpaceX was once forced to “kidnap” a seal and subject it to a strange experiment as part of regulatory compliance.   Concerns over how the sonic booms from Starship launches might affect seals near the Vandenberg site led SpaceX to strap a seal to a board, put headphones on it, and play sonic boom sounds to monitor its distress levels.  The experiment was conducted twice, and the seal reportedly stayed calm during both tests."
Elon Musk on X - "The regulators made us kidnap seals TWICE! So crazy ..."
More fuel for the haters to bash him for

Naomi Seibt on X - "🚨INSANE: SPIEGEL DOUBLES DOWN ON COMPARING MUSK TO HITLER❗️ German SPIEGEL magazine released a huge hitpiece against Elon Musk, calling him the ENEMY #2. Watch the whole video because it’s WORSE than you think. Now they insist that they STAND BY THEIR REPORTING."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Some academics left because, encountering a true diversity of opinion for the first time in their professional lives, they became confused, frightened and angry.  One female academic/journalist called Musk's new Twitter a "lynch mob.""
"Elon Musk's Twitter takeover triggered academic exodus, study suggests"
Left wingers are so threatened by free speech and disagreement

Police force quits Elon Musk’s X over clash in ‘values’ - "A police force in Wales has quit Elon Musk’s social media network X, claiming the site is “no longer consistent” with its values... One force, North Wales Police, said it had stopped using X entirely in August, Reuters reported.  Amanda Blakeman, the chief constable of North Wales Police, said: “It is important to us that we are able to communicate timely, factual and relevant information out to our communities in both Cymraeg and English.  “This was becoming increasingly difficult to achieve on X as a platform. Alongside this, we also felt that the platform was no longer consistent with our values, and therefore we have withdrawn our use of it."
As if we needed more reminders that they don't believe in free speech

Dems Explain They Don't Want Billionaires Controlling Our Media Unless They're Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bloomberg, Buffett, Or Soros | Babylon Bee - ""Elon Musk buying Twitter would represent a dangerous new world where billionaires who disagree with me own massive Big Tech companies," said local Democrat activist and vegan smoothie cart owner Polly X. Walden. "Imagine a world in which social media sites can just ban you for your opinion if it's unpopular. That's the world we would be creating if we were to allow Musk to buy Twitter." Walden went on to point out that Musk would have a huge amount of power if he owned Twitter, enough to "even ban the President of the United States" or "suppress stories that could change the outcome of a presidential election." "We can't allow that kind of power to fall into the wrong hands - hands that disagree with me, I mean. We must entrust absolute power to billionaires on my side of the political spectrum, trustworthy men like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Michael Bloomberg.""

Mario Nawfal on X - [On Alex Soros] "Talk about reaching across the aisle… Elon is now following the guy who funds organizations with the explicit agenda to “Kill Twitter.”"
Elon Musk on X - "Open dialogue between opposing viewpoints is vital to a healthy democracy"

'Terror and fear': Elon Musk opens government workers to harassment after id'ing them on X
Transparency and accountability are "hate" and "harassment"

Meme - Dave Troy @davetroy: "If you want to fight Trump, the most effective thing to do is fuck up Musk as hard and as soon as possible, within all legal limits of the law, the Constitution, and the rules of war.
Revoke his citizenship, declare him an enemy combatant, indict him, seize his companies, nationalize Starlink. Whatever can be done, do it. Now."
Unrelenting persecution for anyone who threatens the left wing agenda! Because we know if Trump gets into office he will use the law to attack his political enemies and corrupt the law for that

Meme - Alyssa Milano @Alyssa_MIlano: "I gave back my Tesla. I bought the VW ev. I love it. I'm not sure how advertisers can buy space on Twitter. Publicly traded company's products being pushed in alignment with hate and white supremacy doesn't seem to be a winning business model."
Dispropaganda: "If you think the founder of Tesla is bad, wait till you find out who founded Volkswagen."

Meme - Sam D'Amico @sdamico: "Fun fact: “la sombrita” and starship took about the same amount of time."
Armand Domalewski @ArmandDoma: "democrats put enormous amounts of money into infrastructure investments like CHIPS and IRA but voters didn’t see any of it because Democrats are just totally unwilling to confront, or even mention, the process ghouls that strangle everything in red tape"
Left wingers hate Elon Musk so much because he reveals that another way is not just possible but preferable

Meme - Tiberius @ecomarxi: "It cannot be understated how desperately evil Elon Musk is. As one of the world’s most powerful men, he is working tirelessly to advance Western propaganda to serve imperialism and colonialism. He is emerging as a comic-book villain of our age and every word he speaks is tainted."
"Nothing a well-placed bullet cannot end."
"The guy mourning Hassan Nasrallah calls someone a villain. Just when you thought it couldn't get any more ridiculous..."
"I will translate this for the rest of the world: I don't like him. I don't share his ideologies or goals. Something of the things he says makes me think about my own beliefs and I don't like that. He is obviously very successful and I am jealous of that."
The left hates Elon Musk because not just is he white and rich, he also is one of the most prominent people opposing the left wing agenda

Meme - I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 @ImMeme0: "Let me get this straight: when Elon Musk highlights issues and shares opinions on British policies, it’s called “meddling and interference” in UK politics. But when George Soros funds UK political organizations, it’s called “saving the UK and educating the British public.”  I got it."
"George Soros: 'Brexit hurts both sides - my money was used to educate the British public'
Globalist George Soros Is Trying to Save the UK from Itself"
"The Guardian view on Elon Musk and UK politics: interference in plain sight
Elon Musk Wont Stop Is Meddling in European Elections, and World Leaders Aren't Having It"

DogeDesigner on X - "BREAKING: Macron accuses Elon Musk of election interference. "Who would have thought, if we had been told that the owner of one of the largest social networks in the world would support the new international reactionary movement and intervene directly in elections.""
Elon Musk on X - "Oh like that time Starmer called @realDonaldTrump a racist and said the British government should do everything to stop him? Or when Starmer sent British Labour Party members to campaign in the US against President Trump this year?"
Far Right Paul 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇮🇱 on X - "Here’s that twat @Keir_Starmer calling President Trump a “racist” and “an affront to humanity” because George Floyd died of a drug overdose. When Jane Senior requested a meeting with Starmer over the Muslim rape gangs in 2021 he IGNORED her. He’s Britain hating BLM scum."
Foreign interference is only bad if it hurts the left wing agenda
I like how not censoring is intervening in elections. The left see it as their right to control elections and those who interfere are "threats to democracy"

Jim Ferguson on X - "Breaking: 🚨 Labour Staffers Could Face U.S. Charges for Election Meddling! 🚨  The 100 Labour Party staffers who traveled to the U.S. to campaign against Donald Trump and in support of Kamala Harris may face serious legal consequences under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).  💥 Acting as unregistered foreign agents is a federal offense. By interfering in America’s election, these Labour operatives crossed a dangerous line.  With Trump set to take office on January 20th, his administration could pursue charges that lead to fines, imprisonment, and lasting damage to Labour’s reputation.  Did Keir Starmer authorize this? Was Labour acting as undeclared foreign agents? The U.S. doesn’t take lightly to foreign meddling—and the fallout for Labour could be catastrophic. @FBI"

Meme - Erik Dale ⚡ @EuroDale: "Norwegian PM sits down with Bill Gates to warn against Elon Musk interfering in other countries.  You can't make this shit up."
"It is worrying that Elon Musk interferes in internal affairs in other countries, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store (Ap). - I think it is worrying that a man with enormous access to social media and large financial resources goes so directly into internal affairs in other countries. This is not how it should be between democracies and allies, says Store to NRK."

More Perfect Union on X - "Elon Musk is almost done building a lithium refinery that will need up to 8 million gallons of water per day. And it's twenty miles outside Corpus Christi, which is so dry the local water company distributes shower timers at high school football games."
Apparently the people who want to ban ICE cars and force people onto electric vehicles only love electric cars when Elon Musk isn't building them

Meme - Rupert Lowe MP @RupertLowe10: "This is the poison that is being pumped into the nation's children. Sent in by a parent from a school close to my constituency - shown as part of an assembly, for 11 to 16 year olds. I will be following this up.  Keep this woke DEI venom away from kids.  It's disgusting."
What we are Facing. Unfortunately, in the world today, there are individuals who choose not to accept others because of their differences. Here are some of the comments made below by significant figures:
"Elon Musk: "They prioritized DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) over saving lives and homes" - Tweet about the LA Fire Dept. over the LA Fires (January)"
It's telling that wanting competent firefighters means you are not accepting others because of their differences. All "minorities" have a right to any job (at least up until their percentage share of the population - if they exceed it there's no problem of course), no matter how incompetent and no matter how much people suffer due to their incompetence
Only far right conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation say schools are brainwashing children

Marcos Besteiro 👧🏻👶🏻 on X - "Congratulations to Elon Musk for making cars so bad that no-one can tell if a carbomb has just happened or if the car just did that"
I saw left wingers claiming Teslas were lousy because the vehicle didn't explode properly. You can never win with haters

Meme - DogeDesigner @cb_doge: "BREAKING: Media headlines are misleading audiences, suggesting the Cybertruck caught fire or exploded due to a malfunction.  The truth is that explosives were placed in the back and intentionally detonated, likely as part of a terrorist act. Don’t fall for the misinformation."
Tesla Cybertruck catches fire outside Trump Hotel in Las Vegas
Tesla Cybertruck Reportedly Catches Fire Outside Trump Hotel In Las Vegas
1 Dead After a Cybertruck Explodes Outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas
One dead after Tesla Cybertruck explodes outside Trump hotel in Las Vegas"
Jeff Carlton @JeffWCarlton: "Notice the headlines about New Orleans didn't specify "Ford pickup". Obvious attempt to cast Tesla in a negative light."

Mike Solana on X - "oligarchy is not when the same four or five families control US politics for several decades. oligarchy is when a very successful entrepreneur is tapped to advise a populist president these four or five families hate. fyi"
Pepe Fawkes on X - "2024 will be the first election since 1976 without a Bush, Clinton, or Biden on the ticket HW Bush 80, 84, 88   B. Clinton 92, 96    W Bush 00, 04   Biden 08, 12    H. Clinton 16    Biden 20 H/T @edokeefe"

Meme - Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Don't be a retard who believes bogus polls"
Paul Graham @paulg: "I was thinking mainly of conversations I've had with ordinary people. I don't think you realize the size of the gap between how your tweets about the UK seem to people in Texas and how they seem to people in the UK."
Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Oh please. You live in an aristocratic country house in the English countryside. Your kids go to an elite private day school and you sit at home all day on the Internet. Mr. Paul Graham hasn't run into an ordinary person in years."

Shibetoshi Nakamoto on X - "the sec is suing elon musk for buying twitter at “artificially low prices” even though he bought it for $44 billion and industry analysts said it was worth more like $30 billion? nothing makes sense man"

Kane 謝凱堯 on X - "It’s crazy that the Biden administration allocated $42B for rural broadband expansion, connected exactly 0 rural homes to broadband, and now you can buy Starlinks at Target next to the discount jeans."
This is one reason left wingers hate him so much - for demonstrating government incompetence on X - "NOW - Germany's left-wing Scholz says to Elon Musk that Germany's and Europe's "freedom of speech" is not for "extreme right positions.""
i/o on X - "Scholz went on to say, "In Germany we recognize physics but not gravity.""
Looks like they're going to ban the AfD soon, and continue to blame the people for not accepting the globalist agenda

Robby Starbuck on X - "At the World Economic Forum, Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, just said that @elonmusk should know Germany/Europe's "freedom of speech" doesn’t accept "extreme right positions." This lunatic thinks not wanting migrants to rape little girls = far right"

Barak Ravid on X - "Elon Musk tells an AfD rally in Germany: "I think there is too much focus on past guilt (in Germany), and we need to move beyond that. Children should not feel guilty for the sins of their parents - their great grandparents even"
Martyr Made on X - "They’re freaking out because if it’s OK to be proud of being German, then it’s OK for everybody to be proud of who they are. It subverts the entire postwar culture of demoralization meant to introduce moral doubt in European peoples about resisting their dispossession."
White people are always guilty and if you disagree, you are "far right"

Brittany Sellner on X - "Elon Musk’s statement “It’s okay to be proud to be German” is creating a storm in Germany for a very simple reason.  Unless you’ve been to Germany, it’s impossible to comprehend just how deeply the German people in particular have been conditioned to hate themselves, to be ashamed of their country, to sever any connection with their own identity.  I first noticed it as a teenager, when talking to a German exchange student called Lukas. Somebody teased him jokingly about World War II, and he immediately turned bright red and looked on the verge of tears. His reaction seemed totally over the top, and I didn’t understand it until I eventually visited Germany myself, and saw how deep the conditioning was.   What’s being done to the German people is evil. I hope the AfD succeed in turning the tide."

Martyr Made on X - "They’re freaking out because if it’s OK to be proud of being German, then it’s OK for everybody to be proud of who they are. It subverts the entire postwar culture of demoralization meant to introduce moral doubt in European peoples about resisting their dispossession."

Policing in the UK

Clearly, two-tier policing is inconceivable, even though there's literal evidence of it (where the police ignore the exact same crime when it's about anti-white hate speech).

The Stark Naked Brief. on X
[Ed: I've bolded section headings]

There's been a lot of talk about British policing of late...

Some say they're politically captured, but opinions are divided.

So here's a comprehensive summary of past incidences of bias (speaking to policy) so you can judge for yourself...

Thread 🧵 

Misconduct Probe for Saying “Whiter Than White”

In Sept 2018, a senior Metropolitan Police officer faced possible dismissal after using the phrase "whiter than white" when addressing colleagues.

The detective, who worked in anti-corruption, was suspended from duties and investigated for gross misconduct.

Discrimination Against Straight White Recruits

In Feb 2019, an employment tribunal ruled that Cheshire Police unlawfully discriminated against an "exceptional" candidate under so-called "positive action" policies.

Matthew Furlong, 25, applied to join the force, following in the footsteps of his father, a serving detective inspector. But despite passing the interview process, he was ultimately denied the role.

He was told “it was refreshing to meet someone as well-prepared as yourself” and that he “could not have done any more.”

Yet, his application was rejected—not due to merit, due to being a straight white male. 

“Report Hate—Even Without Evidence”

In Oct 2019, Devon and Cornwall Police marked Hate Crime Awareness Week by releasing a series of online cartoons encouraging the public to report “hateful” behaviour—even if it isn’t a crime. The campaign assured people that they “don’t even need evidence” to file a report.

The cartoons depicted exclusively white perpetrators targeting non-white victims.

One image showed a white man ripping off a Muslim woman’s hijab and punching her to the ground.

Dropping “Islamist Terrorism” Over Fears of Islamophobia

In July 2020, senior police officials considered removing terms like "Islamist terrorism" and "jihadis" to avoid appearing Islamophobic.

The proposal was presented at an online event attended by Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, the national head of counterterrorism policing, alongside a representative from the National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP). 

All-White Leadership Team Is “Not OK”

In Jan 2021, Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary Olivia Pinkney expressed concern over the lack of racial diversity in her leadership team.

Speaking about her Chief Officer group, she acknowledged that while it was half female and diverse in other ways, it still remained entirely white.

"It’s not OK that we look like we do across UK policing,” she said. “My colleagues and I are determined to change that.”

"Being Offensive is an Offence”

In Feb 2021, Merseyside Police faced backlash after officers displayed a “Being Offensive is an Offence” message on a van during a hate crime awareness event.

After widespread ridicule, police deleted the tweet and admitted their mistake. 

Promoting Pronoun Awareness

In July 2021, Merseyside Police released a video promising to “promote pronoun awareness” during the city’s LGBTQ+ Pride weekend.

The video, titled “What Makes Merseyside Police Unique and United,” featured officers waving rainbow flags and pledging their support for the movement.

Constable Emma Burns-Jones said: “I pledge to encourage colleagues to use gender-neutral terms.”

Allowing Criminals to Self-Identify 

In May 2022, reports revealed that multiple British police forces were allowing criminals to self-identify their gender on official records.

At least nine police forces across England and Wales permitted suspects to be recorded as “non-binary” or “unknown and unspecified.” Some forces even claimed to recognise up to 67 different genders.

Mandatory Black History Training

Later that month, police officers were told they must undergo mandatory black history lessons as part of a nationwide effort to tackle racism in policing.

The Police Race Action Plan, launched by chief constables, aimed to create a police service that is “anti-racist” and better serves black communities.

Part of their plan involved positive discrimination practices to increase the number of black officers.

Being “Untoward” to Paedophiles

In July 2022, Wiltshire Police admitted they had not acted in a “wholly proportionate” manner after officers visited the home of feminist campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen, also known as Posie Parker, over comments she made about paedophiles in a video.

Two officers arrived at her home to inform her that a complaint had been made against her for being “untoward about paedophiles.”

According to Keen, the officer admitted he had not even watched the video but stated that because someone had been offended, it had been recorded as a “hate crime.” 

"All Female Officers Experience Sexual Harassment"

In Sept 2022, Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth claimed that every female police officer has faced some form of sexual harassment during their career.

Speaking on BBC Breakfast, she said: “This is not about me, but I think sexual harassment is about sitting in rooms where you have more male officers than women. Where you’re in a male-dominated environment—for any woman, that’s always challenging.”

Trans Paedophile's Feelings Over Victims'

Also in Sept 2022, Sussex Police experienced backlash after warning social media users against making “hateful” comments about a convicted transgender paedophile.

The controversy highlighted the force’s broader “woke” policies, including the introduction of gender-neutral warrant cards.

In Nov 2021, the force scrapped traditional warrant identifiers, which previously marked male officers with A or C and female officers with B or D. 

Referring to Paedophiles as “Minor-Attracted People”

In Dec 2022, Chief Constable Iain Livingstone of Police Scotland drew heavy criticism after referring to paedophiles as "Minor-Attracted People" ("MAPs").

In his 2021/22 Year-End Report, Livingstone stated that Police Scotland’s Specialist Crime Division for Public Protection had been involved in the Horizon Europe Project, which aims to prevent child victimisation by engaging with “MAPs” (paedophiles) and offering them support, treatment, and guidance.

Millions Spent on Diversity and Inclusion Staff

In Dec 2022, a Freedom of Information (FOI) request revealed that British police forces spent over £10 million annually on diversity, inclusion, and equality roles.

The request, submitted by Conservative Way Forward, found that the average force employs five full-time diversity workers, with a combined salary of £210,000 per force per year.

The roles were dedicated to promoting issues related to sexual, racial, and religious minorities. 

Blocking Critics on Social Media

That same month, the National Police LGBT+ Network came under investigation for blocking critics on social media.

The organisation, which claims to help Britain’s 43 police forces develop “operational policing knowledge” on gay rights and inclusion, was accused of political activism after its official Twitter account (@LGBTPoliceUK) was found to be blocking individuals and groups critical of trans ideology and police involvement in activism.

The network was also accused of “threatening” opponents of transgender policies and openly backing Stonewall, a controversial charity, some of whose members have supported underage "gender-affirming" surgery.

Selectively Investigating “Hate Speech”

In Oct 2023, a report by the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) found that police were failing to investigate cases of hate speech against white people, while aggressively pursuing other forms of hate crime.

The study, authored by Marc Glendening, identified a surge in hate crime investigations, particularly targeting those who criticise transgender ideology, homosexuality, or Islam.

In contrast, Glendening highlighted examples where police refused to act, including a London university welfare officer who posted the phrase “Kill All White Men.”

In another case, a model publicly claimed that “white people were brought up racist,”—no action was taken.

A Cambridge academic also called for an “offensive” to “eliminate white people” as a class, but again, police did not follow up. 

Avoid Saying “Man Up” and “Policeman”

In Nov 2023, officers were instructed to avoid using certain words, including “man up,” “OAP,” and “policeman,” over concerns they could cause offence.

A 12-page guidance document, published by Staffordshire Police, warned that “discrimination through language causes offence, patronises, and may be unlawful.”

Funding Bursaries for British African Students

In Jan 2024, British Transport Police (BTP) announced plans to launch a bursary exclusively for British African students as part of an effort to tackle “systemic racism” and “Afriphobia” within the force.

The scheme used funds from the Proceeds of Crime Act to finance a law course for a British African student, with the stated aim of improving representation of British African communities within the UK judicial system. 

“Covering Up” Data to Criminals’ Ethnicity

In Jan 2025, it was revealed that police forces collected less data on the ethnicity of criminals than at any time in the past 15 years.

Government figures, released under Freedom of Information laws, revealed a sharp rise in the number of offences where no ethnicity is recorded.

The Ministry of Justice data showed that the proportion of convicted child sex offenders with no ethnicity recorded jumped from 11.6% in 2010 to 28.7% in 2024.

For all sexual offences, the figure rose from 15% to 29% over the same period.

The data showed that ethnicity was not just omitted for sexual crimes but across all offence types.

This followed several scandals where council-led inquiries found that police had ignored crimes committed by minority ethnics due to fears of being labelled racist and/or stoking race wars.

Avoid Saying “Black Sheep” and “Blacklisted”

Later last month, officers were instructed to stop using terms like “black sheep” and “blacklisted” over concerns they could be offensive, according to a 2023 diversity guide issued to staff at Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, and Cambridgeshire Police.

The nine-page document claims such terms risk “portraying certain groups as inferior or superior to others” and should be avoided in police communications.

The guidance also instructs officers to use “pregnant person” instead of “pregnant woman” and warns against using “Christian-centric” language, including the word “faith”.

Links - 2nd March 2025 (1 - Diversity [including New Zealand and Norway Navy Ship Sinkings])

AF Post on X - "New Zealand’s first lesbian ship captain sees first warship sink since WWII. The vessel was worth $61 million. Follow: @AFpost"

$100 Million Naval Ship Under Command Of Lesbian Captain Runs Aground, Catches Fire, And Sinks - "Critics on social media immediately noted that Captain Gray had no ship command experience on her resume...   Some speculated that the commander had been hired to satisfy diversity concerns despite her lack of experience."

Meme - *Yvonne Gray*
"Barbie, is this Captain qualified?"
"She's better than qualified, she's diverse"
"New Zealand navy ship with Lesbian Captain runs aground, catches fire, and sinks."

Women leaders in Royal New Zealand Navy | The Australian Naval Institute - "For the Royal New Zealand Navy, the 2023 International Women’s Day offers more reasons to celebrate than most. It coincides not only with the highest percentage ever of women in the RNZN (27.4%) but the largest number of women taking command of RNZN ships and shore units, with four in command of ships and three in command of shore units.  For the Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral David Proctor, all of these numbers are significant milestones. “International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate the diversity of our personnel and recognise the value women bring to our organisation,” he said. “But we also need to walk the walk and demonstrate that women have just as much opportunity to succeed as men. Having wāhine (women) as commanding officers on more than 60% of our ships, as well as heading up shore units and other important portfolios, is a realisation of that goal.”...   Captain Maxine Lawes, who joined the RNZN in 1985, notes the change that has occurred in Navy culture over the years – particularly with the focus on diversity, equity and respect for personnel. “Our Navy had to adapt to a changing world,” she said. “It wasn’t easy initially but nothing worth doing is. I now look at the confident, well-supported, motivated and highly trained women in our Navy and feel enormously proud that they don’t just serve in the Navy, but they thrive in it and are in command of it.”"

Enhancing the participation of women - New Zealand Defence Force - "Accompanying the support of our NZDF senior leadership, the Wāhine Toa Programme of work has a number of overarching strategic commitments that shape and influence its focus, such as the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (UN WEPs), which NZDF formally adopted and signed up to in 2020 – becoming the first military in the world to adopt the UN WEPs."

John Ʌ Konrad V on X - "I interviewed a female veteran who served as an officer on 🇺🇸 ships about this incident, and she shared an intriguing perspective I’ve never heard before.  She said that it took men centuries and thousands of shipwrecks to master commanding ships without major incidents, and we should expect some losses as women, who think differently, learn the ropes and gain that experience too doing it their way.  She said losses are to be expected and they are ok especially if there’s no loss of life.   She said we shouldn’t try to investigate this from a male perspective but learn lessons from a female perspective.  I didn’t include this in the article because I couldn’t figure out how to present it without sparking a DEI firestorm, but it’s a thought-provoking take nonetheless.  I kinda agree. Women do think different and this could become be a major tactical advantage for us but testing new methods and systems of thought comes with risks, especially at sea.  The question is, with our @USNavyCNO  saying to be prepared for war in 2027… can we afford to test new methods and lose ships while mistakes are inevitably made in the learning process?  Or maybe with possible war looming on the horizon and so many great women already in command across our fleet… can we afford not to let them do things different and make mistakes?"
Weird how women cannot learn from men's mistakes
The costs of diversity get ever higher, but of course it makes us stronger

HMNZS Manawanui Sinking: Hard Grounding, Fire, and a Broken Royal New Zealand Navy - "the loss of this ship represents a significant blow, constituting at least 11% of New Zealand’s tiny naval fleet. This comes at a time when regional tensions and geopolitical instability are at their highest levels this century. A captain’s duty is to protect as many lives as possible, and Commander Gray clearly took decisive and effective action to save her crew. However, unlike merchant ship captains, naval commanders bear additional responsibilities. They must also safeguard the lives of convoys, carrier groups, and citizens they’ve sworn to protect.  “What if an island faces a major catastrophe and the New Zealand Navy doesn’t have enough ships to respond?” asked a former senior US Navy officer, speaking anonymously. “Sure, she saved her crew, but how many lives might be lost in the future because damage control teams stay aboard and try to save this ship?”  According to this source, praising commanding officers for saving a small number of lives at the expense of broader strategic goals is a problem common in navies today. He cited the USS Bonhomme Richard incident, where the captain was allowed to celebrate the ship’s decommissioning ceremony after watching it burn. Meanwhile, the admiral who rushed to the docks and organized fire parties to fight for its survival has faced numerous inquiries and a delayed promotion.  “James Lawrence’s dying command in 1813 aboard USS Chesapeake—’Don’t Give Up The Ship‘—remains a bestseller at the Naval Academy gift shop, but I’m not sure midshipmen truly grasp the weight of his iconic words,” said our source."

Is a Diversity Hire to Blame for the Sinking of a $100 Million New Zealand Navy Ship? - "The New Zealand incident brings to mind the USS Fitzgerald crashing into a container ship off the coast of Japan in 2017 under the leadership of a young female officer. It was later determined that Sarah Coppock, the 26-year-old officer of the deck, who was in charge of the destroyer at the time of the crash, "In a panic... ordered the Fitzgerald to turn directly into the path of the Crystal." According to shipmates, Coppock was standoffish and refused to dine with her fellow sailors.   "Sixteen minutes after the collision, at 1:46 a.m., [Navy Cmdr. Bryce] Benson [who was asleep at the time of the crash] staggered onto the bridge," the report continued. "Adrenaline, fear and anger shot through him. The ship was listing, wheeling in the dark uncontrolled. The electricity was out. The screens were off. Only emergency lanterns and moonlight illuminated the bridge."  Benson found Coppock "sobbing."  “Captain, I f**ked up,” she told him.  "The Navy’s investigators concluded that sailors bore the primary blame for the collision," ProPublica reported. "Benson, Coppock and the bridge and combat information center watch teams had failed to use basic seamanship skills to escape an “avoidable” accident. They had been “excessively fatigued” and had not taken steps to rest. Coppock had ignored basic rules of the road and the captain’s orders. Coppock ultimately pled guilty to one count of negligence in a 2018 court-martial proceeding and was reprimanded and sentenced to three months reduced pay."

USS FITZGERALD Collision Cause Revealed—Woman Driver (Who Cried During Court Martial That Gave Her A Slap On The Wrist) - "Coppock's lawyer, it says in Stars And Stripes      described a tattoo Coppock got on her wrist after the collision. It contained the coordinates of the ship at that moment, framed by the phrase “Protect Your People” above it and seven clovers beneath it.  (You can kind of see this in the picture above.) One man said "But she got a commemorative tattoo, so all is forgiven", and when another man pointed out that tattoos in that style are against Navy regulations, a third said      Not joking, my command would have punished me more harshly for that tattoo than she got for wrecking the ship.  causing someone else to say      Did she just give herself kill mark decals like an ace pilot in WW2?"

Frigate sank after rules were broken - "Fully 53 of 88 applicable safety rules and “barriers” were broken before one of Norway’s five frigates collided with an oil tanker near its home port nearly two years ago. The Norwegian defense department’s own report also noted that the crew on the bridge of the KNM Helge Ingstad had little experience...   There was also “too little experience and competence among the crew and weak coordination among them.” Even though the crew on the tanker sent out repeated warnings and frantically asked the frigate to turn, communication between the two vessels was described as “imprecise” and the frigate’s crew simply didn’t grasp the looming danger. The captain of the frigate was not on the bridge in the early morning hours when the collision occurred on November 8, 2018. The frigate later sank slowly after all crew and officers on board had to abandon ship.  Naval officials vowed to learn from their mistakes, which have proven very costly for Norwegian taxpayers. The vessel was valued at around NOK 5 billion, would cost much more than that to replace, and is now being scrapped."
Another item in the diversity tax ledger

A warship doomed by ‘confusion, indecision, and ultimately panic’ on the bridge - "She didn’t know the name of the hulking merchant vessel looming out of the night off the coast of Japan, but it was the Philippine-flagged ACX Crystal, and it was going to spear into the smaller guided-missile destroyer, tearing a gash in the hull before continuing into the darkness at 18 knots.  Coppock’s fellow watchstanders on the bridge also had succumbed to “confusion, indecision, and ultimately panic,” according to an internal Navy investigation into the Fitzgerald disaster obtained by Navy Times.  Helmed by Rear Adm. Brian Fort, a surface warfare officer with more than a quarter-century of service to the Navy, the secret probe was sent up the chain of command 41 days after the collision.  It was designed to both candidly describe to senior commanders what went wrong while helping federal attorneys defend against lawsuits from the ACX Crystal’s owners and operators and, indirectly, the families of the seven sailors drowned in the berthing spaces below the bridge.  The Navy has paraded out a series of public reports addressing both the Fitzgerald tragedy and the Aug. 21, 2017, collision involving the John S. McCain and the Liberian-flagged tanker Alnic MC that killed 10 more American sailors.  But none of those investigations so starkly blueprinted the cascade of failures at all levels of the Navy that combined to cause the Fitzgerald disaster, especially the way the doomed crew of the destroyer was staffed, trained and led in the months before it the collision.  Fort’s team of investigators described a bridge team that was overworked and exhausted, plagued by low morale, facing a relentless tempo of operations decreed by admirals far above them, distrustful of their superiors and, fatally, each other. And Navy officials knew all of that at least a year before the tragedy.

Walmart, the nation's largest private employer, rolls back DEI under pressure : r/business - "As someone who does regional hiring for a major international mega corp, the number of times we've literally removed top-qualified white guys from our hiring consideration Excel trackers because we had "enough white people" is very high.  Literally every single hiring cycle we cut half of our top candidate list or more because they are white. And under economic pressure, we have for two years in a row now told people publicly that we were not hiring any roles, only to quietly offer back channel, zero-resume/zero questions asked interviews for black and hispanic women specifically. Zero interest in their qualifications. Just literally "Get one or two black/hispanic women and tell them they have offers pending a brief character interview". That shit wasn't for an administrative assistant position. That was for a $200k role that we only hire Ivy League for.  Again I work at an F100 company that I won't disclose and I'm covering hiring for one of our busiest global regions. I am entirely certain that if it's this egregious here with us, that is this way at most large companies."
"Imagine not being able to find or recruit a qualified black or Hispanic woman in all the United States. It’s oh so “hard.”"
"Not sure what to tell you. I'm entirely supportive of equal opportunity and hiring based on that. I'm just personally not a fan of the "equitable" hiring we do.  Some of our absolute best and brightest hires are black and hispanic women and race shouldn't matter at all--they are incredible people and if we want to talk race, some of my favorite black/hispanic hires are way more mature and intelligent than some of our recent white hires.  The issue arises when we are given quotas and when we structurally contrive something. When we say "We have 10 slots, 5 of which must be diverse", it feels arbitrary to me. Even worse? We have a list of what even counts as "diverse". If you are white you get a 0 in that column. If you are Asian (of any kind) you get a 1 in that column. If you are Native American or Pacific Islander you get a 2. If you are black or hispanic you get a 5. Then if you're male you get a 0 added, and female you get +3 added.  This leaves us in scenarios like the following:  We approach an Ivy or near-Ivy school. We look at the top 1% of their class. Some years it's very mixed, ethnically. Other years, often it's dominant white + Asian. In those years instead of continuing to take the top 1%, we skip the top 1%, 2%, often even the top 5% to scrounge deeper into the student population simply to find the right number of people of a desired ethnic mix, regardless of quality. This has led us to hire some very mediocre folks who go on to either leave the company due to work pressure, or who don't get promoted/don't last and end up frustrating our ethnic balance metrics anyway.  Equal opportunity hiring is vital. I love things like blotting out applicant names to avoid racist hiring practices. What I don't like is when I'm forced to skip people who are the wrong race, or to offer free entry tickets to someone based on race alone.  When I was volunteering to help admissions back at my master's, we literally waived GRE scores for women and people of color. It was appalling. White? Male? You fight tooth and nail based on GRE score to get in. Female? Black or hispanic? Just make a 3 minute video application stating your excitement to attend the school and you're in. And that's on top of already having entire scholarship programs for you just because of your sex/race (which isn't bad--I support scholarships for systemically disadvantaged peoples). There is such a thing as taking things too far..."
Left wingers will just continue to lie that DEI is just about having a level playing field

Walmart, the nation's largest private employer, rolls back DEI under pressure : r/business - "Real world example:  Non-minority executive gets fired specifically so they can be replaced by a minority person. Fired employee sues, company is found liable for employment discrimination"
"That’s an example of illegal employment practices, which were already illegal. Novant was dumb to break the law. That’s also not really a definition of DEI."
"You asked for real world examples and he provided one. You didn't ask for the ideal and conceptual example of what it's supposed to mean. You asked how it was manifesting in the real world and he provided one example exactly as you asked."

NASA Baffled At How Elon Managed To Succeed Without As Many Gay Non-Binary Muslim Dwarfs Of Color As They Have | Babylon Bee - "SpaceX's historic achievement occurred despite not making diversity and inclusion its top priority, leaving NASA in awe that such a feat could be pulled off without the mandated involvement of underrepresented people groups... Decision-makers at NASA reportedly held emergency closed-door meetings this week to discuss the widening gap between their work and the things being done at SpaceX. "It doesn't matter what we do, he just keeps pulling further ahead," a NASA insider said. "We're going to keep trying to incorporate more diversity, equity, and inclusion to everything we do, but it's like this guy has cracked some code where he just puts the most brilliant and qualified minds to work on his projects. That sounds crazy, but I guess it's working out for them."  At publishing time, NASA sources still expressed skepticism that Musk would be able to successfully land a human being on Mars without the help of any gender-fluid atheist amputees of mixed racial descent."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "This person owns a company that contracts with businesses and organizations to "remove white dominance and supremacy" from their operations via diversity training and other "antiracist" services. Fittingly, she has one of the ugliest and most disorganized websites I've seen recently."
365 Diversity @365Diversity: "I block white people. There is nothing white people can say and do that is creative, profound, and intimidating."
Diversity is about hating white people

Jonatan Pallesen on X - "Meta-analysis of 87 studies finds that ethnic diversity decreases social trust. [Dinesen et al, 2019]  This finding is robust to a variety of covariates. Social trust is highly correlated with wealth and well-functioning societies."

Meme - Élie Cantin-Nantel @elie_mcn: "Like "LGBT," the DEI acronym is now also growing..."
Jonathan Kay @jonkay: "they keep adding letters  It’s no longer EDI  @WesternU  now calls it EDIDA"

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Congress gave The National Endowment for the Arts *207,000,000*, and then told the NEA to fund projects focused on "the history of Systemic Racism"  Let's look at what the NEA did with your money.  A thread🧵
Congress has the power to fund agencies and tell them how to spend their funding, and Congress told the NEA to "Continue prioritizing diversity" and to prioritize increasing diversity among "NEA staff, the National Council of the Arts, Discipline Directors, and Peer Panelists" In 2021 the NEA said they were "centering equity and justice along the lines of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, gender identity and sexual orientation, geography, poverty, and the infinite ways these intersect in everything we do"  So this isn't something new.
The NEA funds wokeness several ways, one of which is the artsHERE program.  artsHERE provides support and grants to "organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming."  So this is funding for explicitly woke organizations. artsHERE handed out 112 grant totaling*12.3 Million Dollars* to organizations who "demonstrated commitment to equity within their practices and programming."  This means the NEA handed out grants to organizations that adhered to the Social Justice politics of the left.
So, why is this happening?  In 2021 the NEA created a new strategic plan which stated that the NEA was going to "model diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the arts through all its activities and operations."  So DEI is quite literally part of the plan. According to this plan, one of the goals is to "Invest in the Capacity of Arts Organizations and Artists to Serve a Broader Public through Digital or Emergent Technology."  The reason for this is because tech artists engage with "climate change and racial justice."
To be clear, I don't oppose artists who make political art, I'm in favor of free speech. But this is different. The NEA is only funding art that agrees with leftist Social Justice politics. So in effect they are advancing their politics using taxpayer money.
The NEA also says that it is going to implement racial quotas in selecting panelists.  This is basically intersectional bean counting. IT is to hire people are select them for roles because of their race or ethnicity, rather then their qualifications.  This is tokenism."

Thread by @JohnDSailer on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "At the NIH, the Distinguished Scholars Program hires scientists who show a “commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”  Through a public records request, I’ve acquired redacted NIH hiring documents that show what this criterion looks like in practice. 🧵
Note, the NIH's former chief DEI officer emphasized that this program does not limit hiring based on race or sex—because, as she puts it below, “legally we cannot.”  Instead, it purports to boost diversity by proxy, hiring scientists who value DEI.  But... ...the records I acquired show—first of all—that NIH applicant reviewers repeatedly highlight gender and minority status.  Here's an example, in the section soliciting positive and negative comments on the potential NIH scientists.
“Female [redacted] physician scientist,” “URM scientist,” “URM female scientist.”  These references appear consistently throughout the records, raising obvious legal questions. Again, the NIH's chief DEI officer said the program cannot legally limit hiring based on race/sex.
Scientific excellence, moreover, clearly takes a backseat in the program.  A reviewer says of one candidate: “Excellent scientist but not particularly distinguished in the area of diversity in science.”  Another: “Unimpressive diversity statement, good scientist…” Another candidate mentored several minorities, but in their application, their “details on mentoring focused mostly on scientific accomplishments rather than diversity commitment.”  They were deemed a "mediocre" candidate.
Downplaying scientific excellence is bad enough. But here’s the bigger program: the records reveal an ideological bias.  Throughout, scientists are lauded for using the language of identity politics, and punished for not espousing the right understanding of diversity. “The fact that she has [redacted] shows a lack of sensitivity to issues central to diversity,” one comment notes.  The program is “not solely focused on women,” another notes cryptically.
At times, the ideological orientation of these NIH assessments becomes explicit.  Here, a candidate is praised for understanding “structural racism" and "intersectionality."  (Well, specifically, the "impace" of intersectionality). Reviewers praise another scientist for engaging in diversity and inclusion “activism,” and another for espousing the right understanding of “structural inequities.”
“Passionate re intersectionality of minority statuses.”
The NIH deemed this program such a smashing success that it created a grant program to spread these practices around the country.  NIH FIRST has dolled out a quarter-billion-dollars in grants for universities to hire scientists who show a “commitment to DEI.” I've reported extensively on the NIH FIRST program. As it turns out, it emulates the Distinguished Scholars Program pretty closely.  A few examples.
First, here's the DEI assessment rubric several NIH FIRST recipients have used. Clear ideological undertones. Second, the NIH FIRST heavily emphasizes a commitment to DEI. Universities and med schools hiring faculty through the program must require and heavily weigh DEI statements.  It also explicitly prohibits using racial preferences. Third, documents acquired through public records requests show, universities ignore the on-paper rules against discrimination and blatantly hired based on race.  One grant recipient said in an email, "I don't want to hire white men for sure."
The NIH intended to create a career pipeline for underrepresented minorities by screening scientists for their commitment to DEI.  In practice, its programs used racial preferences while also screening out scientists based on their commitment to a social cause. As I wrote in WSJ, the distorted priorities of American academia often have roots in the federal government.  In the end, the NIH has helped fund the thriving scholar-activist career pipeline... Some of the remaining redactions raise yet more questions. With the NIH, you often have to go the legal route, and Russ is pushing for more."
Clearly, if you oppose DEI, you just want to say the n word, and DEI is just about ensuring a level playing field

Thread by @JohnDSailer on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "At the University of Michigan, a large-scale hiring program only recruits scholars who show a “commitment to DEI.”  In practice, its a career pipeline program for scholars in activist disciplines—like “trans of color epistemologies” and “queer of color critique."  🧵🧵🧵
After the New York Times published on Michigan’s DEI bureaucracy, the university scrubbed (❗️❗️) the Collegiate Fellows Program directory from its webpage.  But I saved archived links.  Here’s what the much-celebrated initiative looks like in practice. 1⃣ A gender studies professor hired through the program studies how “transgender Latinas are racialized and sexualized in sexual economies of labor and the US nation more broadly.” Her book project shows “how sex working trans Latina ways of being and knowing not only defy racist-cisgenderism more broadly, but also offer potentialities beyond transnormativity and normative Latinidad.”  Now a tenure-track professor via administratrive side-door loophole.
2⃣ Another fellow studies "interracial solidarities, policing, and American global power, with special attention to Latinx and Arab American radicalisms."  UM courses she's taught include "Race, Solidarity, and the Carceral State" and "Latinx Freedom Dreams."
3⃣Another, now in the philosophy department, studies the “the epistemic exclusion of diverse practitioners within the academy.”  Her most recent article “conceptualiz[es] the genealogy of structural anti-Blackness.”
4⃣Another former-fellow-now-tenure-track-professor studies film as a “medium for racial formation” informed by “women, queer, and trans of color epistemologies” as well as “decolonial thought.”
5⃣was "trained in literary and critical theory”
6⃣examines the "white supremacist" roots of Southern wife beating laws
7⃣offers “antiracist and queer revisions" to "Aristotle's ancient theory of rhetorical ethos”
8⃣specializes in “critical translation theory"
9⃣Another, a scholar of modern France, “broadly focus on the intersection of race and religion (or religion as race).” That’s a bit vague. In practice, he too is laser-focused on intersectional analysis.  His edited collection, Queer Jews, Queer Muslims, aims at “triangulating the Jewish-Muslim dad with a third variable: queerness.”
🔟 Another, in her course on “Black Feminism(s),” prompts students to ask “How have Black women pushed back against and attempted to reshape traditional, Eurocentric, ‘white feminist’ politics?”
1⃣1⃣An anthropologist recruit is currently exploring how debates over vaccines “are intimately tied to broader questions about gender, race, and nation.”  Drawing from “critical refugee studies.”
1⃣3⃣Jessica Kenyatta Walker, meanwhile, is a practitioner of critical food studies. Walker illustrates how these faculty recruitment have a downstream effect on culture.  When Quaker Oats scrapped “Aunt Jemima,” Walker was interviewed by NPR as an expert, pushing the company to bring about “structural change.”
These are just a few examples. The list goes on. A few takeaways are in order.
1) This program give the chosen few a side-door onto the faculty. It works like this:
➡️Fellowship applicants are screened by the DEI office and hired as postdocs.
➡️They are then guaranteed tenure-track positions, bypassing the normal rigors of a competitive faculty search.
2) As a whole, the program has a massive—and distorting—effect on the university’s research agenda.
Of the 31 former fellow now teaching in non-STEM disciplines, all but one specialize in issues of identity—race, gender, sexuality, and so on. Fourteen of them employ what can be described as critical theory, including:
➡️“critical race theory"
➡️“critical translation studies"
➡️“critical food studies"
➡️“queer of color critique"
➡️“trans of color epistemologies,"
and various forms of systemic oppression.
3/ Amazingly, according to DEI proponents, the Collegiate Fellows Program stands out as an exemplar.  A faculty petition circulated last week, which opposes any attempt to reform DEI by the Board of Regents, cites it as an example of DEI done right.
4/ For years, critics have argued that DEI evaluations—through diversity statements, or any other tool used to assess a scholars’ “commitment to DEI”—serve as an ideological litmus test, raising serious constitutional issues at a state university.  The Collegiate Fellows Program lends credence to this argument.
6/ But the ideological gloss might well just be a side-product. In records I acquired, UM’s chief diversity officer boasted that screening faculty for their “commitment to DEI” serves as a near perfect proxy for racial preferences.
In other words, UM sought to create a career pipeline for underrepresented minority scholars — and it ended up creating a scholar-activist pipeline.  Demographic diversity via viewpoint conformity.  I suspect I’ll get comments that raise the question so I’ll go ahead and say: Faculty should be allowed to espouse controversial views. They should be allowed to teach controversial classes. These faculty should not be fired. But that’s not the real issue. This is the issue: Universities, foundations, and federal agencies have funded a career path for those who hold an activist vision for higher education. This is a bad thing, and there’s no reason to continue funding the scholar-activist pipeline."